Saturday, May 05, 2012

A 12 Year Old Has Better Reading Abilities Than "JustBrowsing"

Maybe this retard should quit browsing... he should learn how to read and start thinking instead:

[quote] Justbrowsing » Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:30 pm
I always feel exhausted after reading his posts. He doesn't quite have concise writing down. I have to reread his sentences over and over because they are so convoluted. I'm a terrible writer. I can't type or proofread for shit, but at least what I write is concise and interesting most of the time. Think about it I-only-masturbate-for-a-good-cause dude. You should also be questioning how many precious little besig babies the world needs. I know I am.[/quote]

The old Protest Warrior forums had a posting community that included high school students, college students, veterans, active/reserve military, etc. Let's take the high school students. We're talking 9th to 12th graders. None of them made the same complaint that you've farted here.

Why the mention? My writing on this blog is more conversational, and reader friendly, than when I posted on Protest Warrior. So, what does this say about you? Since you have problems grasping the obvious, let me spell this out for you.

Your comment proves that you can't read at the same level as a 9th grader.

But wait! There's more!

My 12 year old nephew could read my writing easily. He didn't come back and complain about "not being able" to read my writing. He didn't have a hard time understanding my statements. So, are you telling me that a 12 year old could easily read what requires you to re-read over and over again without success?

Do you know what that makes you? A retard. So, if you can't read what I write, get someone that knows how to translate from English to retard. You might understand what's being said if you see it in retard terms.

Having said that, you shouldn't be worrying about how many times my sperm is used for conception. You should spend that time figuring out how to make a time machine... so that you could go back to your mother when she was pregnant for you, and convince her to have an abortion.

That's how you'd be able to contribute to the humanity, and to make up for taking space and stealing oxygen from someone that matters.

Sigh, to think of all those wasted resources spent on you that could've gone to someone that would've mattered. You people make it harder for me to defend America's K-12 education system when it gets international criticism.

[quote]Justbrowsing » Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:35 pm
Whoop! I just noticed I got a mention. I got one brain cell. Well, that is one more than I started out with[/quote]

That was until it left you to seek employment.

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