Saturday, May 05, 2012

So, WalkAway, You've Worked Only One Day in March, and Zero in April? Based on Your Own Words, you Worked 1 day in two Months

"Well, I'm flattered that I was given my own post." - WalkAway

Get over yourself numbnuts, that was me firing back at you.

"To thebesig, since I know his dumb ass is reading this:" -- WalkAway

OK, dingdong, how else am I getting the comments that I'm responding to on this blog? Hint, I had to do something prior to responding to you guys... you know, like finding posts attacking me, then firing back maybe?

"I never saw your blog post until now. Why? Because I have a life. While you've been spending your days posting on your idiotic blog, I've been spending my days working. Work? I'm sure that's a foreign concept for you." -- WalkAway

Take it away WalkAway!

"lol. I'm just jealous he hasn't written anything bad about me" -- WalkAway

If I could use your words against you and make a liar out of you in the process, what makes you think that anything else you say is "believable"?

I could tell that you're pulling turd nuggets out of your arse as an emotional reaction. Why? Anybody with a fraction of a brain would look at the days on the calendar, compare that to the days I post on my blog, and know that you're full of it and don't know what you're talking about.

You wouldn't even need an advanced degree to see what I'm talking about. Just common sense, which you're seriously lacking.

Heck, how many days have I posted on this blog in April? How about March, which has 31 days? If one day, out of 31 days, constitutes "everyday," then you're dumber than a paramecium.

If you bothered to use your head, you'd look at the posting dates on my blog. You'd notice that I didn't spend "days" posting here. Perhaps your shortcomings, with your writing "career," with your employment, and with your life, stem from your failure to pay attention to detail.

I posted here on March 4. By your own words, that's the day that you worked. You didn't work for the rest of March, April, or any day up to the date of this series of posts.

Your posting history, on Demand Studios Sucks, makes a liar out of you. If you had a life, you wouldn't be posting away on DSS. You most certainly wouldn't have lost your composure over my blog posts. You definitely wouldn't have generated a butthurt post in response to me.

Also, I don't recall you standing right next to me, observing me. That's the qualification you'll need to determine, with accuracy, what I do with my time. If you pulled your head out of your arse, and did your research, you would've learned several facts... enough facts to cause you to post like an intelligent person and to keep you out of trouble.

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