Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Demand Studios Sucks Butt Muncher, a Member of the KKK?

This butt munch disrespects the military in the month containing Armed Forces Day and Memorial Day.
[quote]i don't get it
May 8, 2012 at 4:38 pm * Reply
See, that's what I don't get. Wasn't Jeremy some pussy black dude? I picture thebesig as a rageaholic white dude. There was some other rageaholic military nutjob white dude that used to post on the zombie forum, I think his name started with a B or D. That's a more likely candidate for the secret zombie ID of thebesig. Whatever, carry on. [/quote]

You use "rageaholic, nutjob, and zombie," in your comment, yet accuse me of being a rageaholic? You prove to be an actual nut-job by posting as multiple personalities... then accuse others of being nut jobs?

That's just you projecting your own image onto other people. It does take rage to jump on the forums and post "you pissed me off" posts as if you're different posters.

But, since you couldn't see through your rage, or that of your other personalities, perhaps I could jog your memory.

There's a "Jeremy" on Demand Media Studios. He's part of their executive staff. His "bio" lists some of his accomplishments... things that I'm pretty sure drive you up the wall as it reminds you of that fact that you're a failure in life.

Having said that, how willing are you to bring your internet "tuff" gal persona to the real world? Care to say the above to a group of black people? How about to a group of service members? It'd be interesting to see how long you'd be able to continue smacking an imaginary face in the air before another female knocks you on your butt.

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