Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Retard DSS Butt Munchers Denigrate a Veteran in the Month Containing the Purple Heart Predecessor's Creation Anniversary

That's after they denigrated a veteran in the month containing Independence Day...

I made my last batch of posts here on July 15, 2012. I got caught up with real life issues, both writing and military. Days passed before I checked back with Demand Studios Sucks.

One month, and one day, after I made my last series of posts, the loser buttmunch retard, still butthurt over my slamming her, was still making posts about me. That just shows how good I got this loser in the jugular. This proves that despite the fact that many DSS writers have moved on, I still own every cubic inch of space in this retard DSS zombie's head... as well as every cubic inch of space of that cymbal banging monkey in her head.

I've interacted with other professional writers. These are writers who write for the publishing industry, marketing industry, direct mail industry, and book writing industry. With book writing, I'm talking about those who've authored books via an agent, and whose books ended up selling in bookstores... books that got their own library of congress numbers... Not the vanity publishers.

Real writers don't spend days on end trashing other writers as people. Real freelance writers are too busy writing for clients, working to get clients, helping other writers, etc. They don't have the time to spare to post ignorant blog responses against another writer.

Lack of professionalism is one of the things you'd find in the content arena.

One reason for this is that in the content writing niche, it's easy to get a job. You don't necessarily have to call a client, talk about his/her needs, etc, to see if there's a fit between your skills and their market. You submit your application and, in most instances, you get accepted. ...Without talking to someone, without them seeing you, without them having a history of your interaction with others, etc.

Maturity and professionalism aren't always present in the content niche. Just look at Demand Media Studios versus Demand Studios Sucks. 

None of the professional writers that I've interacted with showed any of the immaturity that the retard DSS zombies, making butthurt posts concerning me, displayed.

Go to Demand Studios Sucks' forums, and blog response comments, and you'll see plenty of writers complain about how Demand Media Studios treats them. Yet, some of these people would forget how DMS treated them when it comes to dealing with others.

Some might say, "They got mistreated at Demand Media Studios, so they mistreat others." Because of my upbringing, and my military background, I don't buy that as a defense for recess playground behavior. I hold people accountable for their actions. If they're too stupid to give up a fight they've lost, I'll be more than willing to keep hammering them... no matter how long it takes.

Real writers don't act that way. Busy writers, engaged in one writing project after another, don't do what retard DSS zombies do. Real writers respect other writers as people. Professional writers respect other professional writers. It's that simple.

The fact that these losers keep taking swipes at me speaks volumes to a fact that bothers these retards: They're not real writers, and they know it. They're also losers in life, and they know it. Somehow, in their feeble minds, attacking others somehow makes the attacker look "big" and "important."

Adults see through their games and view them for what they are: Losers that can't hack it in the real world.

A DSS Zombie acts as a Useful Idiot for the Terrorists, she Demands that a Veteran Commits Suicide

The Army recently reported an increase in Soldier suicides. What does retard butt muncher do? She demands that a Soldier commits suicide. I guess with one less Soldier in the Army, that's one less person that deploys against the terrorists.

We know which side retard butt muncher is on. It's not on America's side, that's for sure. She'd cheer for the bad guy on the account that an enemy of her enemy is her friend.

It's like I said in the previous posts. You disrespect one veteran, you disrespect them all. If this retard butt muncher claims to support the troops, she needs to stop making false claims. She needs to admit to supporting the enemy instead:
[quote]Originally posted by retard butt muncher

Besig, you ignorant inbred fuck:

It is "Nobel Prize."

Goddamn, but you are a prime idiot. Go back to crashing airplanes, Jeremy. Do that thing with your military-issue pistol, skippy: jam it up your ass and massage that trigger.

You put the "fun" in dysfunctional, you psychotic fruit,[/quote]
Considering that your parents are brothers and sisters, you shouldn't be calling other people "inbred." Of course, you'd know what the Nobel Prize would be about, wouldn't you? Your mom/aunt thought that after she crapped you out, she'd be entitled to that award... for your unique birth.

Considering the amount of time that you spend munching arse, you shouldn't be telling people to "jam" any weapon up theirs... with your head in the way, you'd be the one that gets killed, not the person whose arse you're munching.

You need to quit neglecting your psychotropic drugs before accusing others of being "psychotic." Don't think that we're not onto your passive and acting "med cheeking." Let's hope your case manager doesn't find you out.

Demand Studios Sucks' Retard Butt Muncher Admits to Having Issues

[quote]Originally posted by retard butt muncher

Jeremy Briggs
July 28, 2012 at 11:57 am * Reply   

Hidden due to low comment rating. Click here to see.

Stop picking on me! I am a published riter with gud skillz. And I like to play with myself while watching animal porn.

I cain;t help it if I don't know my ass from a hole in the ground or what a noble prize is. You mean, it ain't like an honorable or gand prize?

Looks like someone skipped out on her medicine.

You've skipped on enough of your meds that you actually think that you're someone else. It's a good thing that the staff has your picture, with your bio, on your med folder. Someone should recommend, to your case manager, to color code your schedule, and the hallways, so that you'll know where to be at throughout the day.

Last week, you were complaining about NAZI people being at the door, ready to detain you. Now, you're claiming to be a writer of material that has been published. You've also spilled the beans about what you masturbate to.

Hey retard butt muncher, the people that administer your medicine are running out of space, on the back of your MAR, due to your constant medication refusals. Now you're starting to confess to your actual practices. Hate to break this to you, but your right to privacy can't protect you here.

Of course you don't know your butthole from a hole in the ground. You can't even tell your head from mangled dog poo on the ground either.

Retard Butt Muncher Tries to Hide the Fact that She's a Lesbian

[quote]Originally posted by retard butt muncher

Jeremy Briggs (The Besig)
August 12, 2012 at 8:40 am * Reply   

I'll suck a plump cock for $3.50, maybe less. If I swallow too much, I have my special hangover cure to make me well again. Suck. Swallow. Repeat.

God, I love the Army. So many men. So little time.[/quote]
Here's what Retard Butt Muncher is actually saying:

"I'll let a woman drop a plump log into my mouth for $3.50, maybe less. If I swallow too much, I have my special abilities to spew crap all over Demand Studios Sucks to make me empty for more crap receipt again. Suck, swallow, spew, repeat.

"God I love the Domina Convention, so many women to serve, so little time!"

Fixed to reflect what critical thinking people see in Retard Butt Muncher's Posts.

Demand Studios Sucks' Retard Butt Muncher Admits to Drinking Enemas

[quote]Originally posted by Retard Butt Muncher

Jeremy Briggs
August 7, 2012 at 10:37 am * Reply   

Hidden due to low comment rating. Click here to see.

You can also watch me use my enema hangover cures.

Works for me![/quote]
This explains why you're on Demand Studios Sucks spewing your crap wherever you can make a comment.

Doesn't surprise me that you'd rather take your Domina's enema instead of your meds. Heaven forbid that you take your meds, gain some form of sanity, and all of a sudden go silent on the Demand Studios Sucks blog comment section... or in their forums.

Jennifer has Poor Memory, or she's Outright Stupid...

[quote]Originally posted by Jennifer

XXXXX Thebesig Writer-Cubed
August 16, 2012 at 5:46 pm * Reply   

Hey! I resemble that remark! Don't spoil my fun by publishing the first part of my IP address.[/quote]
In reference to this statement:

"Especially that guy coming from 85.138.*.* Seriously -- what kind of a loser spends their time masking their IP address so they can come into a site and leave comments about "cum slurping". Get a life, dude." -- "Patrick"

First, what I've consistently said throughout my blog posts:

The last post I made, on Demand Studios Sucks, was on my thread. That's the only thread that I participated in, that's the only location on DSS that I posted on.

After I got banned, I've posted all my DSS related replies and comments on this blog.

Second, I've got so many things going on, that Demand Studios Sucks related reading and posting, constantly get put on the back burner. Anybody, with at least half a brain, would know that given that fact, I wouldn't have time to find a way to masque my IP.

I guess certain DSS zombies can't figure out that I generate my posts one day, then post days or weeks later.

I also like the idea that I still occupy room in certain people's heads. Their comments are proof that I still have control over them... even when I'm busy doing something else.

Besides, I like the idea of firing a group of replies, disappearing, then coming back to find that people are still having butthurt reactions to what I said... these brain dead DSS zombies are still making butt hurt posts in response to me a month after I've made my last series of posts.

This brings me back to another thing that I've repeated throughout this blog... I'll keep firing at the opposition for as long as they keep firing at me... and I'll do it regardless of how long I have to wait before I could get around to posting my replies.

Third, all those "cum slurping" posts reek "female." It'd be natural for a disgruntled female to be talking about slurping that stuff. But the female that wrote that, Retard Butt Muncher, isn't into males. She's just making those kinds of comments to hide her true nature... she's a submissive for dominant females.

Hopefully, the staff at the group home that she lives at catches on to the fact that she's cheeking her psychotropic medications. The sooner they get her off the computer, the sooner she quits damaging herself, and the sooner they could find a way to get her to take her medications again.

The Demand Studios Sucks Zombie's Real Hangover Cure...

[quote]Retard Butt Muncher

Jeremy Briggs (The Besig)
August 15, 2012 at 1:39 pm * Reply

Try my hangover cure! Fly airplanes into the ground! Yay![/quote]
Actually, Retard Butt Muncher, your hangover cure involves butt munching. The only "flying" that's involved is your face flying into the azz of the woman that you're about to butt munch.

Burned CE Wonders why he Constantly Gets Stung Every Time he Pokes the Bee Hive...

I guess for some people, being a phony professional, and a phony writer, isn't enough. They have to pretend to be psychiatrists too...

Hey Burned CE. The only people that could certify someone, as being "a nutjob," is a qualified psychiatrist that talks to the person that's about to be diagnosed/labeled. Every psychiatrist that has talked to me, before and after deployment, has deemed me as "normal" with no issues. I don't recall talking to you face to face.

Meaning, pull your head out of your arse, remove your horseblinders, and get a clue before you disengage your brains.
[quote]Postby BurnCEs » Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:34 am

[quote]Groundskeeper Willie wrote:

[quote]I've got hack threats, websites created about me, and a ton of shit that is hilarious[/quote]

I'm glad to hear thebesig's still on the war path.[/quote]

He won't let it lie. His writer cubed blog's still worth a look-see if you enjoy peering inside the head of a certifiable nutfuck.

Cluebat, Willie, good to hear from you guys again. [/quote]
I treat these exchanges the way I treat a combat operation... consecutive controlled pairs until the opposition falls... deliver a volume of fire until the opposition is neutralized.

Burned CEs whines that I won't "let it lie," but ignores the elephant in the room... the fact that those that take swipes at me, including him, refuse to let it lie.

I've consistently explained to these brain dead DSS zombie retards what they could do, on their end, to stop this. Let's face it. I take sadistic pleasure in destroying them in these exchanges. I'm not going to stop. I'm not going to quit. These dummies missed the point behind my saying that I've done this since 2003.

The point that they miss? That I'll keep hammering them until they "get smart" and realize that I'll stop firing back at them if they stop firing at me. Again, "X" is their taking swipes at me, directly or indirectly. "Y" is my firing back. If "X," then "Y." If not "X," then not "Y." Take the "X" away, and you won't have the "Y."

This isn't rocket science. This is logic, this is common sense.

If they can't figure out how to use that simple cause and effect relationship, to get me to stop firing at them, then they're beyond stupid. They lose the "right" to complain that I refuse to "let it lie."

News for the retards that think that they could bully me into stopping... I will keep firing back at you until you quit firing at me... no matter how long we go back and forth. Want this to stop? Then you need to let it lie. You need to move on. If you can't do that, you lose the right to whine about my refusing to "let it lie."