Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, Lemmings "The Batman" and "Writer of Spam" Fall for a Trick Before I Implement It

"The Batman" shows that he's desperate in this exchange. Most people, when they get the momentum knocked out of them, get desperate if their ego overrules common sense. Their acts of desperation can be categorized, depending on their level of desperation. The most desperate will attack the winning debater's spelling, word use, grammar, etc.

[quote="The Batman"]( FALLACY: RED HERRING) 
[quote="thebesig"] I doubt that many of you are having a laugh at my expense. One thing for sure, I'm getting a kick at watching your antiques on this thread.[/quote]
[quote="thebigsig"]I've met their antiques on other message boards, and dealt with it accordingly there.[/quote]
Thank you for sharing why Demand cut ties with you. I was curious about that.
There goes Lemming Writer-of-Spam... falling down the cliff right after The-Batman:  
[quote="WriterOfSpam"](FALLACY: RED HERRING)
[quote="thebesig"]I doubt that many of you are having a laugh at my expense. One thing for sure, I'm getting a kick at watching your antiques on this thread.[/quote]
I have some antique watches you can watch while you watch our antics here:
(Batman beat me to it!)

WOW! So quick to get desperate to! You people aren't bright, aren't you?

What's really damaging, to your side of the argument, is that I didn't start that tactic yet for this fight. The tactic where I insert words I know desperate people would jump for... like starving Iraqi kids fighting each other as they make their way to dropped candy.

My use of antique was deliberate, but more on that later.

One of the tricks that I use, in debate, is slipping "errors" in my responses. I put errors in quotes, because not all of them are errors... but easily perceived as errors.

I do that for two reasons.

One, many people claim that nobody is reading my posts. Really? Then how are they catching the "errors" that I deliberately pepper throughout my posts?

That's one way that I'll make the opposition do something that contradicts what others in the opposition says.

Two, aiming solely at the "errors," in response, proves people's desperation in a fight. They've lost the fight, and they know it. Their pride won't let them have the integrity to move on. So, to stay in the fight, they latch on to the other posters "errors," and argue solely on that angle.

So, thanks for confirming my suspicions that many in the opposition are desperate in this fight.

I normally wouldn't start that till later salvos, thanks for saving me the time.

However, there's a purpose behind my using "antiques" vice "antics." Demand Studios Sucks isn't the only place I've used "antiques" in that context either. I intend to use that word, in the same context, in future postings.

The reason behind that?

Antiques are OLD... just like the desperate actions you guys engage in. I've seen desperate posters play your games before. They do it from one message board to another.

The opposition's actions may seem "new" to them. You guys may think that you're the "only" people that pull the stunts that you're pulling on this thread. This may be "high speed," to you guys, but they're OLD to me. Hence, I will use "antiques" to describe your games.

I use "antiques" the same way someone would accuse a fellow employee of "sucking up" to the boss. In both instances, words literally meaning one thing are used to communicate something else.

What if I did tell you that you sucked up to the boss too often? If you had even half a brain, you wouldn't honestly think that I thought that you were literally sucking the boss' dick. Or, would you think that your boss was a transvestite had I said that to you in reference to a female boss?

So yes, I'm talking about your antiques. If a person keeps up with the same tricks over and over again, I label those antiques as antiquities.

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