Tuesday, September 03, 2013

CE_ClueBat Misses the Point Behind my not Posting Here for a Long Time...

CE_ClueBat: lol thebesig is writing again.

Correction, I've been writing, but not on this blog. Now, why is it that I hadn't posted on this blog for months? Is it because there has been an absence, in months, of idiot posters attacking me directly or indirectly?

Nobody said anything on the Demand Studios Sucks blog that constituted being a swipe against me. Nobody said anything for months. Since nobody, on the DSS side, took swipes at me, there was no need for me to say anything. How could I... if there were no Demand Studios Sucks posts that took swipes at me?

This goes back to my previous comments on this blog, using a simple logic argument that's alien to people like Squirrely Wrath.

Let "X" be what the retards on Demand Studios Sucks say against me. Let "Y" be my response. If "X," then "Y." By logical extension, if not "X," then not "Y." The second relationship took place over six months. "X" didn't happen for months. When "X" didn't happen, "Y" ended up not happening.

Folks, this is simple common sense. This isn't rocket science.

Squirrely Wrath, thinking that he "had" a "logical" response, missed that simple logical relationship. He blamed "Y" instead of blaming "X." I've detailed this in my reply to that DSS zombie.

Only an arrogant idiot would assume that my writing is restricted to this blog, or to the content writing world.

Two to three times a month, I monitor the DSS zombies on Demand Studios Sucks. I copy and paste their idiotic replies on a MS Word document. Then, as time progresses, I generate replies to those idiotic DSS zombie comments. I don't spend an entire block of time doing this, but do this little by little throughout the month. Compared to the total productive time I have in the day, the amount of time I spend doing this is "chump change."

I take sadistic pleasure in destroying DSS zombie commentary. One of the things that I do is say things that causes these DSS zombies to go in a frothing frenzy. Unlike the DSS zombies and the time they have for their comments; however, these exchanges aren't as high as a daily priority as my other real world priorities.

The only advantage these DSS zombies have, over real writers and over people with jobs, is time to consistently post on Demand Studios Sucks... or to this exchange.

I laugh at how predictable these retard DSS zombies are. I also laugh at how I could push their buttons, and get them to do exactly what I'd predict they'd do. I do this in and out of my other activities, to help approach these other activities with a fresh mind. This makes for a perfect, amusing, break from my other writing and other activities.

I'm hoping that someone at Demand Studios Sucks would notice the obvious... the posting dates of my series of batches. Anybody with reading comprehension abilities would notice that I rarely spend time on this blog, during the month, slamming DSS zombies. When I do post, I generally post once or twice a month, and in batches.

These posts are reactive. In other words, I'm not going out of my way to give DSS zombies a hard time. If the DSS zombies take swipes at me, I'll have something to say in response. If they don't take swipes at me, I won't have a post to generate, attacking them back. What ultimately happens depends on them.

Only a retarded education failure would label this as my getting "backlash."

People with their heads up their own azzes, or up CE_ClueBat's azz, will assume that I'm "going out of my way" to mess with the DSS zombies... unprovoked. Now, if they'd only pull their heads out of that azz, remove their horse-blinders, and use their heads as something other than a butt plug, they'd realize that my series of replies constitutes the "backlash." Not their replies.

They'd also realize that unlike them, I've got more important things to do than to go out of my way to attack people that claim to be writers... without being attacked first. In the later case, I'd zero in on those retards, and not on some random DSS poster.

However; generating my counter rebuttals helps put a break in things, and recharge me, when I'm doing other productive activities. That's justified, I'm standing up for my self. I didn't go out of my way to attack someone unprovoked.

If they were real writers, writing for clients, they wouldn't be wasting their time attacking anybody else. Real writers don't attack other writers unprovoked... and real writers won't label a "retaliatory strike" as someone's going out of their way to be a troll... starting things up without a real reason.

I'm confident that as these DSS zombies get busy with real writing, or with real jobs, they'll see their trolling activities as a waste of time.

CE_ClueBat Panics in Response to my Counter Attacks Against the Demand Studios Sucks Trolls

I zero in on who the Demand Studios Sucks troll/trolls could be, why she's trolling, and remind her/them that I'm still watching her/them. I also remind these trolls that I'm going to keep hammering them as long as they have a venue to keep taking swipes at me.

What ends up happening when I zero in on the trolls? CE_CluelessBatshit starts freaking out, Page1News style. "Threatening" CE_CluelessBatshit wasn't anywhere close to being a theme of my last batch of replies:

[quote]lol thebesig is writing again..
Post by CE_ClueBat » Sun Aug 04, 2013 4:35 pm
I always thought this was berg, but who knows. Jeremy/thebesig/whatever is back to threats.
he gonna get us
writer-cubed.blogspot.com [/quote]

Page1News? Is that you? The only other Demand Studios Sucks poster, that I know of, that complained about me and "threats" was Page1News. What was that CE_CluelessBatshit? You're not Page1News? Then you need to calibrate your unqualified assumption about Berg, Jeremy and me being the same. Go back to Demand Studios Sucks Forums, and read where Berg and I flamed each other.

I know for a fact that neither Berg nor Jeremy is me. I'm not any of the other posters that posted there, claiming to be me, after I got banned from Demand Studios Sucks. After I got banned from the DSS forums, I left no other posts on that website.

The only posts I've made on the Demand Sucks website were the ones I made on the thread that I created as "thebesig" on the DSS forum. I'm not Berg, Jeremy, Saya, or anybody else there.

Only a stupid, gullible retard would fall for any claim that I made a post on DSS after I got banned from there.

Second, I said two things in my previous batch of replies that stuck out. These two things obviously got you in the jugular. I reminded the DSS trolls that I was still watching them. Another thing that I said was that I was going to keep hammering them until I'm into my 90s (2060s)... or until Demand Studios Sucks slips from the internet.

That's not me saying that my hammering you guys is going to result in you guys getting knocked down from the Internet. That's just me saying that as long as you guys fire in my direction, I'm going to keep returning fire.

Based on your reaction, there's a very good chance that you, CE_ClueBat, are behind most of the troll posts on the Demand Studios Sucks blog comment section. There's a good chance that you're behind the Jeremy and thebesig posts on the blog section of the DSS website. Heck, there's a good chance that most those troll posts, arguing against each other behind the veil of made up usernames and anonymity, are posts that you're generating.

You thrive on drama, and you have an interest in drawing traffic to a website you feel you have importance in. You're using that to make up for the fact that you're a failure in real life. I'll talk about that more in the following posts.

Anybody with a brain, common sense, analytical abilities, reading comprehension, etc, would see that my posts are reactive... whether I make these posts or not, and what I say in these posts, heavily depends on what you retards say and do.

I get you ding dongs every time I make these batches of posts.

CE_ClueBat Disrespects a Veteran While Acting like a Phony Writer and Phony Employee

You hold a full time job? Doing what? Getting filmed being yourself in a zombie flick? I'm sorry, but writing a reminder to yourself to flush the toilet doesn't make you a writer.

[quote]Re: lol thebesig is writing again..
Postby CE_ClueBat » Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:12 pm
I'm so amazing, I have time to write, hold a full time job, and make fun of failures like Ken and thebesig. I'm fucking awesome.[/quote]

I call BS.

First, if you were writing, whether on spec or for profit, and you're writing for a real purpose, the last thing that's going to be on your mind is going out of your way to attack writers. Writing clients worth their salt frown on any writer that attacks another writer unprovoked. That shows potential clients, and other writers, that you're not professional.

If you couldn't care less about other writers like that, what's stopping you from half azzing your work for a client? The one major injustice, from your writing for Demand Media Studios, is that you got shielded from the realities of the real writing world.

Demand Studios was a fool's paradise that allowed you to generate large amounts of crap and to get paid for it. It robbed you of an opportunity to grow as a professional and as a writer.

Farting on the DSS forums doesn't constitute "writing" in the professional writer sense of the word. Yes, by that definition, anybody could find the time to write. I wouldn't be surprised if you're telling other people that Facebook and Twitter are your clients.

Realistically, if you were writing for someone, building on your writing portfolio, and busy looking for the next client in the middle of working for your current client/clients, the last thing you'd be thinking about is attacking other writers unprovoked.

If you're working a full time job, and you're busy pulling crap out of your azz about someone that's handing you your azz, then that tells me that you have absolutely no ambition. You come across as the person that's satisfied with just clocking in, doing the bare minimum until it's time to clock out, then clock out... without a single thought about how you're going to make yourself more valuable to your employer.

Being a valuable employee, for your employer, would take enough of your energy and time that the last thing you'd do is attack someone. You'd focus instead on learning how to do your job better, or even how to do the jobs of others... and that of your supervisors. You'd be involved with off duty education to make yourself more marketable... and promotable... for your employer.

The only people that I know of, in the military and free market, that focus on trivial activities are those that don't have ambitions. Yup, it's easy to show up, do the bare minimum in an entry level job, then do something else after release, or "clocking" out. That leaves plenty of time for your playground games on the DSS website.

Throw ambition driven activities in the mix, and all of a sudden those trivial activities get placed into the back burner... or get forgotten.

Those with family/kid obligations would even have less time acting juvenile on the internet.

So, if you are working full time, and writing on the side, and you're doing what you're doing, then you've proven yourself to be a failure as both, a writer and as a member of the work force. This leads me to my second point...

Second, how are you measuring success or failure?

I know for a fact that if you knew me for real, and what I do outside of shoving your face into your azz, you wouldn't be seeing me as a failure. So, I'm curious as to the provenance of your information, and raw data, that lead you to your erroneous "head up your azz" assumptions about my so called, "failure."

Don't tell me that it's based on my getting banned from the Demand Studios Sucks board. That only tells me that you DSS zombies suck as debaters, and you DSS zombies are failures when it comes to building and presenting a logical argument. You made up for that failure by banning me... instead either learning how to build and present a logical argument or having the integrity to bow out of a fight that you DSS zombies lost as soon as it started.

Do keep up with your playground kid games. The more you talk, the more you reveal about yourself. With your last series of farts, you demonstrated yourself as someone that has problems with authority. I wouldn't be surprised if that problem has bitten you in the azz in most forums that you've posted in, as well as with most work force and freelance jobs you've had.

One of us in this exchange is a failure, and it's not me. 

Demand Studios Sucks' "Undercover" is "Under" in the Brain Department Today

[quote]Re: lol thebesig is writing again..
Post by undercover » Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:23 pm
That does kind of sound like berg... [/quote]

And you post as if a retarded ghost possesses you.

Real Writers can Easily Read My Posts

Heck, those with just a 6th grade level of education could easily read through my posts without thinking that they're "tedious." When retards, who allegedly have a high school diploma or a GED, say that they can't get through my posts, they're really saying two things.

[quote]Re: lol thebesig is writing again..
Post by Water's Fine » Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:08 pm
    [quote]That does kind of sound like berg...[/quote]
Maybe, I can sort of see it. Except I never had a problem reading Berg's posts and can't get through this guy's. Tedious. [/quote]

Two groups of people tend to complain about my posts. The first group, that claims that they can't get through my posts, tend to heavily disagree with me. Since they know that they can't mount an attack against me, or that they'd be held accountable for what they say to me, they resort to that, "He writes too long, I can't understand, or get through what he's saying," canard.

The second group consists of teenagers, who think they know everything, who tone out what their parents say when those parents give them real advice based on real world experiences.

Both groups are more interested in protecting their ego from all attacks of reason. This results in both groups reacting similar in the face of a fact based assault.

Anybody that thinks that I'm Berg, Jeremy, or any troll that posts on DSS is an idiot that falls for phony claims hook, line, and sinker. I won't be surprised if these retards went up to a phony veteran, and genuinely thanked him for his "service." But again, what does one expect from idiots that have nothing in their brain vacuum other than a monkey banging cymbals together?

Could CE_ClueBat be the Same Person as Page1News?

My last series of posts zeroed in on the trolls posting on the Demand Studios Sucks blog comment section. I addressed them specifically. Result? CE_ClueBat creates a thread, on Demand Studios Sucks, and claims that I "have" an "obsession" with her. Someone said something similar, with similar themes.

[quote]Re: lol thebesig is writing again..
Postby CE_ClueBat » Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:35 pm
He has an obsession with me for some reason. lol I never understood it. The only thing I ever said was "ummm, berg has like brain tumors, heart attacks, she's a deaf mute and she claims that the miracle of another poster's voice brought her back to life. Doesn't that sound a little odd to you?"
That's the only thing I'm guilty of. Lol [/quote]

First, I zeroed in on the trolls, not on "CE_ClueBat."

Second, someone else said something of that nature:

"Makes me think this whackadoodle is my intense IRL stalker. SCARY SHIT! Someone call Interpol, ASAP!" -- Page1News

"Whackadoodle" is a word that someone else on Demand Studios Sucks likes to use. Here's a couple more:

"You misunderstood. I simply meant that I periodically had been checking on your blog, but I hadn't noticed you posting anything until the DSS front page comments were enabled again. I don't know if it was coincidence, and it really doesn't matter anyway." -- Page1News

"It wasn't until the front page comments were enabled again that he published several posts." -- Page1News

Three themes pop out with the side by side comparisons. One, the "stalker/obsession" theme shows up in both of their comments. Two, both make the assumption that I generated my series of posts as a result of something, not related to what I'm replying to, that DSS said or did. The third one is the assumption that I specifically was targeting them.

One reaction, common to both, was the creation of a post on Demand Studios Sucks Forums, addressing something that I did.

Am I obsessed with Page1News, or am I obsessed with CE_ClueBat? Or, as I've explained all along, am I simply returning fire at those that fired at me?

My last series of batches didn't zero in on CE_ClueBat. However; I did specifically zero in on the people that were trolling in the blog section of Demand Studios Sucks. I don't see how that would constitute an obsession with CE_ClueBat unless CE_ClueBat is behind the troll posts. 

CE_ClueBat Force Feeds Crap Down Squirrely Wrath's Throat; Squirrely Wrath Spews it on Demand Studios Sucks' Forums

"I tried posting a reply - a civil and logical one about how there are worse things online than DSS, and that he shouldn't be so fixated on taking this site down." -- Squirrely_Wrath

If your marksmanship were anything like the assumptions you've made against my intentions and me, anybody wanting to commit suicide would stand right behind you as you're trying to shoot something right in front of you.

If you wanted to provide a civil and logical reply, you would've done your research. The first thing you would've done was actually READ what I wrote with the intention of understand what it is that you're reading. Nowhere in any of my posts did I talk about taking Demand Studios Sucks down. In fact, this is what I said:

"It's like what I said on the Demand Studios Sucks forums... even if I don't get back with you the next day, week, month, year, decade, etc, I WILL get back with you. I intend to keep hammering you retards well into my last days. Given the longevity in my family, I'd say till I'm in my 90s in the 2060s... or until Demand Media Studios Sucks slips from the internet... whichever happens first." -- Writer Cubed

Where, in that statement, does it state that I'll personally take Demand Studios Sucks down? Where you trying to justify your comment on the last statement? I take it that your non reading azz misinterpreted this statement:

"...or until Demand Media Studios Sucks slips from the internet." -- Writer Cubed

If that's the case, then you're an idiot for not being able to do what my 13 year old nephew could do... understand my posts with the intention of understanding what's being said.

Let me simplify this for you.

I'm going to stay at my residence until a hurricane takes the house down. By your interpretation, my staying at my current residence would "cause" a hurricane to come here and destroy it. If you were capable of understanding writing written so that a 13 year old could understand what's being read, you would've interpreted that to mean that I'd do one thing until something else happens that's... let me slow down for you here... something else happens that's... OUT... OF... MY... CONTROL...

You failed at an exercise that real writers easily do. A writer zeroes in on the client's theme in order to meet the client's requirement. You failed to understand what you were reading. Consequently, you pulled crap out of your azz and labeled it "civil and logical." The result didn't address what I was getting at.

"Apparently, the comments are moderated and it asked me to sign into my e-mail to post it." -- squirrely_wrath

That's because I'm no fan of "anonymous posting." If I were to allow anonymous posting, many retards will have a tendency to go full retard. Take it away Squirrely_Wrath:

"From what I understood, there was trolling going on." -- Squirrely_Wrath


"I think the phrase, 'don't dish it out if you can't take it' comes to mind. He'll dedicate an entire blog to trashing us, but he can't deal with the backlash." -- squirrely_wrath

You guys collectively attacked first, dumbazz. This is a continuation of that back and fourth that began on the thread that I started on Demand Studios Sucks Forums. I said this that thread, and I've said this repeatedly on this blog... if you guys keep firing in my direction, I'm going to keep returning fire.

I also indicated to you guys that I'll continue to do this for as long as you guys want to keep this up... for the duration of my life... or the duration of Demand Studio Suck's existence on the internet.

Again, with the exception of the first post I made on the DSS forums, every single post I've made since that first post... as well as every post I've posted against you guys on this blog... was reactive. Let me simplify this for your retarded, non reading comprehension azz.

I'm not actively going out to attack you guys. These batches of posts are a result of something that you guys said. Every time I do this, you people make retarded butthurt posts insinuating that I'm a troll, or a threat, or whatever it is your simple one brain celled operations could think up.

That statement attacks your claims of making a "logical" statement. Again, let "X" be something you retards say against me. Let "Y" be something that I said in response. What's happening here is an "If 'X,' then 'Y,'" relationship.

There's nothing "logical" about claiming that "X" is the backlash to "Y," when it's "X" that's causing "Y." Pull your head out of CE_ClueBat's azz and use it for something other than her butt plug for a change.

I think the phrase "Do as you preach" comes to mind. My series of posts constitute the backlash. You retards are attempting to dish out what you can't handle. You guys ganged up on other writers, bullied them, and chased them away... or caused them to get banned.

Instead of disappearing like most of the others, I stood my ground and returned fire. You people can't handle that. After you retards bullied the others that didn't fit into your norm, I'm making you retards experience the very thing that you guys dished out.

I guess it's OK, in that one brained celled operation in your head, if you guys attack others... but not OK for others to attack you.

You people sound like you guys can't take what you people dish. That phrase is accurate when applied to you. Quit accusing me of being like your retarded buddies and you.

"Frankly, I think it's hilarious that someone thinks their open scrutiny will somehow take down a site that, when you boil it down to the foundations, was started as a venting place for annoyed DMS writers/CEs." -- squirrely_wrath

Again, where, in my series of posts, do I specifically say that I intend to take down Demand Studios Sucks with my scrutiny?

What part of my "I take sadistic pleasure in destroying your arguments" commentaries did you not understand? Are you that retarded that you can't understand simple English that someone in grade school could easily understand?

Do I need to hire a retard interpreter that'd hopefully translate what I say, into retard terms, so that you could hopefully understand what I'm saying?

I take sadistic pleasure in exposing you people's stupid, retarded, line of reasoning... I take sadistic pleasure in basically showing you guys that you don't know what you people are talking about. Why would I try to remove the source of that amusement?

There's nothing logical and civil about what you said. Both logic and common sense would've shot your assumption down. Go back and look at the posting dates on this blog, pay attention to what you're reading, then go back to the drawing board. Force that one brain celled activity of yours to do its job instead of trying to take you over... or you'll threaten it with a bottle of beer.

Or... did you just go by what ClueBat said, then, like a lemming, plowed through like the other lemmings, just to "drown"? If that's the case, pull your head out of ClueBat's azz before you end up breaking your neck when ClueBat rapidly turns the corner.

"Granted, I'm not too familiar with this guy, as I tend to scurry up into a tree when a flamewar starts." -- squirrely_wrath

Since you're admitting that you don't know me that much... that fact proves that you don't have a leg to stand on when trying to provide a "logical or civil" response to anything that I say. How could you do that when you don't know the person that you're addressing? Reading my blog posts would've given you hints about how, and why, I do the things that I do. That would've saved you from making assumptions about what my intentions are. It also would've influenced how you would've responded... or whether you responded or not.

You don't have a leg to stand on assuming what my intentions are if you're not familiar with me.

Demand Studios Sucks' Undercover Proves to be Under-Intelligent

[quote]Re: lol thebesig is writing again..
Post by undercover » Tue Aug 06, 2013 7:23 am
squirrel, I don't take him/her/it seriously. am assuming it's just a troll having some fun.[/quote]


A troll goes out of his/her way to proactively post stuff, just to get under people's skins and get them to direct attention back at the troll... who's starving for attention in the virtual word, because they have no life in the real world.

I'm simply returning fire at those that take swipes at me. If I were being a troll, I'd be posting on the DSS blog response section. Not on this blog. 

Demand Studios Sucks Squirrely Wrath is a Hypocrite

[quote]Originally posted by speak of the devil
August 12, 2013 at 12:27 pm * Reply
Speaking of hypocritical asshatedness, you said Jeremey Whoeverhehis couldn't take it because he wanted an e-mail to comment on his blog... but what do you think you just did to make this comment.
What was that? Submit an e-mail. Yes, I know. Like most other blogs out there that want to at least cut down on the spam.[/quote]

I wouldn't be surprised if the turd would've posted on the Demand Studios Sucks blog comments section under an email or other identify. It's easy to do that when you're among like minded people. He'd rather post as an anonymous poster on my blog because that's what trolls do. That retard is definitely a hypocrite. 

Demand Studios Suck's Jeremy Imposter Admits to Sexual Perversion

I wouldn't be surprised if this is one of CE_ClueBat's sock puppet posts:

[quote]Originally posted by Jeremy Briggs
August 12, 2013 at 5:17 pm * Reply
It is me! Captain Pig Phuquer. I'll fly an airplane into the ground for ya. Or ya can read about my hangover cure -- I gulp semen!
Check it out:

Hint to the idiots that think that I'm Jeremy Briggs... I'm not Jeremy Briggs, and that's not my twitter account.

The troll that's speaking as Jeremy Briggs on the Demand Studios Sucks blog is very truthful... about her. Those are her activities during the times she's not trying to get traffic to websites that she trolls. She can't fly a plane, even if it's a paper plane that she made. Of course, there are exceptions, like if you crumple her paper plane and throw it.

She didn't have to tell us about the fun that she has with farm animals, but she doesn't have anybody in real life to listen to her.

As much trolling as she does on Demand Studios Sucks, I'm not surprised that the only friends that she has are farm animals... and the voices in her head. The farm animals don't argue back with her when she's doing what she said she does with them. 

Squirrely Wrath Has an Anxiety Attack Because This Blog Isn't Like the Demand Studios Sucks Blog

[quote]Squirrely Wrath
August 12, 2013 at 5:52 pm * Reply
Well, I was moreso referring the fact that he had to approve his comments. Sure, blogs have a tendency to request an e-mail, but most of the ones I've seen (including this one) post the comment instantly. That was more what I was getting at. [/quote]

Actually, you shot your "logical reasoning" canard in the foot with this comment. When it comes to facts, logic, and reason, there would be no need to fear posting under a non anonymous identify. I agree with facts, logic and reason. I disagree with bull crap. It was obvious that you were going to provide the later, and would rather do it under the veil of anonymity.

You were going to post what you thought was a "logical and civil" response, quotations used strongly, until you discovered that you couldn't post anonymously.

The purpose of my blog comments post settings is to force people to "sign their email/blogging identity" to their comments. I'm not a fan of anonymous posting. Like many other blogs that do the same thing, I'm cutting down on garbage, rubbish, spam, trolling, etc. I'm going to "moderate" the responses if they're to remain on my blog.

If you can't post here under an email or blogging entity, then what you had to say wasn't worth saying. Trolls refuse to post under a known identity, you're not that different.