Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Are you a Demand Media Studios Sucks Zombie?

Here's a profile, Q & A format, of the retards that prove that I own every square inch of real estate in their heads...

Q: First of all, what is a Demand Media Studios Sucks zombie? 

This is a phony writer who writes for Demand Media Studios... or who used to write for DMS... who turns around, under the cloak of anonymity, to make butt hurt posts about Demand Media and other topics.

This is a former human that used to have a brain and was once capable of carrying out a debate. Today; however, said individual no longer has a brain. This retard can only parrot Demand Studios Sucks tripe and drivel. Facts are completely useless to him/her.

This is a retard that doesn't believe in personal responsibility and accountability. This loser chooses to blame some outside factor for his/her demise instead. These people get butthurt when you find a way to slam them after you get banned from Demand Studios Sucks. These zombies will project their own loser traits onto you as part of their reply to you.

Q: What kind of defenses do these Demand Media Studios Sucks zombies utilize when facts shock them into reality? 

Typical responses to the facts include rebuttals consisting solely of insults but no substance; name-calling; comments such as; "this thread is stupid"; "that blog is ____ [fill in the blank]; accusing people of being Jeremy; thinking that Jeremy is "thebesig" or vice versa; Strawman arguments or comments; taking you out of context; and comments pulled from ones behind -- or out of thin air. Their other defenses include accusing you of being in denial, of being a phony, of arguing from assumptions, of being Kathy Kindred, and of being someone from Demand Media Studios.

These zombies display a severe emotional reaction to an analogy that forces them to question their flawed reasoning.

If you want to get an idea of what they'll tell you in advance, read their comments on Demand Media Studios Sucks. Read their butthurt reactions to those that criticize them; to those they accuse of being Demand Media Studios Zombies; and to those who call them out on a blog post. Touch up on some conspiracy theories while you are at it... they're very susceptible to "Kool-Aid" reasoning.

Q: Where do these Demand Studios Sucks zombies come from?

Most, if not all, DSS zombies begin as thinking human beings. But a false sense of self importance and worth; false sense of being a writer; false sense of being a mature adult; a false sense of being a professional; and a false sense of accomplishment; leads them to thinking that they were entitled to more than what they deserved. Once reality smacked them in the face, they decided to complain and whine about things... instead of doing something to solve the Demand Media Studios problem.

Other people, unfortunately, did a Castro "face dive" into hopes that Demand Media Studios offered something big for their future.

But once facts and logic are applied to their dishonest tomes... their propaganda quickly falls apart on the account of not being able to stand up to intellectual scrutiny. Real writers... on the other hand... are quick to see the facts and are very quick to connect the dots. They're not suckered into confusing emotions as facts.

SOME humans; however, cling tenaciously to their, "Demand Media Studios Owes Me," social welfare line of reasoning that their brain begins to literally decay in their skulls. They have the appearance of humans, but - upon closer inspection - their glassy eyed stupefied stare and pungent aroma quickly identifies them to be DSS zombies!

Q: Should I shoot them? 

Heavens NO! It's against the law. The worst punishment you could give them is to let them continue being retards. It won't be long till their credibility commits suicide.

Q: Should I debate them? 

NO! This is about one of the most dangerous things a human being can do when this type of zombie confronts them. They're IMMUNE to facts, rational thought, and logical reasoning. Debating them encourages them to repeat their DSS zombie vitriol and drivels... this may attract MORE DSS zombies. It's best to ignore them, or hurl insults at them.

Q: Do Demand Studios Sucks zombies KNOW they are zombies? 

In most cases no, they still think they're rational human beings, and are usually completely devoid of a sense of humor. There are issues and areas that make perfect sense to them, though facts -- current and historical -- don't support what they think makes sense.

They believe that their drivel makes perfect sense to other people, even when common sense dictates otherwise. They see anyone that dares to use the facts to discredit their tripe as Jeremy, TheBesig, Kathy Kindred, an airplane crasher, or a Demand Media Studios employer/employee/writer.

A Demand Studios Sucks zombie, upon seeing this post, will display his/her lack of knowledge... that he/she is a DSS zombie... by trying to associate some of these zombie criteria on those who debate them... or on those who continue to write for DMS. This is consistent with their "boo hoo hoo DMS owes me work" mentality.

Q: Are all Demand Studios Sucks posters zombies? 

No. Many have posted on that board, and decided to move on. Those that tried to stay and talk sense into these zombies got the ban hammer. Many quit being DSS zombies by moving on with their lives.

Some of them, who remain behind, are borderline zombies. WARNING: too many facts at once can overload borderline DSS zombies, and fling them into a full-blown brain melt down. Handle these people gently!

Making them realize... that the Demand Media Studios job van isn't coming around... will hurl them into becoming DSS zombies.

Q: Are there other ways to spot a Demand Studios Sucks zombie? 

My word yes! People doing the following will often send any DSS zombie within earshot into a frothy frenzy of spewing utter nonsense:

* Updating their blogs with posts criticizing DSS zombie actions...
* Using their blogs to counter DSS zombie drivel...
* Criticize them on their forum or comments section...
* Countering their drivel on their forum or comments section
* Refusing to let their BS stand...
* Mention facts about themselves and their accomplishment that reminds these DSS zombies of the fact that  they're failures in life...

And so on...

If you want to quickly spot some DSS zombies, simply talk about them. This'll attract them to you, so use this trick with care.

Q: Can Demand Studios Sucks zombies ever say anything intelligent? Can we communicate with them? 

DSS zombies can say something intelligent that is NOT 100% retarded, but they usually follow that with name-calling or insults.

Q: But Writer Cubed, there are DSS zombie slammers that utilize name-calling and insults, does that make them DSS zombies as well? What if a DSS zombie slayer calls a DSS zombie a retard for example? 

If this happens, there is a very good chance that the recipient of this label is actually a retard. This isn't an insult on the account that the DSS zombie slayer is calling it like it is. This is different from someone calling you a "ball licker" because they don't have a factual or logical reply... or because they simply don't like what you said.

Q: Do Demand Studios Sucks zombies have a sense of humor? 

No. They usually mistake their sarcasm as "humor," when it actually qualifies as poor people skills.

Q: If someone doesn't have a sense of humor does that mean that they are a DSS zombie? 

They either don't find you funny or they just simply lack a sense of humor. We'll have to use other criteria to determine if they're a DSS zombie or not.

Q: What should I do if I accidentally try to be rational with Demand Studios Sucks zombies?

Quickly realize your mistake, ignore them, and then walk away - OR hurl insults at them until they call you Jeremy, TheBesig, Kathy Kindred, ball licker, Richard Lally, a DMS clone, etc, and walk away.

Q: Hey Writer Cubed, what do you do when the troll (DSS zombie) just won't go away? For the one-woman-debate-team and others like her just keep posting garbage and trash every chance they get. 

One common DSS zombie fighting tactic is to INSTANTLY reply to their post with a cut and paste from a site that has NOTHING to do with the original thread, let me give you an example:

Let's say that you get a thread title that reads as follows:

"Demand Media Studios Cares About us and Will Give us More Titles to Work With!"

Your initial reaction to this is to debunk it with facts... like how the DSS Zombie needs to find other writing clients. Stop... remember... this is NOT a human that we're dealing with here, but a Demand Studios Sucks zombie. Respond to the thread with cut/pastes from sites that have NOTHING to do with the original post... IE an article on alternative energy sources... a copy and paste of a sports event... or proper tire inflation pressure. Remember, Google is your friend!

Q: Dear Writer Cubed,

What should we do if a DSS zombie accidentally bites one of us? Their soulless, no writing career, anti-success, accuse others of their own traits, behavior isn't contagious, is it?

Please... I need answers quickly... I'm starting to feel like... like... like.... Die Demand Media Studios die and burn in hell with Kathy Kindred and TheBesig/Jeremy!

A: Bites don't cause Demand Studios Sucks zombie conversion. That's a self-inflicted condition. When a rational thinking human being clings tenaciously to anti DMS, Kathy Kindred, thebesig, etc, mantras in SPITE of facts and logic proving otherwise... Their brain suffers a massive meltdown and begins to rot in their skulls.

If you "feel" like you're becoming a Demand Studios Sucks zombie, turn off the computer and get a job. The feeling will soon pass.

Q: Hey Writer Cubed, what do I do when name-calling doesn't work?

If this DSS zombie is immune to name calling (a rare and extra annoying type of zombie) then simply say, "OH BE QUIET!" and walk away. Don't waste your time with these zombies. You'll get better reception arguing with the walls.

Q: What is the best way to recognize one of these zombies on the Internet? 

Watch for the "you got under my nerves", "clever," irate, or other types of butt-hurt responses to this post.

The Multiple Personality DSS Butt Muncher Denigrates Veterans Less Than 2 Weeks Before Armed Forces Day

"Joop, joop, joop. Jabba, jabba jabba." -- Retard Butt Muncher

I guess that's the noise that you make when you're busy munching on arse. That explains all the crap that you spew on Demand Studios Sucks.

"Oooh-wee! Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and marvel at just how fu@king crazy I really am. The fact that the military allows lunatics like me to play with munitions is truly amazing. Golly!" -- Retard Butt Muncher

The Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Anti Iraqi Force, etc, all think the same way. They think that everybody in the US military is crazy, a lunatic, etc. Unfortunately for them, they can't say it online without giving the authorities a way to track them down. They can't say that without putting themselves, or their lives, at risk.

You, on the other hand, could say it for them freely, without risk to life or person. That makes you a useful idiot for the enemy. You had a choice in life... fight for America, or badmouth her defenders by serving as a useful idiot for an organization that killed almost 3,000 people on US soil... in one day.

You said that, against a service member, in the month that contains Armed Forces Week, Armed Forces Day, and Memorial Day. We know who your loyalties are with.

You need to quit arguing with yourself. You need to quit talking to yourself on DSS, before you could accuse people of being crazy.

"Whoops: Gotta go post about all you DSS'ers." -- Retard Butt Muncher

Do you think that other DSS posters don't see through your childish "I want attention" games? Anybody tracking the conversations among your personalities could see you behind your different "DSS posters" posts. You don't need to tell the audience that you have to post about the other DSS'ers... ahem... your other personalities. It's blatantly obvious to them.

"My days are just packed with useful activity." -- Retard Butt Muncher

Hate to break your bubble, but arguing with yourself on Demand Studios Sucks doesn't constitute useful activity. It only makes you a useful idiot for the site owner, and for this blog. You're also giving the other posters free entertainment.

"Hugs," -- Retard Butt Muncher

The only thing that you're hugging is another woman's waist as you enjoy your butt munching fetish.

"your nemesis Jeremy, the weenie Besig." -- Retard Butt Muncher

So says the ding dong with weenie breasts, excessive curves, and a faint mustache over her upper lips. You probably thought that was residue from when you butt munched your girlfriend... until you tried to wash it. I wouldn't be surprised if you accidentally discovered your "breasts" by pinching what you thought were pimples.

"p.s. I have a Class 1 rating in ball-licking. Men. Dogs. Horses. Whatever. You got balls that need licking? I'm your guy." -- Retard Butt Muncher

No, you have a class 1 rating in arse licking. You're willing to lick any arse if the person is willing to receive it. Your friends must nickname you "toilet paper."

The Extra "CA" in the Word "Camacho" Must be Silent in Pronunciation and Spelling for This Turd

Intelligent people could manipulate borderline stupid, brain dead people. These people could say the right thing... to cause these dummies to enthusiastically jump in and make posts driven by bias rather than logic.

Demand Studios Sucks Zombie Camacho, or Cacamacho to match his name to his lack of intelligence, is the ideal propaganda audience. Page1News reposted a section of one of my posts. She did it in a way that'd stir the DMS zombies into a frothing-at-the-mouth frenzy.

The media does this when they want people to think a certain way. This should be proof of Page1News' journalistic background, in case people had doubts.

The post that she selected for quoting, along with her comment, were designed to get people to react a specific way. It worked... with someone that's easily manipulated. Cacamacho fell for her trick; hook, line and sinker.

In Psychological Warfare/Operations, that's called being vulnerable/receptive to a PSYOP Objective. Cacamacho would have a high vulnerability to being manipulated into carrying out a desired course of action.

What if all the terrorists in the world all of a sudden gained Cacamacho's manipulate-able mindset? We'd conclude the War on Terrorism within a week via a global leaflet drop on their positions. No additional shots fired.

If I was a thief, and I ran into a neighborhood full of Cacamachos, I'd easily convince them to leave their doors open... to leave their dogs elsewhere... to not offer any resistance... and to deactivate their alarms... by simply posting posters -- with the right message -- throughout the neighborhood. Some of them would even give me friendly small talk as I walked out with their belongings.

What a retard... this DMS zombie Cacamacho...

"If he's not getting enough validation and attaboys for his efforts, he should hire a hooker to stroke his ego and other body parts." -- Cacamacho

You're either blind, stupid, or both... or you're another retard that can't understand English written so that a 5th grader would understand what's being said.

Did you not see the comment of the person that I replied to? You know, the part where she farts out of her arse about a "job" being a "foreign" concept to me? What you replied to, you retard, is a rebuttal proving her insinuation wrong with first hand facts. She attacked me, and I fired back.

What I've repeatedly said:

"Other than my first post, the rest of my replies were reactive. They were dependent on what the opposition said." -- Writer Cubed

If you didn't know that, you shouldn't take part in this exchange... unless you don't mind sounding like an uneducated turd that's jumping onto the bandwagon. The fact that you'd ignore the "X" in the "If X, then Y," cause and effect relationship, destroys any credibility you'd have with this subject.

"Prostituting is a veritable job that requires peak physical condition and constant exposure to danger, so I'm sure his temporary lady friend will be happy to commiserate. Oh, but prostitutes don't get body armor, weapons, training, housing and government pensions." -- CACAmacho

Shame on you for denigrating military service... in a month containing Armed Forces Week, Armed Forces Day, and Memorial Day... to being something equivalent to what hookers do.

Your assumption is wrong, and reflects ignorance of both military and sex worker life. Do a simple Google search on prostitutes, independent escorts, hookers, etc. If what you said were true, every single picture that's shown for the escort, on the escort webpage brought up, would show a woman that's in peak physical condition.

Anybody with eyeballs, and common sense, would see that many of the slightly overweight, and overweight, independent providers, hookers, street walkers, etc, aren't in peak physical condition.

Although they're exposed to dangers, it's a danger that they can significantly mitigate... IE, they could refuse to see someone that fails their verification and vetting process.

Shame on you for even suggesting that these women face something comparable to what service members face downrange... thus putting them on equal footing when it comes to dangers faced.

We don't have the convenience of controlling who comes into the combat theater to pose a threat to us. Unlike those women, we can't just "remove" ourselves from the environment. That's a lot of mileage whether you travel by foot, or by air.

Prostitutes have the convenience of removing themselves from their environment... as well as the dangers they face... Talk to the women of "HIPS," if you think otherwise. We don't have that convenience downrange... so this isn't even close to being a comparison.

The level of danger is far higher for a combat Soldier downrange, than it is for a prostitute on US soil you dumbass. Hence, they don't need body armor to do their jobs.

You're also wrong about them not receiving weapons training. Many have clients that are more than happy to give them some range time.

If anybody should get with a prostitute, it should be you. The independent escort forums are full of women who know how to act civilized. Many act like real ladies. With your crappy attitude, and stupidity, there's a lot that you could learn from them.

DSS's Cacamacho Takes a Spork to a Machine Gun Fight

Piece of advice for the turds that argue with me: You can't go wrong by assuming the best case scenario about me. You'll land closer to the truth. You set yourself up for failure by assuming the worst case scenario about me. You definitely put your credibility on the chopping block when you do... as you're guaranteed to make the wrong assumption.

"Speaking of people who risk life and limb in war zones, thebesig might want to read this article on third country nationals hired by shady US contractors, poor foreigners who are duped into what is essentially indentured servitude. Those people would probably trade places with thebesig in a heartbeat. Thebesig got it pretty damn good in life by comparison." -- CACAmacho


Unlike you, dumbass, I've interacted with those people. Now sit back, relax, and watch me rub your face into your own stupidity.

It helps to pull your head out of your arse and to know the opposition before disbursing your caca... ahem opinion... about anything concerning the person you're talking about. It also helps to have first hand experience with all the topics that you refer to in that one turd drivel.

Based on your caca... ahem opinion piece... that you just crapped out, it's blatantly obvious that you've never been downrange. It's also blatantly obvious that you've never lived in a third world country. If you have, don't admit it... you'll only make yourself look worse.

I read the article, and it didn't tell me anything that I didn't know. It did; however, contain propaganda that simply wasn't true.

It was plainly obvious that the guy that took my ACUs in for cleaning was from India. It was plainly obvious that the guy working at the Green Beans Coffee Shop was from Pakistan... same with the guy working in the Subway concession stand. It was obvious that those working the fuel stations, in the DFAC, etc, were from Asian countries.

Well, most of them were. Others came from Eastern Europe. Most the FOB guards were mostly from Africa.

I have it good in life compared to them? Really? You're basing that on... what? Third hand information and a 20 second sound byte from someone that never set foot downrange?

Let's compare and contrast those third world nationals' lives with that of a combat soldier downrange.

The people that your article talked about were restricted to the major Forward Operating Bases, as well as to the Contingency Operating Bases. They were nowhere to be found in the combat outposts, where you would've found my unit, and me.

Now, had you been there, a qualification you'd need to have a leg to stand on in this topic, you would've seen a difference.

Tell a Soldier that he's going to go on a refit trip to one of these FOBs/COPs, and you'll make that Soldier's day. Why? FOBs/COPs were paradise compared to the outlaying combat outposts/patrol bases.

At the combat outposts we were at, we didn't have a DFAC that cooked decent meals. We didn't have a bunch of food type selections, "unlimited" water for showering, ready access to a shopping center, bazaars, movie theaters, massage parlors, etc.

Compared to your third world nationals, we lived in the most Spartan conditions. They lived far better than we did...

Unlike us, those "poor souls" were authorized to drink alcoholic beverages. Those "poor souls" had TVs in the rooms with multiple channels... those antennas over their hooches were a big giveaway. They had the option of swimming in the FOB's outdoor pools... well, many of them should've taken advantage given their body order.

Poor souls, how dare we torture them by giving them rooms with carpeting, microwaves and refrigerators? How dare we restrict them by not requiring them to travel in battle buddy pairs! Allowing them to wear comfortable civilian clothing in the brutal heat must be torture! Ohh the inhumanity! How dare we allow them comfortable buses, mini buses, and super SUVs as their public transportation?

Guess what, Cacamacho, I've talked to these people. They DID NOT want to do what we were doing. They DID NOT want to assume our risks, or our duties.

Heck, putting submarine sandwiches together at Subway would've been relaxing compared to what we did. No troop leading procedures, no sensitive items to track and test, no armor to wear as part of the uniform... no sectors to scan...

In fact, you'd be safer in those FOBs than in many parts of the US. Those FOBs were the safest places for foreign nationals, and everybody else, to be in. They were also the most comfortable places to be at.

Compared to their countrymen, they were making a financial killing. They were doing far better, salary wise, than their counterparts who decided to stay in their home country. They were getting paid more even than most their countrymen who were working for foreign companies.

Why? One reason was that KBR et all had to up their monetary incentives to get these guys to come to a combat zone. But, even after they upped the offered salary, these guys didn't cost as much as their commercial American counterparts, many who where making 6 figures for 12 months of being there.

Many of the guys that I talked to, who fit the people your article talks about, were there for YEARS when they only had to do a year. They were there by CHOICE, not force.

Even the Ugandan guards had it better than us. Yes, they faced risk defending the base perimeter, but it wasn't as great as that as the Air Ground Base Defense Airmen who secured the area immediately beyond the base perimeter... and definitely not as great as those of us who operated out of combat outposts in the country side.

The article erroneously claimed that these people were "tricked" and got subjected to bait and switch. WRONG. I don't know where that propagandist got her information. The Asians that I talked to spoke English, and knew what they were getting into prior to coming to the theater.

Like I said earlier, many were there for multiple years, by choice.

Many of those workers were from the Philippines. They wouldn't think twice about taking up an arduous job, with family separation, to make more money than what they'd make in the Philippines.

No "sheet" Sherlock, they were going to remain in the FOBs. That's where most service members, government employees and contractors stayed. With people out in town that'd kill you on the drop of a dime, you'd want to stay inside the FOB too. Most of these foreign nationals didn't want to go out in sector either.

Bringing foreign nationals in from Asia and Europe saved us from bringing potential double's in from the host nation... you know... like the hadjis that ran concession stands during the day time, then lobbed mortars on that same base at night.

Oh! But wait! You might exclaim, what about the fact that these guys live in 3rd world countries! What do you say to that Writer Cubed/thebesig?

You lose even with that approach. I spent 5 years living in a 3rd world country before. I lived in environments that ranged from the bare basic...

I know what it's like living without an electricity or plumbing infrastructure... with air conditioning consisting of whatever wind come trough the floors, doors and window... with bathing involving well pump operations... with cooking involving setting a pot over three or four rocks on the ground... living in a shelter with a design in use since the pre-historic times...

...to favela like environment that makes American slums look like brand new upper middle class Las Vegas neighborhoods.

Both of those conditions are better than the conditions we live in during our FTXs on US soil.

Those third world nationals definitely lived in better conditions... back in their home countries in the 21st Century... than what I experienced sometime in the 20th Century. If you weren't ignorant of events that took place in the real world, beyond your local Walmart, you'd realize that much of Asia has progressed rapidly since the late 1970s/early 1980s.

That rate of development started to accelerate exponentially prior to the end of the decade ending in 2010.

Shake the image that the propagandist successfully planted into your head. With her "meager chow halls" comment, it's blatantly obvious that she didn't personally go to any of the FOBs downrange. If she did, she would've discovered that the food offered rivaled, and sometimes surpassed, food that you'd eat in a decent American restaurant.

Those were things we didn't have in the outlaying patrol bases, where we had MREs or Field prepared meals. Our best bet were home cooked local national food from homes outside the outpost.

Piece of advice: Know the facts about the person that you're talking about... so that you don't come across as a complete, ignorant, dumbarse retard with his head shoved so far up his arse he needs a glass belly button to see.

It also helps if you had first hand experience with what you're talking about.

But wait! There's more!

None of those third world nationals would trade their air conditioning, indoor plumbing, electricity, etc, at their home countries, for the conditions that we have to endure when we're out in the field here in the US.

If you were to choose living conditions... with bare field issue out in the field, against what someone has in a third world country, you'd chose the 3rd world living conditions in a heartbeat. Nobody living in a third world country would trade what they have for something that we have while out in the field. Not by a long shot.

I recently spent time in a third world Asian country. None of the people that I saw there subjected themselves to the same conditions we subjected ourselves out in the field here in the US.

When there are many ways to show you how your assumptions are wrong, it's time for you to re-evaluate your opinion and to bring it closer to reality.

Cacamacho, Your Thanks Mean Nothing When You've figuratively Spat on the Faces of Everybody Who Has Ever Honorably Served...

"People on their damn high horses need some perspective." -- Cacamacho

And people like you, who don't know what they're talking about, need a boot shoved so far up their arse, they hack up leather every time they cough...

First, you need to pull your head out of your arse, and to remove your horseblinders, before you accuse people of being on their "damn high horse." But again, with your head up your arse, I could see how anybody could be "high" relative to where you're at.

Second, you need to have a clue about what you're talking about... with the circumstances surrounding my comment... and with the circumstances surrounding what you're talking about... before you insinuate that you're giving someone "perspective," or that someone is on their high horse.

Third, you need to quit taking things out of perspective and to address what's going on... instead of what you assume is going on.

Anybody with a fraction of common sense, and intelligence, wouldn't see my comment as coming from someone, "on their high horse." They'd see it as my putting someone else like you, who dishonored everybody that has honorably served, in their place.

What you just witnessed, what you just had a butt hurt moment over, was an example of old school military thought.

Fourth, the only thing that you proved was that you're both stupid and ignorant. You just got your face stomped into the ground as a result.

"But I thank him for his service anyway." -- Cacamacho

I'm throwing your thanks back on your face. Here's why.

You don't thank someone, for his service, by denigrating his risks and sacrifice, like what you did in your post. Not only did you denigrate me, but you denigrated anybody that had ever honorably served in uniform. You've also denigrated those who've made the ultimate sacrifice.

You did this in a month containing Armed Forces Week, Armed Forces Day and Memorial Day. Shame on you.

What you dismissed as "high horse" is a typical military experience response to a retard that had just denigrated the work that we do.

Perhaps this Memorial Day, you could approach someone remembering their loved one at a federal cemetery, and tell them the same thing that you crapped out in your post. I'd laugh if you got some perspective smacked right onto you.

If you have an "I support the troops" sticker or magnet on your car or SUV, remove it. Shame on you for denigrating all who've honorably served, past and present, in a month that contains Armed Forces Day and Memorial Day...

You chose the correct avatar for yourself... someone that shoots off with the mouth with no direction or goal, without engaging your brains, and without regards to the consequences to your credibility.

Pardon me for expressing something that you can't handle... old school military thought... If you had any integrity in you, you'd sit back and re-evaluate the caca, garbage and trash floating around in your mind with the view of pulling your head out of your arse...

I'd tell you to act out what you just came across in your post... but your shooting your foot would amount to you also committing suicide.

Anybody Wanting to Enjoy This Turd's Company Needs to Lower Their I.Q.

May 2, 2012 at 1:27 pm * Reply
Hi Jeremy! You've been told once already to shut the fuck up You'll get a dishonorable discharge for not following orders, you zipperhead motherfucker.[/quote]

This butt-eater said this, to a service member, in the month containing Armed Forces Day and Memorial Day. Sigh, some people's kids. 

Let's not kid ourselves here. The DSS community already knows that you're the person that you're addressing in that quote. Does your boss know that you're wasting company time with your one person debate team games? You control your other personalities. If you wanted one to shut up, all you have to do is take that personality on, and shut it up. It's that simple. 

Does your psychiatrist know that you're skipping on your meds again? So that your different personalities could keep the bulk of the DSS conversation going? 

This Turd is Living Proof That a Human can Live Without a Brain...

[quote]You silly troll.
May 2, 2012 at 6:55 am * Reply
Hidden due to low comment rating. Click here to see.
Shut the fuck up, Jeremy. You are boring, stupid and incompetnet -- a triple threat.
Go back to crashing airplanes you ignorant sonofabitch. Try not to survive the next crash.[/quote]
Are you normally this stupid, or are you putting extra effort into it today? Did I get to you that bad that you're assuming that other people are me? I wouldn't be surprised if you're going to waste your last breaths, while on your deathbed, randomly saying "Jeremy" or "thebesig."

You're a perfect example of someone that's psychologically deteriorating. The only thing that's crashing is your credibility.

You need to pull your head out of your arse, and use it for something other than a butt plug. Don't blame me for your previous employer's firing you. Nobody told you to get rid of all the candies you thought read, "W," while you worked at the M & M factory.

If Brain Detecting Brain Eating Zombies Were Real, They'd Walk Right by Partygirl and Continue On...

[quote]Originally posted by partygirl

LOL. Is this thebesig again? [/quote]

You're blind, stupid, or both:

"As you're about to see, if I have something to say about something discussed on DSS, I'll say it here." -- Writer Cubed/thebesig

What part of that statement didn't you understand? If I have something to say about what's said on Demand Studios Sucks, I'll say it here. I won't post in the forums, as a different username. I won't post on the DSS blog comments. I'll post my DSS related comments here.

Surprise, surprise, I'm not the only one that refuses to play by you people's retarded games.

Retard Butt Muncher is a Damaged Goods Woman that no Man, or Woman, Wants Anything to do With

"Know how you cure a hangover?" -- Retard Butt Muncher

Yes, waking up right next to you after all night of partying.

"Licking balls!" -- Retard Butt Muncher

That's as far as adventurous guys would let you go... unless they're really drunk. If that happens, see the previous remark.

"I've ben licking balls during my entire career!" -- Retard Butt Muncher

Given your demonstrated stupidity, it wouldn't surprise me if you proved incompetent at every job you attempted. Given that observation, the only way you would've kept a job is via sexual favors.

"Eee-raq, Afghandamnistan -- you name it. In country. Out of country." -- Retard Butt Muncher

You mean you tried to do that in Iraq and Afghanistan. Much to your dismay, the locals chose their sheep and goats over what you had to offer.

"And out of my mind." -- Retard Butt Muncher

Out of your mind is where your one brain celled activity went when you consistently failed to employ it.

"When I drink too much moonshine or Boone's Farm wine, I knowe just what to do: drop to me knees and lick the first pair of sweaty balls that present themselves." -- Retard Butt Muncher

There's some validity to your claims to drinking too much liquor. You've drank enough to think that the arse cheeks that you licked were actually a guy's pair of nuts... and not the moon buns of the woman that uses you as her mobile toilet paper.

"I'm pretty sure the hangover cure is in the sweat itself, but any way you want to try, licking some balls is a tasty treat." -- Retard Butt Muncher

Wrong. For the guy, the hangover cure is in the sight of seeing you upon waking up the next day. For you, it's reality crushing your fantasy as you examine the photo of you munching another woman's arse.

"Yum!" -- Retard Butt Muncher

Given the amount of BS that you spew on Demand Studios Sucks, that's a given for you.

Multiple Personality Demand Studios Sucks Poster Isn't Bashful About her Fetish

[quote]Jeremy the Whack-Job
May 7, 2012 at 9:45 am * Reply
Only if I can lick your balls to cure my hangover.[/quote]

Hey poser, why don't you put your application in with one of the Nevada brothels. They could use someone with your fetish.

My Posting on This Blog is Schedule Dependent

"It wasn't until the front page comments were enabled again that he published several posts." -- Page1News

Front page comments enabling? Are you talking about when your comments to my blog are posted? If so, comments on my blog are set to be moderated. I have to review the comments, then decide whether to post them or not. That's on me.

There's no "open window" when people could comment on these posts without moderation. Anybody could post a comment anytime. Those comments sit in a queue waiting for my review.

When I approve comments for posting... or delete them... depends on my schedule. Usually, when I have time to post on this blog, I also have time to review and approve comments to the previous blog entries.

DSS Butt Muncher Acting as Different Demand Studios Sucks Personalities...

[quote]Now, Jeremy...
May 7, 2012 at 12:13 pm * Reply
Go lick some balls and swallow some of their contents so that even you might attempt to grow a pair.[/quote]
You of all people should know that your advice wouldn't work. As much as you've done what you're advising others to do, you still don't have the balls to post under an identity that everybody else could hold accountable. Instead, all that arse munching you've done has made you an arse.
[quote]i don't get it
May 7, 2012 at 9:16 pm * Reply
I don't get the Jeremy jokes, could somebody please explain? He stopped posting on the DMS forums ages ago, a minor suicide-threatening zombie player, indistinguishable from the other omg-i'm-so-depressed-gud-riter kooks. Why is he getting special treatment here? Just curious.[/quote]
You mean, you don't get why your attempts to manipulate people to jump onto the comments section is slowly losing its charm? Doesn't it bother you that your attempts to get attention isn't working on the Internet... you know, just like your attention whore tricks have stopped working in the real world?

The reality is that you're starving for attention.

When your attempts to slam Demand Media Studios, Kathy Kindred, the DSS website owner, or someone else in DSS failed, you're left with proving that I own every square inch of real estate in your head. Without lifting a finger, I have the power to get you to expand your time proving your hatred against me... multiple days after I've stomped your head into the ground.

It must burn you to the core that people don't buy your attempts into fooling them into thinking that you're me. The thought that the other DSS posters maybe, just maybe, decided to move forward must be keeping you up all night.

This hatred could only last so long before someone decides that they want to make something out of their life... to learn from their experience and to move on to create more successes. You're not one of those people. You're more content with rotting with your resentment against Demand Media Studios... or with anybody that stomps your face into the ground.

Deep down inside, your self inflicted grounding--from life--bothers you. It keeps you up at night. Demand Studios Sucks is the only place where you feel some sense of "validity." You're a failure in real life.

I don't know where you got this "suicide threatening" claptrap from. But, it doesn't surprise me that you believe in your own lies. I was never depressed about the DMS or DSS situation. Unlike you, I attempted to work within Demand Media Studios to resolve things.

Unlike you, and most your cohorts, I didn't openly bad mouth the organization that provided one of my paychecks. It wasn't till after they'd no longer work with me that I provide open criticism for that company. I later assumed that you people were intelligent enough to band together and to constructively do something about your DMS issues.

How about this. Why don't you write your butthurt comments about me on a piece of paper. Calm down, then go back to it later. Look at what you write. Realize that the negative characteristics that you erroneously apply to me accurately describes you... realize that you're guilty of trying to project your loser characteristics onto other people.
May 8, 2012 at 6:37 am * Reply
Because I am secretly The Besig and I like to make a ball-licking ass of myself on this board, after i was banned for acting like a simpering child -- hey, just being myself.[/quote]
I wouldn't be surprised if the other people on DSS saw you as a complete retard... with your posting as one personality, then coming back with another personality to answer yourself. All I need to do is hit you one day then sit back... it doesn't take long to see how that one action causes you to repeatedly self destruct on Demand Studios Sucks... on multiple days.

I'm sorry, but I don't share your same fetish. Also, get your board history straight. I got banned from Demand Studios Sucks for standing up for myself, for refusing to back down, and for refusing to cower before you retards' bullying efforts.

With your failure to be embarrassed with your making a retarded fool out of yourself, who'd want to be seen posting with you? You're a steaming pile of turd that people are distancing themselves away from.

If you weren't providing free content for Demand Studios Sucks, the DSS site owner would've prevented you from making any more blog response comments.

Demand Studios Sucks Butt Muncher, a Member of the KKK?

This butt munch disrespects the military in the month containing Armed Forces Day and Memorial Day.
[quote]i don't get it
May 8, 2012 at 4:38 pm * Reply
See, that's what I don't get. Wasn't Jeremy some pussy black dude? I picture thebesig as a rageaholic white dude. There was some other rageaholic military nutjob white dude that used to post on the zombie forum, I think his name started with a B or D. That's a more likely candidate for the secret zombie ID of thebesig. Whatever, carry on. [/quote]

You use "rageaholic, nutjob, and zombie," in your comment, yet accuse me of being a rageaholic? You prove to be an actual nut-job by posting as multiple personalities... then accuse others of being nut jobs?

That's just you projecting your own image onto other people. It does take rage to jump on the forums and post "you pissed me off" posts as if you're different posters.

But, since you couldn't see through your rage, or that of your other personalities, perhaps I could jog your memory.

There's a "Jeremy" on Demand Media Studios. He's part of their executive staff. His "bio" lists some of his accomplishments... things that I'm pretty sure drive you up the wall as it reminds you of that fact that you're a failure in life.

Having said that, how willing are you to bring your internet "tuff" gal persona to the real world? Care to say the above to a group of black people? How about to a group of service members? It'd be interesting to see how long you'd be able to continue smacking an imaginary face in the air before another female knocks you on your butt.

Demand Media Studios Sucks' Butt Muncher is Also a Stalker

[quote]Jumping in...
May 8, 2012 at 5:28 pm
Same asshole. He has pulled all his pictures off his various sites.[/quote]
Your constantly demanding to munch some butt would cause the butt's owner to run... to include removing his or her images from his or her websites.

Retard Butt Muncher Disrespects the Military During Armed Forces Week I

This retard butt muncher claims to have eradicated a member of the armed forces. When does he make that claim? During Armed Forces Week. I bet this retard wouldn't go up to the military and call them "creeps" or "cockroaches" in real life.

While most Americans show appreciation to their defenders, this retard does the equivalent of spitting on the troops' faces.

OK, let's balance this with good news... They held a parade in Richmond, VA to honor the Veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Liar: The little creep gets banned from the forums and now he's been eradicated like a cockroach from this page.

Are you that incapable of reading, or are you simply stupid? What part of, "If I had anything to say about DSS, I'll say it on this blog," didn't you understand? Anybody with a fraction of common sense would understand that I'm not posting on the comments section of the DSS website.

Liar: Praise Almighty God. Praise the Orkin man.

The only thing that you should be praising is the fact that people must consider you a miracle... given that you prove that a person could live without a brain.

Liar: We now return to our regularly scheduled bashing of dms with a sledgehammer.

Do you honest to God think that Demand Media Studios cares about you? What you think is a major bashing, with the sledge hammer, is you throwing toothpicks.

Demand Media Studios still exists! Get over it. I'm going to continue to hammer you and any retard dumb enough to keep taking swipes at me. Get used to it. Better yet, make yourself useful to society. You could start by vacating your mother's basement and get a job.

Liar: Get back on that blog, little Jerome. 

I get on my blog when I have time. You see, unlike you, I don't live on this blog... in Demand Media Studios... or on Demand Studios Sucks. I come in, carpet bomb you retards, then go about my way. I come back once in a while to collect your butthurt responses, laugh my arse off, generate a reply, then go about my way again.

Liar: Your insane muse beckons, skippy-boy. LOL, LOL, LOL.

A good look at your fart... ahem... your post shows someone who's mind isn't together. Your mind is going in all different directions, and you're just going with your "brain's" flow. And get this, you're laughing excessively... more than what a normal person would do. Who's insane now you ding dong?

Retard Butt Muncher Disrespects the Military During Armed Forces Week II

Had this retard left the military, and an area with military bases, out, I would've moved on from this. This may be directed at me, the DSS site owner, or both. Regardless, I'm going to open fire on this clown for denigrating the military.

May 15, 2012 at 2:29 am * Reply
Hidden due to low comment rating. Click here to see.
No one has the time or inclination to poke you with a stick, which you so obviously crave. You are just a little military whack-job in Virginia Beach who spends all his time clicking the refresh button to see new comments here. You'll deny that you are insane, but your words and actions indicate otherwise.
Wasting time with you is like playing whack-a-mole. After awhile, people get bored with you and look for more interesting things to do. You pop back up like a rodent and think you've won.
You are ridiculous. No one cares what you think. That is the true answer to the lack of responses here and elsewhere to your lunatic ramblings. You're welcome.[/quote]

If nobody had time to poke the person with a stick, they wouldn't have left a reply. Yet, here you are dignifying your intended audience with a remark. Your actions proved your words wrong, and made you look like an arse in the process.

Also, you do realize that you said that during Armed Forces Week, do you? It doesn't surprise me that you'd spend that time disrespecting the military with your DSS drivel.

Are you that disillusioned that you think that someone is on DSS hitting refresh every hour of the day, 7 days a week, and every week of the month? The fact that you think that shows that you're paranoid.

Oh well, that tells me that I own every cubic inch of the space in your head. The extent of my ownership is such that you're on here farting out of your mouth about me, 12 days after I made my last series of post.

You're not qualified to determine if someone is insane or not. Professionals trained to do that talk to a person and do a face to face evaluation... or a series of evaluations. I doubt that you've done that with the site owner. I know for a fact that you didn't do that with me.

Do you see the contradiction in your back-to-back "whack-a-mole" comment and the "bored" comment? Of course not, such contradictions make perfect sense to you. But again, there are things that make perfect sense to insane people that don't make sense to regular people.

Get over yourself. You retards' interaction with me isn't equivalent to you guys playing, "whack-a-mole." You need to come up with a proper analogy... you retards' actions encourage me to come back and lacerate you. Your actions against me don't drive me away... they bring me back.

You retards are the flammable liquids, I'm the fire. That's not comparable to the "whack a mole" analogy that you used. Even if you were addressing someone else, your analogy wouldn't be applicable. Your responses draw fire. They don't suppress anything.

Here's the real analogy. You retard butt munchers act like a bunch of kids that had just been belted/whipped... who don't show defiance until they've ran behind closed doors.

If nobody cared about what I, or your audience, thinks, you wouldn't have generated the above fart... ahem... quote. People that don't care about me simply ignore me, and don't do anything that proves that they've read my posts. You need to quit contradicting yourself before you throw the "lunatic" charges around.

Saturday, May 05, 2012

You Retards' Butthurt Demands Fall on Deaf Ears... Quitting is NOT an Option

Let me make this as plain as I could make it. You people have a better chance of getting Julius Caesar, Charlemagne, King Roderick, Queen Elizabeth I, William Shakespeare, George Washington, Santa Clause, and your lucrative writing career, on a conference call with you on your phone... than you do of having me walk away from an ongoing exchange.

It's not happening.

Understand that if you're too stupid to restrain yourself and, too brain dead to "let it go," you're going to get return fire. I've said this on Demand Studios Sucks, I've said it on this blog, I'll say it again.

My replying to you tards is almost as guaranteed as death and taxes.

You people need to understand that you can't control my actions. You're not going to stop me from doing what I have every intention of doing... replying to you. You retards do; however, control your own actions. Here, let me put it in simple terms again.

Let "X" be your retarded butthurt whines about me.

Let "Y" be my counter rebuttal to you people.

If "X," then "Y." If not "X," then not "Y." It's THAT simple.

You can't have it both ways with me. You can't fire at me, then demand that I "move on" in that same post. If you fire at me, expect me to fire back at you. If you people have any ounce of intelligence in you, you won't give me an excuse to reply to you... you won't reply to me, acknowledge me, or say or do anything that indicates that you've read my blog entries.

Remember, if not X, then not Y. That's the only way I'll lift fire on you. I realize that I own every square inch of real estate in your heads, but my solution for you is doable.

This is Between You DSS Retards and Me, not the Entire Community

[quote]by BurnCEs » Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:27 am
Lol. The jabbering cretin that is thebesig has excelled himself again, updating his pointless butthurt blog with a pile of foaming-at-the-mouth ranting posts about us all.
Don't worry though, folks, apparently he's appointed himself as DSS's official "watchdog" and he will work ceaselessly until he destroys us all.[/quote]

That's "right," numbnuts, this is a "pointless" blog. You "made" that point by coming back to this blog... AGAIN... then following that action up AGAIN with another butthurt post on Demand Studios Sucks. I love how you brain dead people prove your words wrong with your own actions.

Don't mistake my comments as "foaming-at-the-mouth" rants. I guess it's easier for you retards to dismiss tell-it-like-it-is commentary than it is to come to terms with reality. You'd make a more accurate analogy by describing my comments as a series of 7.62 rounds destroying a bunch of mindless Demand Studios Sucks zombies.

Also, you can dismount from your high horse. My comments aren't against the DSS community. I'm directing my fire at the retards stupid enough to keep taking swipes at me.

CE Clueless Bat Can't See Cause and Effect Relationships

[quote] CE_ClueBat » Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:35 pm
Shields up you commies!
ETA: Holy fucking shit. He's obsessed with berg. The last 4 posts? Wow.
ETAII: LMAO I got one too.
ETAIII: DM is on there too and Burn. This guy is hilarious!
His dadday and his dadday's dadday was in all three wars you assholes![/quote]

Your failure to defend yourself from my identifying you as a racist and a supremacist speaks volumes.

My posts against berg have nothing to do with "obsession," and everything to do with breaking my reply, to her, into a series of posts. I know that you retards get a headache when you have to read a few paragraphs.

The length of my posts here relies heavily on what you retards say.

Feeble? That's One Word Describing Burned CEs "Brain"

 [quote]BurnCEs » Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:48 pm
You haven't made it until Thebesig's feebly attempted to rip you a new asshole.[/quote]

That's your arrogance speaking. If this were "feeble," you guys wouldn't acknowledge me... directly or indirectly. You guys wouldn't even acknowledge my posts. You guys wouldn't make any comment referencing me, or anything related to me.

Nope. If this were "feeble," you retards wouldn't even acknowledge my existence, or do anything to draw attention to this blog... or to what I say. Here's the reality. I've made my mark, hitting you people in the jugular each time. You people are proving that with butthurt replies on the Demand Studios Sucks forums and comments.

I Don't Quit, Get Used to It

[quote]CE_ClueBat » Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:53 pm
This guy has got to be schizophrenic and at the verge of a mental breakdown. He gets points for persistence though. Most people would have quit after getting the banhammer. Hell, even MaddieG closed her blog, but this guy lives and breathes DSS posts. It's awesome. I hope he continues to amuse me.[/quote]

You see, this is part of the reason I label you people as retards, or simply tards. Real psychiatrists have found nothing wrong with me. I wouldn't be in the military if what you people pull out of your arse were true. You retards, who've never met me, have a tendency to throw the mental problem charge around when you're dealing with people who refuse to cower to your bullying.

Also, what part of, "Even if I don't get back with you tonight, tomorrow, the next week, month, year or decade, I will get back to you. My replying to you guys is almost as guaranteed as death and taxes," didn't you understand? I made that comment once on Demand Studios Sucks, I said it again in the previous blog posts.

Let's simplify this for you... I don't quit. It's that simple.

If you guys want me to quit firing on you, you retards need to quit whining about my posts. You people need to quit taking direct and indirect aims at me.  I'm going to keep hammering you people until you guys figure out the "cause and effect" that's going on with our exchange.

As far as living and breathing DSS posts. You retards seem to find plenty of time to post on DSS. You're posting far more than productive people would post on a message board. Anybody looking at your posts would know that you retard DSS zombies live on DSS.

Replying to you people is fun, and doesn't take long.

DSS's Burned CEs Thinks he Knows Better Than Real Psychiatrists

 [quote]BurnCEs » Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:05 pm
I'd love to be Thebesig's shrink. You could retire on the royalties you'd get from a book on that nutfuck.[/quote]

So, this whackjob thinks that he'd do a better job than the multiple psychiatrists that I've seen... as part of deployment/post deployment processing... and come up to a different conclusion. WOW! Maybe the military did waste its money on all the psychiatrists, counselors, scanning machines and computerized tests that it puts its service members through.

Maybe they could save money by sending this Burned CEs retard to the SRP centers. Keep him out of the VA hospitals though, we'd get an army of 100% disability ratings for normal behavior.

The reality is that this retard is "hurting" from the mentions I'm giving him.

A 12 Year Old Has Better Reading Abilities Than "JustBrowsing"

Maybe this retard should quit browsing... he should learn how to read and start thinking instead:

[quote] Justbrowsing » Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:30 pm
I always feel exhausted after reading his posts. He doesn't quite have concise writing down. I have to reread his sentences over and over because they are so convoluted. I'm a terrible writer. I can't type or proofread for shit, but at least what I write is concise and interesting most of the time. Think about it I-only-masturbate-for-a-good-cause dude. You should also be questioning how many precious little besig babies the world needs. I know I am.[/quote]

The old Protest Warrior forums had a posting community that included high school students, college students, veterans, active/reserve military, etc. Let's take the high school students. We're talking 9th to 12th graders. None of them made the same complaint that you've farted here.

Why the mention? My writing on this blog is more conversational, and reader friendly, than when I posted on Protest Warrior. So, what does this say about you? Since you have problems grasping the obvious, let me spell this out for you.

Your comment proves that you can't read at the same level as a 9th grader.

But wait! There's more!

My 12 year old nephew could read my writing easily. He didn't come back and complain about "not being able" to read my writing. He didn't have a hard time understanding my statements. So, are you telling me that a 12 year old could easily read what requires you to re-read over and over again without success?

Do you know what that makes you? A retard. So, if you can't read what I write, get someone that knows how to translate from English to retard. You might understand what's being said if you see it in retard terms.

Having said that, you shouldn't be worrying about how many times my sperm is used for conception. You should spend that time figuring out how to make a time machine... so that you could go back to your mother when she was pregnant for you, and convince her to have an abortion.

That's how you'd be able to contribute to the humanity, and to make up for taking space and stealing oxygen from someone that matters.

Sigh, to think of all those wasted resources spent on you that could've gone to someone that would've mattered. You people make it harder for me to defend America's K-12 education system when it gets international criticism.

[quote]Justbrowsing » Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:35 pm
Whoop! I just noticed I got a mention. I got one brain cell. Well, that is one more than I started out with[/quote]

That was until it left you to seek employment.

CE Clueless Bat Should Stay Away From any Job Requiring Analytical Thought...

[quote]CE_ClueBat » Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:36 pm
Yeah, he went off on a few of us. I ROFL'd. I thought all of those March 4th posts were different days, but now I realize he must have spent all of Sunday stalking this forum and creating posts.[/quote]

I "collected" your drivels and posted replies to them on different days... on MS Word. Clicking on comments didn't take long, reading them didn't take long either. Copying them to MS word also didn't take long. Finally, replying to them didn't take long.

You see, if you retards did the intelligent thing and got your facts straight, a review of simple data would've proven you wrong and prevented you from farting the above comment. The spacing of my posts, on this blog, should've been enough to prevent you from disengaging your brains before opening your mouth.

Here's something else you would've found out if you bothered with the facts, instead of running with assumption. I'm a speed reader, a speed typer, and I also have speech to text software (Dragon Naturally Speaking).

Here's the reality.

I don't live on DSS like you DSS Zombies do. Anybody with a fraction of a brain would've seen that just by looking at the dates of my replies, and at the days that I actually post here. Based on you people's comments, I'd say that you people are brain dead.

Phoenix Rising Posts Like a Retarded Ghost Possesses Him

[quote]PhoenixRising » Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:37 pm
An insightful video of the mighty besig's pilot-training program. And if you know your forum history, you'll recall how his experiences with airplanes turned out. [/quote]

This dummy doesn't know what he's talking about. This is an example of someone that wants to "talk" just to hear himself talk. I've never claimed to be a pilot, yet this whack-job tries to insinuate that I talked about piloting aircraft. This arse clown must've been pushed through high school so that the faculty could get this retard out of their lives.

If he were trying to relate this to posting on Demand Studios Sucks, then he's got the wrong analogy. But then again, what do you expect from a bunch of brain dead DSS zombies incapable of analytical thought?

What would be a perfect analogy to my participation on the DSS forums? A war veteran being booed and rushed away from the stage on the account of the audience not being able to handle the truth...

There's a reason that these losers are generating butthurt posts about me, instead of doing something productive. I've struck a chord with them, one that forces them to see what they don't want to see.

The cold hard reality is that they are what they accuse me to be.

Giving a Clue to CE Clueless Bat, Round II

 [quote]WalkAway » Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:41 pm
[quote]CE_ClueBat wrote:
Yeah, he went off on a few of us. I ROFL'd. I thought all of those March 4th posts were different days, but now I realize he must have spent all of Sunday stalking this forum and creating posts.[/quote]
lol. I'm just jealous he hasn't written anything bad about me.[/quote]

@ Clueless Bat:

Smart people would ask me how I did that series of posts. Stupid people would rather pull things out of their arses. Apparently, you're one of the latter. Since you're too stupid to figure this out, let me point out the obvious. Dummies take a swipe at me on Demand Studios Sucks. I fire back in response. This isn't a case where I simply "go off" on a few of you unprovoked.

Here, let me give you a CLUE about what's going on with our exchange.

My posts on this blog are reactive. Meaning, whether they exist or not, how long they are, and what they'd say or not, hinges heavily on the posts they're replying to. I'm not going out of my way to make unprovoked posts. I'm simply responding to dummies that don't realize that the only way to "shut me up" in these exchanges is to ignore me... and to not acknowledge me in any way, shape, or form.

No, I didn't spend all of March 4 creating those posts. I did this piecemeal, staging the posts and my replies on MS Word. The time I spend on these posts doesn't constitute the bulk of my time... only a small negligent fraction of it.

@ WalkAway:

Jealous or agitated? If you pulled your head out of your arse, and paid attention, you'd notice that I mentioned you. Are you that stupid that you can't see the relationship between the retard posts and my replies to them? Like, you know, if someone takes a swipe at me, I take a swipe at them?

Hint: If I see a post that amounts to a dummy firing at me, I'm going to return fire on that dummy. So, if you don't find a rebuttal, keep looking. It's there. If it's not there, it's because I haven't seen your retarded post. Once I see it though, expect a response.

Then Quit Acting Like You're Full of Testosterone

A perfect analogy for this retard would be a woman that complains about tomatoes being "too soft," while ignoring the fact that she squeezes them too hard.

 [quote]DespicableMe » Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:58 pm
HAHAHAHAHA I finally got a post dedicated to my Despicable self. *whips hair back* I'm famous now, bitches.
And obsessive-crazy-blog person, I have breasts because I am, in fact, not a man.[/quote]

Since you're too dense to notice this, let me lead you by the fingers.

Notice a trend among the people that I'm replying to? Their mentioning me maybe? Go ahead, scroll up and down and look at the people that I'm addressing. They've addressed me directly or indirectly. If you can't see that, get someone to help you, they'll hopefully see the trend. Let's put this in simpler terms.

Let "X" be people's mentioning me. Let "Y" be my mentioning them in return. If "X" then "Y."

Your fart (above quote) only addresses Y, it completely ignores X. Maybe if you retard DSS zombies would quit "obsessing" over me, I'd find other targets to fire on. Let's put this in simple terms:

If not "X," then not "Y." The sooner you ding dongs apply that concept, the sooner I lift fire on you. This has nothing to do with being "crazy" or obsessives.

Justbrowsing's Actions Don't Support His Claims...

[quote] Justbrowsing » Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:01 pm
But he called me dumb. I have not one but two of those 'black and white' degrees. Not from a 'good' school, but still I don't have the gray ones.
I have this mental image.
Fap, fap, fap, fap, fap .... procreate ... fap, fap,fap, fap, fap ... propagateeeeee ... fap, fap, fap, fap, ... oh that bitch is so dumb ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
By the way the term "retard" not really very PC.
Edit: Three degrees if you count the one I bought online from a DSS poster.[/quote]

You don't do the school, that awarded you those "degrees," any justice at all with that line of reasoning. Those "degrees" must have also cost you what was left of your common sense. You post on a forum that doesn't embrace political correctness, yet you complain about my non politically correct responses?

Really? You people definitely are retards. Your failure at analytical reasoning shows me that if you received any university degree, you wasted that university's time and your money. You just made yourself look worse by claiming to have degrees. For your own sake, you should've never admitted to having any degree... if that claim is credible.

I come around and tell it like it is regardless of whom gets butthurt over it.

How Justbrowsing Comes Across to a Critical Thinker

 [quote]Justbrowsing » Mon Mar 05, 2012 3:30 pm
fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap ... I'm gonna give de Americans 'dem babies ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!![/quote]

Here's how that comes across to a critical thinker:

"Flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flap, flapiti flap! That's the only noise that you'll hear in my head. That's the poncho lean-to flapping in the wind, the lean-to that my one brain celled operation forgot as it left my head to find employment. Remove the poncho and you'd be able to hear waves in my head like you're at the beach!" -- Justbrowsing


Partygirl Would Slam the Door on Opportunity for Trivial Reasons

[qoute]partygirl » Mon Mar 05, 2012 3:53 pm
I can't imagine the horror of discovering he was my child's father. A girl would have better luck with the sperm from some random hook-up she found at a dive biker bar.[/quote]

Real women actually do their research about a potential sperm donor; instead judging them ill for refusing to cower and be bullied... for rightfully fighting Demand Studios Sucks zombies back.

This research includes a thorough look at the families' medical history; prior donor results; as well as recurring traits that keep showing up in the family. Other things that they look at? Link up opportunities for artificial insemination... or the ability to receive and send freeze containers through the mail.

What trait am I showing with these replies, which are causing you to express butthurt pain? That trait is my persistence. What's one common trait among those that succeed in life? Persistence maybe? Apparently, persistence is a negative trait in your eyes. You'd rather have someone that'll give up, and stay down when life knocks them down. Got you.

So, WalkAway, You've Worked Only One Day in March, and Zero in April? Based on Your Own Words, you Worked 1 day in two Months

"Well, I'm flattered that I was given my own post." - WalkAway

Get over yourself numbnuts, that was me firing back at you.

"To thebesig, since I know his dumb ass is reading this:" -- WalkAway

OK, dingdong, how else am I getting the comments that I'm responding to on this blog? Hint, I had to do something prior to responding to you guys... you know, like finding posts attacking me, then firing back maybe?

"I never saw your blog post until now. Why? Because I have a life. While you've been spending your days posting on your idiotic blog, I've been spending my days working. Work? I'm sure that's a foreign concept for you." -- WalkAway

Take it away WalkAway!

"lol. I'm just jealous he hasn't written anything bad about me" -- WalkAway

If I could use your words against you and make a liar out of you in the process, what makes you think that anything else you say is "believable"?

I could tell that you're pulling turd nuggets out of your arse as an emotional reaction. Why? Anybody with a fraction of a brain would look at the days on the calendar, compare that to the days I post on my blog, and know that you're full of it and don't know what you're talking about.

You wouldn't even need an advanced degree to see what I'm talking about. Just common sense, which you're seriously lacking.

Heck, how many days have I posted on this blog in April? How about March, which has 31 days? If one day, out of 31 days, constitutes "everyday," then you're dumber than a paramecium.

If you bothered to use your head, you'd look at the posting dates on my blog. You'd notice that I didn't spend "days" posting here. Perhaps your shortcomings, with your writing "career," with your employment, and with your life, stem from your failure to pay attention to detail.

I posted here on March 4. By your own words, that's the day that you worked. You didn't work for the rest of March, April, or any day up to the date of this series of posts.

Your posting history, on Demand Studios Sucks, makes a liar out of you. If you had a life, you wouldn't be posting away on DSS. You most certainly wouldn't have lost your composure over my blog posts. You definitely wouldn't have generated a butthurt post in response to me.

Also, I don't recall you standing right next to me, observing me. That's the qualification you'll need to determine, with accuracy, what I do with my time. If you pulled your head out of your arse, and did your research, you would've learned several facts... enough facts to cause you to post like an intelligent person and to keep you out of trouble.

According to "WalkAway's" insinuation, my two Decades of Military Service Mean Nothing

Work? I'm sure that's a foreign concept for you." -- WalkAway

Tell you what, until you have to drive on IED "avenue," in order to do your job, don't insinuate that I "don't" know what work is, where you "do." You've had the convenience of getting in a vehicle and driving/riding past a dead animal without flinching.

You've never had to go through a situation where the dummy driving backwards could very well be a suicide bomber operating a vehicle borne IED. You've never had to "pull evasive maneuvers" to make sure that your car doesn't go over a newly covered pothole... less whatever was under the "rework" blew up under your vehicle.

* Until you do a ground assault, at wee hours in the morning, full battle rattle and locked and loaded, don't tell me that "work" might be a foreign concept to me. If you were having dinner at the same time, there's a good chance that you were fully unaware of what I was doing... or of the fact that I was working while you were stuffing your face.

* Until you've had to react to small arms fire, don't tell me that you "work," then fart out of your arse about work being a foreign concept to me.

* Until you have to walk mile after mile, in your combat boots, with your M4 at the low ready prepared to swing it up to engage, with your battle rattle, and a 45+ pound ruck on your back, don't try to sell me the garbage that I "don't" know what work is... or even hint that you know what work is and that I "don't."

* Until you had to dig a hole in the ground just to take a dump, and go days without taking a shower, because that comes with the job, don't even try to fool anybody into thinking that you "work," and that "work" is a "foreign" concept to me.

* Until you had to sleep under the stars, for days, with your rifle/carbine at your side, spending a good chunk of that night taking nature in, because the job required it, don't try to fool people into thinking that work is an "alien" concept to me.

* Until you have to clean your weapon, because your life could depend on it within the next 24 hours... or even the next few minutes... don't try to hint to me that you work, and that I don't know what it is.

*Until you had to spend one holiday after another, and every weekend, and the days between them, doing military missions/duties because you're outside of the United States, don't tell me that work would be a "foreign" concept to me.

* Until you have to put up with one night after another getting mortared, don't you even try insinuating that I don't know what work is, but you do.

* Until you jack your body up after two decades of military service, don't even try with your assumptions that work is a "foreign" concept to me... where areas you "work." I'm feeling the results of decades of real work... pain felt doing simple things that you people take for granted... pain I'm willing to continue to endure to defend your freedom to make foot-in-your-mouth comments.

* Did you watch Blackhawk Down? Did you see those cool helicopters flying around? Well, I've ridden one of those over hostile territory you ding-dong. Even if I were to survive an attack on the Blackhawk I was riding, the fall would've made it a "consummatum est" moment for me. One thing for sure, I'd be a hell of a lot safer, and comfortable, doing your "job."

* Hey, what do you think of the idea of getting up at the arse crack of dawn, just to do at least an hour of battle focused physical fitness before the sun comes up? What? Your job doesn't require you to do that? I thought so. But that'd be understandable. I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't need to be in top physical condition to do your "job."

* There's a very good chance that while you were sitting in the comforts of your home, protected from the elements with your atmosphere control, I was downrange, outside, not far from a bunch of people that wanted to end my comrades, and my life, via AK-47, IED or RPG. I wouldn't be surprised if you had the convenience and comfort of not having to worry about that at your "job."

The only thing "foreign" about that and most the events that I mentioned above, is the fact that most took place in a foreign country. What part of your job compares? You probably couldn't answer that because unlike you, I have a job, and there's nothing foreign about the concept of work to me.

Simple body motions, that you probably overlook, remind me of that fact.

You see, "WalkAway," until you've walked miles in MY boots, seen what I've seen, done what I've done, you don't have a leg to stand on when trying to insinuate that work is a "foreign" concept for me, or that you even work at all.

Disagree with my comparisons? Perhaps you could walk up to a family, mourning their fallen at a national cemetery, and tell them that working was a "foreign" concept to their loved one.

No, you don't have to thank me, as I'm not like you. If you can't walk away from a fight that you've lost before you started, "WalkAway," the least that you could do is to simply sit down, shut up, and quit damaging your cause even further.  

HINT: Screw your head back on before suggesting to a service member that work is a "foreign" concept to him/her. By even making that suggestion, you dishonor anybody that has ever served in uniform. You'll lose any contest that results from that.

After this part of my reply... if you can't figure out why I think you're a retard, you're hurting.

Generating These Posts Constitutes a Small Fraction of my Time

"With how much time you apparently spend reading a forum that you were banned from several months back, and with how much time you spend spinning everything that is said on here to fit your own, twisted mind, well, it becomes clear that you must have a lot of free time on your hands." -  WalkAway


Again, it doesn't take me long to generate these posts. I don't spend all day doing them. I do these series of posts piece-meal, generating my replies on MS Word then moving on. By the time I finally make those posts, day's have gone by since I've finished typing them. In this case, weeks.

The time I spend on them, the days I do work on them, is a small insignificant fraction of my total day. Remember, I've been doing this since 2003. I've got this down to a science.

You even ignored obvious facts. But again, that's proof that I got to you. Any tard reacting under pure emotion would "fire back" driven by that emotion. That retard will ignore obvious facts. For instance, look at the dates for my blog posts.

As you can see, I don't post here everyday. Contrary to what you farted out, I do have a life. I don't spend it posting on blogs and message boards, like what you're doing. The fact that I have other commitments prevents me from doing what you do on a regular basis. I have to do this "piece meal," a little at a time as my schedule permits.

Let's sum this up.

* It doesn't take me long to read DSS zombie rants and raves. I'm a speed reader.

* Second, it doesn't take long for me to type my responses. I'm a speed typist. I don't even need to look at the keyboard to type.

* Third, I also use Speech to Text, which speeds my writing work up.

Meaning... It doesn't take me long to read you people's garbage, then generate a reply.

Don't mistake my telling it like it is, about you retards, as me "spinning" anything. Human nature doesn't change from one message board to another. You people are no different from the retards that I've debated against over the past few years. Your attitudes, reactions, and emotions don't change.

You DMS zombies are repeating the same actions, and responses, that previous retards have made. All I'm doing is looking at that repeated pattern, and calling it like I see it. This would be like saying that the "current" hurricane system would move in a northeast direction, because every hurricane that has hit this area so far moved northeastward.

Instead of dismissing my calling-it-like-I-see-it comments, you need to take a good hard look at yourself... without your horse-blinders on, and without your ego getting into the way.

"thebesig, here's a tip: when a forum bans you, it's time to move the fuck on to somewhere else."  - WalkAway

WRONG Again.

What part of, "Even if I don't get back with you tonight, tomorrow, the next week, month, year or decade, I will get back to you. My replying to you guys is almost as guaranteed as death and taxes," didn't you understand? Are you THAT retarded, or are you simply incapable of understanding simple English?

Let me spell this out to you, ding dong. I treat online exchanges like a combat operation. I won't "cease fire" on someone unless they quit firing in my direction. If a retard fires in my direction, I'm going to fire back... and will continue to fire back until that retard is neutralized.

Want me to stop firing on you retards? Don't give me an excuse to mention you. You do that by ignoring me. Again: Let your butthurt post about me be "X." Let my response to your butthurt post be "Y." If "X" then "Y." If not "X," then not "Y."

How about that? Ignore me and the problem solves itself. THAT'S how you settle this. You don't fire in my direction, then tell me to "move the fuck on." That's not how things work. The way it works is if you want me to stop, you'll stop taking swipes at me.

This isn't rocket science, it's simple common sense.

I take sadistic pleasure in dismantling you people's argument and credibility. You obviously have a problem with it. You could only influence things on your end.

"Sticking around at a forum you've been banned " - WalkAway

So says the ding dong that didn't stop himself from reading my blog after the fact.

"and stalking a respected member such as Page" -- WalkAway

You're basing that on? I thought so, you're just pulling turd nuggets out of your arse.

You see, if you didn't go on an emotional rant after seeing my blog, you would've noticed that I addressed people that attacked me... directly and indirectly. That's not exactly "stalking" by any stretch of the imagination.

" makes you appear to be out of your right mind and possibly even a huge danger to society" -- WalkAway

Get over yourself retard, this doesn't have anything to do with society's well being. The real issue, that drove you to say that, is my refusal to give up. Heaven forbid that the person that you chose to "bully" fights back, and refuses to back down.

You're not used to that, aren't you, bully? Don't mistake my refusing to let your BS stand as my being "out of my mind." That's some nonsense clap trap that a retard with control issues would say.

" believe me, I've seen crazy people before, so I think I know what I'm talking about." -- WalkAway

Believe me, I've talked to psychiatrists as part of my pre and post deployment screening. Since none of them agreed with your opinion, it's painfully obvious that you don't know what you're talking about... you're just pulling turd nuggets out of your arse.

Who should we believe, people who've met me, or you, who've never met me?

Hint: It helps to know the facts about me before you could hope to come close to being "correct" about what you say about me. I'm hoping that your marksmanship isn't anywhere near to being like your attempts to guess things about me. If it were, I'd hate to be the person standing behind you as you try to shoot the target in front of you.

" And you're donating sperm? I wonder if the clinic you donate at (and its clients) know that you're a crazy fucker. If they did, no way would they be using your sperm." -- WalkAway

Fortunately for me, only intelligent people get involved with artificial inseminations. Intelligent people handle this by looking at family medical history, family traits, and track record with successful inseminations.

Meaning, you're not that intelligent, aren't you? I wouldn't be surprised if all you could come up with is a drizzle every time you're required to brainstorm something.

Through your emotional knee jerk reaction, you missed one of the qualifiers that donor recipients look for. Read up on as many successful people as you could read up on. You'll find that one of the common traits they share is persistence.

Beyond all your belly-aching and butt-hurting, your true problem with me is that I'm persistent with hitting you guys back.

"Thanks for giving society a whole new generation of psychopaths, jackass." -- WalkAway

Let's see, the military didn't see me as a psychopath. Neither did any of the psychiatrists that have talked to me. What do the military, and these psychiatrists have, that the above butt muncher doesn't?

Answer, they've met me face to face, and are qualified to talk about my psychological state. This butt muncher, on the other hand, is just spewing the crap that it chewed on while butt munching one of the other DSS posters.

"Also, the idea that I suck Page's ass is laughable." -- WalkAway

As much crap that you just spewed, that concept isn't laughable. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if you fantasized having one of the DSS women sit on your mouth while you indulged in your apparent butt munching fetish.

I guess if they were to take your access to arse away, you'd go silent.

" Just today she and I had a disagreement of something I posted in another thread." -- WalkAway

Let me lead you by the fingers here...

Go back to the post that you're belly aching over. Now, look at the posting date. Do you see it? Need help finding it? Do you need help reading the date? Now, notice how I'm addressing something you said weeks ago, rather than "after" you "disagreed" with Page1News?

Or, did you honest to God expect me to foresee your disagreement, weeks or months down the road?

What you just spewed, you retard, is what's called a strawman argument.

"I respect her, yes (just as I do many other members here)," -- WalkAway

This isn't a case where you can respect some, but not others. Since you're not afraid to disrespect veterans by insinuating that I "don't" have a job, how much you respect others on DSS doesn't mean anything.

"but I'm not afraid to speak my mind to anyone here if I disagree with them." -- WalkAway

Yet, you have a problem with someone telling it like it is with regards to your retarded arse and the rest of your cohorts... you also have problems with anyone that's not afraid to fire back at you retards ad infinitum... Got you.

"Here's hoping you grow the fuck up and move on from stalking DSS'ers, thebesig." -- WalkAway

Do you want to know how ridiculous that sounds?

Tell you what, if someone walks up to you, and knocks you on the arse, resist the urge to fight back. Remember, fighting back isn't the "grown up" thing to do. If you do strike back, tell yourself that you need to grow the "f" up and move on from the scene.

Just take those punches and move on without retaliating.

Here's the cold hard reality. Bowing down and keeling over for you doesn't constitute "growing up." Laying on one's back, and turning one's belly up for you people's abuse isn't "growing up." Laying down and letting you walk all over me doesn't constitute "growing up."

If by "growing up," you mean that I let you people's BS stand unchallenged, I'm sorry. You're going to be in for a major disappointment.

Also, don't mistake my giving you people a taste of your medicine as my "stalking" you DSS zombies.

Here's how things actually work.

A retard DSS zombie fires in my direction, I fire back. Let me simplify this for you. X = F*tard DSS zombies spew crap about me. Y = I fact check said F*tard DSS zombies. If "X," then "Y." Now, for the solution: If not "X," then not "Y."

You want all of this to stop? Address the cause, urge the F*tard DSS zombies addressing me to stop. If you can't do that, you need to ask for a username change. Your current one obviously wouldn't fit you.

I have every intention of firing back at you guys for as long as you keep up with your crap... no matter how long this back and forth takes place. Want this to end? Ignore me and don't give me an excuse to fire back. It's THAT simple. Again, this isn't rocket science; it's simple common sense.

Justbrowsing Isn't Browsing; He's Just Farting...

 [quote]Justbrowsing » Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:29 pm
So all this ranting is about a little bit of butthurt? That's disappointing.[/quote]

"That's disappointing," is something that your parents thought while they watched you "grow." What you're trying to describe is a massive fact check operation. Butthurt? Not even remotely close. A counter argument to you retards' drivel? Absolutely.

DSS' WalkAway Refuses to Walk Away, he Needs Another Username

[quote] WalkAway » Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:52 pm

Lol, well, besig is certainly crazy enough to be a stalker. [/quote]

LOL, well, you certainly post as if a retarded ghost possesses you!

DSS' Berg's Comments Casts More Doubt on her Degree Claims...

"LOL, I left that post on his blog on February 22nd. It literally took 5 minutes. I told Despicable that he would get butthurt, little did I know it would be such an epic explosion. He must have salivated over his response for weeks." - berg » Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:35 pm

Wrong on all counts.

First, you're pulling crap out of your arse about how long it took me to reply to your drivel. Hint, it didn't take weeks, not by a long shot. It took me less than 10 minutes to generate my entire reply to you. And guess what? I had that reply prepared within 24 hours of you generating your drivel.

Unlike you, I have real world commitments that I have to tend to. Consequently, I have to work on my replies one part at a time. Only an idiot would assume that I "salivated" over the response "for weeks."

Second, are you that retarded that you're going to dismiss a simple fact-check as a "butthurt"? Baghdad Bob? Is that you? If you meant that I was going to respond, that's a given. If people haven't figured that out yet, they're beyond stupid.

"Anyway, I win." - berg

Wrong again. You lost this exchange before it began. You win a debate by advancing facts, reason and logic. All you did was advance a phony, emotional "different levels" kumbaya clap trap. You failed to prove me wrong, or you right, about anything.

"Oh, and Besig, my dissertation was several performances and the memorization of hundreds of classical pieces." - berg

I call BS, you don't have any degree. This represents a shift from your last comment. You still don't get excused from the reading comprehension department. Or, do you think you're exempt from being able to read? Not by a long shot.

Reading comprehension is easier than memorizing. I refuse to believe that you could do the latter while failing miserably at the former.

"I don't need to read." - berg

So says the the tard that claims that she went to three good schools. That should have read, "I don't wanna read!"

"And, I have a DMA, not a Ph.D." - berg

What I also said:

"Demand Studios Sucks Berg's Reading Abilities Doesn't Match her Doctorate Claims" - WC

When I said, "Doctorate," I was talking about doctor level degrees. Do keep tap dancing Skippy. Your claims still don't match your performance.

"Thank you truly for getting so butthurt over this." - berg

Don't mistake my fact checking you, to include attacking your phony claims, as my being "butthurt." Your statement has as much validity as Baghdad Bob's claiming the there were "no" US troops in Baghdad. Trying to take credit for "predicting" that I'll reply is like trying to take credit for predicting that the sun will rise tomorrow.

"It literally made my day. I'm sure this post will spawn additional entertainment for me as well." - berg

No it didn't. The reality? It annoys the crap out of you when I keep stomping your dick into the ground. You made that comment more out of denial than you did out of joy.

The only person, between the two of us, that's getting any joy out of this is me. I take sadistic pleasure with destroying you assclowns' drivels.