Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Anybody Wanting to Enjoy This Turd's Company Needs to Lower Their I.Q.

May 2, 2012 at 1:27 pm * Reply
Hi Jeremy! You've been told once already to shut the fuck up You'll get a dishonorable discharge for not following orders, you zipperhead motherfucker.[/quote]

This butt-eater said this, to a service member, in the month containing Armed Forces Day and Memorial Day. Sigh, some people's kids. 

Let's not kid ourselves here. The DSS community already knows that you're the person that you're addressing in that quote. Does your boss know that you're wasting company time with your one person debate team games? You control your other personalities. If you wanted one to shut up, all you have to do is take that personality on, and shut it up. It's that simple. 

Does your psychiatrist know that you're skipping on your meds again? So that your different personalities could keep the bulk of the DSS conversation going? 

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