Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, "Page1News" Pulls Crap Out of its Ass Rather Than Interpret From the Facts

Many posters, like "Page 1 News," don't have the integrity to admit defeat, or to recognize their opposition's having the upper hand. So, instead of restricting themselves to the facts, they'd take things out of context. They'll expand calories addressing the straw man instead of ceding the fight.

For many people, having the integrity to swallow one's pride, and recognize reality... to cede the fight, is simply too much.

Page1News: Your shade and hue of blue is not pleasing to the eye. My shade and hue of red disappoints me because I prefer a deep, deep red. Red is my favorite color. If I could, I'd paint the world red, not just my town. Did you know that your choice of color says a lot about you? You should read up on it; it's interesting. (INDUCTIVE FALLACY: STRAW MAN)

Let's see, it's the opinion of many of the posters on Demand Studios Sucks versus that of the posters on other message boards. I'll stick with the majority, who don't mind my use of blue fonts. I'm not the only one that uses different text color on the other message boards. Other posters use their own colors when making their posts. There's one message board that I know of where the administrators make their comments in blue text.

Red is also my favorite color. I use red text on black background on my home computer. I don't have symbolisms attached to that color, and it doesn't show up as well as blue text on the message boards. Red was the first color I tried to use as a standard text color on the forums. Blue was my second choice.

If blue doesn't work with the background, then I use the default text color.

Page1News: The poor girl started having horrible seizures; the same kind you get when you have to look at your awful shade and hue of blue. 

If people are having horrible seizures, they may need to back away from using drugs. There are other types of causes as well, but they're medically related. Examples include past brain injury, dementia, brain deteriorating illness and the like. It's not the blue color that's doing it.

Page1News: About DMS; I don't think there is anyone out on the Web that hates DMS more than I do. 

There are posters on DSS that hate Demand Media Studios, but still write for them. They'll vent up a storm while taking the steady DMS paycheck. I guess the false sense of being a writer outweighs the costs of having to deal with DMS' cadre.

Page1News: The best revenge is obtaining far better work for far better pay, doing what you love to do. Mr. Blue Man, it seems what you love to do is play on the Internet all the time, looking for forums to infiltrate. It's too bad that the owner of the Internet doesn't pay you for all that hard work. I gather you'd be rich, rich man. (INDUCTIVE FALLACY: STRAW MAN)

It's a good thing that your marksmanship is nowhere near like your assumptions about me. If it were the same, someone wanting to commit suicide would simply stand behind you as you try to shoot the target in front of you.

Your assumptions are dead wrong on two main counts.

First, getting better paying writing assignments is precisely what I've done. Demand Media Studios was never my only client, and it never was my only paying client. DMS represented a trap. Because of the easy money, because of the titles that were available, it was easy to just write articles.

Many people wrote articles instead of prospecting for other clients. Why bother? They were getting a constant paycheck.

I never intended to spend the rest of my life writing for clients paying me for cheap content articles. It's also not a good idea to have just one client providing you with all your income. Many in Demand Studios made that mistake.

Part of the reason I was able to stop writing regularly for DMS, two years before they let me go, was because I had other income streams. Demand Studios was just a stepping stone, a client to add to my client list. I didn't let myself fall into the Demand Media trap.

Second, unless you could watch me 24/7, and record my actions, you don't have a leg to stand on trying to dictate what I do with my time. You're fully capable of noting the times that I posted on Demand Studios Sucks' message board. You're also fully capable of noting my posting frequency.

You're also fully capable of seeing the cause and effect going on in that thread.

These two variables would tell you that your assumptions are dead wrong. But whom am I trying to kid? The opposition doesn't seem to be big in the critical thinking department.

I don't have time to post on message boards all day long. I don't always post on message boards. I'm too busy following my own priorities of work. Non writing activities fall around that.

Page1News: Anyhoo, back to fun, fun, fun. I so wish DSS's color palette included custom colors. Your blue is just hideous. Granted, my red is pretty lackluster, but at least it's bolder and makes more of a statement. 

Based on what I've seen on other message boards, blue, or other colors close to it, are popular text colors. I'm not the only one that posts with a text color other than black. It's very rare that I'd find someone using red text color or a color close to it.

Your description of my text color reflects your emotions. It shows that you're blinded with bias and that you have absolutely no sense of logic. The sooner you realize that your opinion on me doesn't constitute fact or logic... the sooner you could move forward to becoming a critical thinking person.

Page1News: If you have something to say, just say it. Get to the point and be done with it.  :D   

That's precisely what I'm doing.

You also have to remember that my post volume is related to what the opposition says. If someone says something... and I could ask questions that would've been answered if the person wrote a longer piece... then that someone wrote something the represents an epic fail.

Don't give me advice if you don't know my objectives. A doctor that pulls your stunt would get sued for malpractice.


Page said...
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Page said...

Golly Gee! Did you even read my posts in that thread. I barely acknowledged you. I like red. You like blue. Somehow you turned those two sentences into a semester-long Psych. 101 course at the junior college. I don't like your blue. I like my red. Plain and simple English.

Page said...

Oh, and for your loyal followers, here's the entire text of my post to thebesig on the DSS forum. The entire post was written in red italic type, with no paragraph breaks.

"Fun, fun, fun! I haven't read a word of this thread; I just like playing with colors. I'm all about typography, design elements, element placement and whatnot. What we have here is a failure to visually communicate. Your shade and hue of blue is not pleasing to the eye. My shade and hue of red disappoints me because I prefer a deep, deep red. Red is my favorite color. If I could, I'd paint the world red, not just my town. Did you know that your choice of color says a lot about you? You should read up on it; it's interesting. Then, there's typography and point sizes. I like funky fonts, but, unfortunately, too many people get stuck in the arial and helvetica ruts. Did you know that the classic way to design is by creating an "S" shape on your page? This way, the reader's eyes flow throughout the entire page. Photo placements also are important. You should always make sure that whatever photo subject you have is not facing off the page. Sometimes, you can get by with off-page photos if you are creating an inside page, but it's still bad form. Your use of point sizes also is important. I bet you don't know how many points are in one pica. I still use a pica pole, color wheel and photo sizing wheel when I create some types of print materials. I'm old-school in a lot of ways. Hey, I even had a dog that I named Pica. She was a good dog. She lived 14 1/2 years, and then I had to put her down last winter. The poor girl started having horrible seizures; the same kind you get when you have to look at your awful shade and hue of blue. I also had a wonderful German Shepherd dog. His name was Midnight, but I had to put him down last winter, too. I think he was suffering from a broken heart because Pica was gone. I'm a dog person, so I couldn't last more than a week without a dog. Then I adopted a Caanan mix, and her name is Panda because she's black and white. I love her lots. She's a mama's girl. About DMS; I don't think there is anyone out on the Web that hates DMS more than I do. The best revenge is obtaining far better work for far better pay, doing what you love to do. Mr. Blue Man, it seems what you love to do is play on the Internet all the time, looking for forums to infiltrate. It's too bad that the owner of the Internet doesn't pay you for all that hard work. I gather you'd be rich, rich man. Anyhoo, back to fun, fun, fun. I so wish DSS's color palette included custom colors. Your blue is just hideous. Granted, my red is pretty lackluster, but at least it's bolder and makes more of a statement. It's all in the presentation, as illustrated by my Great Wall of Text. There are just too many words, and it's the reason I haven't and won't read anything on this thread. Too many words hurt my eyes, and I move on to something else. If you have something to say, just say it. Get to the point and be done with it. :-)"

Writer Cubed said...
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Writer Cubed said...

Yes, I read your posts. The question should be this, did you read your own post?

Even though you wrote a whole block of information talking about all sorts of things, you'd notice that I only addressed specific things. I didn't care to address everything that you said. I addressed the things that you said that were applicable to me. Pardon me for exercising a right that most other posters exercise.

There's a lot more to what you said in your post than what you summarized here.

You also re-iterate your assumptions. Surprise, surprise, RED is my favorite color. It doesn't show up as well on the message boards as blue does. That's one reason you saw me post in blue. If you bothered to utilize your brains for critical thinking, you wouldn't have assumed that blue was my favorite color. There were other reasons for my using blue, which I explained on DSS.

I look forward to replying to your knee jerk reaction of a post. I'll highlight the parts of your re-quoted post to show you which statements I addressed.

Stay tuned for round two of my DSS related batch posts. :D