Sunday, March 04, 2012

Demand Studios Sucks Berg's Reading Abilities Doesn't Match her Doctorate Claims

[quote]Originally posted by berg
Hello there, Thebesig! How thoughtful of you to provide me with career advice. Lol, you are correct, they still call it Poly Sci.
You may be asking yourself, what brings me to this side of the forest on this fine evening. Well, my dear friend, I shall tell you.[/quote]

You've gone to three "good" schools, "have a doctorate," yet can't tell the difference between first and third persons? Knowing the difference would've let you know whether I was talking to you or not... and whether I was specifically giving you any advice or not:

"Advertising? Perhaps 'berg' could get in touch with a marketer or a publisher with a mailing list that spans the English speaking world. If she does well doing their 'inserts,' or other small writing project, she'll get a shot at earning over $1,500.00 writing a mailing package. If she writes something that beats their control letter, she's looking at earning more than that for a follow on assignment." -- WC

Since your "Ph.D" level of reading missed this, let me spell this out to you. That statement is in the same family as the rhetorical question. A rhetorical question isn't asked to get an answer, but to help make a point. That quoted statement works the same way. It's intended to make a point, while speaking about you in the third person.

That wasn't me telling you what you should do. That was me making a point, to counter your claims that business and advertising are "pussy majors." That wasn't me giving you career advice.

Also, an "insert" is a direct mail piece that you'd find in a magazine or newspaper. These are the cards and fliers that tend to fall to the floor when you're looking at a magazine. These cards are either subscription renewals, or new subscription requests. You mail these "inserts" to the publisher to start, or renew, your subscription.

When I said, "doing their inserts," I meant writing the material on those cards that'll motivate a person to send the card to the publisher. Publishers will see how you do on something small before trusting you with something big.

If you read that statement in context, you'd notice that this has everything to do with writing... and nothing to do with "stuffing" envelopes, as your "doctorate" level reading misinterpreted.

And no, I didn't ask myself why you responded. I saw notification that you posted to one of the blog entries. The initial impression I had was that you posted under your username, unlike the cowards that hide behind an anonymous name.

DSS' Berg Interprets Opinion Based Degrees as Mentally Challenging over Practical Degrees

[quote]Originally posted by berg
You see, I don't know where you went to college, and I can't be bothered to investigate that. But, I can tell you that if you went to a good school, or three of them as I did, you would understand why Advertising and Business are considered soft degrees. That is just a fact, you can't argue with that, they are soft degrees. So, in a nutshell, that is why I call them pussy degrees. There is nothing mentally challenging about a Business or Advertising degree. An MBA, sure, that is a challenge.[/quote]

Don't mistake your opinion, as to what makes a hard degree or a soft one, as that one that resulted from having gone to a "good" school.

I don't recall using "soft" or "hard" to describe degrees when I started out. We had multiple categories to describe the different degrees. We didn't use "soft" or "hard" to describe them.

We used terms like "black and white" and "grey." The "black and white" were the hard sciences... your engineering, mathematics and science degrees. Business, teaching, hospitality, etc, were in a class of their own.

Then we had the grey classes... which described political science, philosophy, and other courses that hinged heavily on opinion. We also had "liberal arts," which encompassed a combination of academic disciplines.

We also used the terms "useful," and "useless." Useful resulted in a measurable skill that you could apply in the real world. This incorporated black and white courses, as well as courses that built into a regular profession... like business, journalism, and teaching.

We also staggered them as follows: Math, Science, Engineering, etc, at the top; Business, journalism, etc in the middle; and the grey courses at the bottom.

Based on your comments, about the above degrees, I doubt that you attempted to complete a Business, or Advertising course... unless it was an introductory course. If that was your only exposure, then you're still not qualified to judge those degrees.

You argue that "challenging the mind" should be a criteria.

That arrogantly assumes that those that didn't follow your path didn't challenge their minds. That also arrogantly assumes that those that didn't go to a university failed to "challenge their minds." You don't need a university experience to challenge your mind. People could still do intellectually challenging activities without matriculating into a university, or enrolling in a course.

If an academic discipline challenged you, but not someone else, that's not a reflection of the university they went to. That's a reflection of where each person's interests fall. It's also a reflection of aptitude for a certain subject.

Subjects that cause people to have to work their brains may not require any brain power from another person.

Berg Tries to De-Emphasize Practical Degrees While Emphasizing Opinion Degrees

[quote] Originally posted by berg
You and I are not talking on the same level. Where you see a useless degree as something that will "improve their chances of learning a useful skill to use in the real world," I see a useless degree as something that doesn't challenge the mind, and provide you with questions that will challenge you the rest of your life.[/quote]

There's no, "we're on different levels about this." You pointed out one glaring difference between us. I'm realistic, you're idealistic. I see things from the real world standpoint; you see things from an academic bubble standpoint.

If you needed a degree to "challenge the mind," then you're hurting. If you needed a university experience to give you something that challenges you for the rest of your life, then you're hurting.

I've been challenging my mind long before I took my first college level course in high school. Other people, who've never been to college, pursue interests that allow them to challenge their minds. They ask one question, they seek the answer, which leads to other questions, which leads to the cycle repeating itself for the rest of the person's life.

Many didn't need a college education, or college degree, to do this. Most people have some kind of interest... and mind challenging activity... that they're going to ponder and consider for the rest of their lives. Most of these people have never matriculated into a university.

Maybe you could go up to a soldier digging a machine gun defense position. You could tell him that since digging fox holes "doesn't challenge the mind" like your "good schools" did, that what he's doing is a "pussy" activity. Maybe you could grab the entrenching tool from him and show him how his job is a "pussy" job.

[quote]Originally posted by berg
Sure, some people may find joy and fulfillment in advertising, but you are better off getting a degree in media or psychology. Those degrees will actually teach you something.[/quote]

This narrow view about the different degrees argues against the idea that you've "got" a "doctorate" degree.

By the time most college students settle on a degree, they've done so with two main variables. One, they have a strong interest in the discipline that they're pursuing. This includes having joy and fulfillment.

Two, they see themselves as having the aptitude for the discipline, as well as a good chance of using that discipline to secure a related job in the real world. Aptitude plays a large role in how much a student will pick up and learn. Without that aptitude, there's so much knowledge that's not going to stick.

You Need to Know Humility Before you Talk About It

[quote]Originally posted by berg
I realize you took Poly Sci classes back in 1989. But, again, we aren't at the same level. You see, I went to top ranked schools. I know you didn't because you still have no humility and are far too confident in your mental abilities. I'm noticing a trend in your writing and opinions. It reminds me of Oscar Wilde's quote, in response to a cynic: "A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing."[/quote]

You need to show humility before you whine about other people not showing humility. Bragging about going to top ranked schools, to try to back your opinion, isn't humility. Trying to insinuate that your opinion is something that I'd hold if only I had also attended "top ranked schools," isn't you showing humility. That's arrogance.

"We're not at the same level," or, "We're on different planes," is nothing but feel good clap trap debate tactics. A school isn't a very good school if it teaches those kinds of debate tactics.

One of the main purposes of a university is to train students to gather, develop, and continue knowledge. Part of that involves an intellectual vetting process that's designed to develop knowledge, and eliminate "non" knowledge. This concept leads to how science, and other disciplines, are supposed to work and evolve.

You seek knowledge. Based on that knowledge, you develop an argument, or a theory. Once you have that argument, or theory, you test that theory to see if it's sound. If that theory fails, then you have to abandon it and go back to the drawing board. Again, this is a cycle that's designed to improve humankind's overall knowledge.

A vetting process is involved in developing that knowledge. It doesn't involve a touchy-feely-feel-good "different levels" argument. It involves a cold, hard, you're either right or wrong, Saxon style engagement. The former allows a person to hold onto a half baked theory. The later forces a person, with a weak argument, to reconsider his "data."

Again, your "good schools" aren't so "good" if they taught you that "different levels" crap.

Don't mistake my pursuing the facts, and arguing from the facts, as my being "far too" confident in my mental abilities. That's simply me telling it like it is in the same sense that I'd call a red fire hydrant a red fire hydrant.

Your observations of my writing and assessments, and the quote that you used, aren't even on the mark. If your marksmanship were like your comments about me, my traits, or abilities; I'd hate to be the person standing behind you as you try to shoot the target in front of you.

Berg Claims a Doctorate Degree, yet Fails to Understand Conversational English

[quote]Originally posted by berg
You may not be aware, but I have a doctorate. Heheh, it still makes me laugh when I say that. AneHow, I don't write for Demand anymore, and I don't need your advice on becoming an envelope licker. So, please, next time you decide to quote me, try and find something more substantial that a two-line quip to latch onto.[/quote]

You do realize that you shot yourself... or rather, shot your doctorate claims... in the foot with that comment, do you?

Doctoral writing is jam packed with academic jargon, as well as with jargon associated with the academic discipline. It's written for an audience that predominantly holds doctoral degrees. It's also lengthy. You had to read one text after another with the same reading level.

My blog entry wasn't written anywhere near the doctoral level. It was written for someone that has at least a grade school level understanding of the English language.

So, having read doctoral level writing, there's no way that you would've missed the mark when it came to understanding what I wrote. Where, in the blog entry that you replied to, does it say anything about licking envelopes?

Perhaps you misinterpreted me when you said this:

"You have to know something about advertising; as in direct mail/direct response advertising." -- WC

Direct mail: Advertising that calls for a prospect to "respond" to the mailing package... as in place an order. That's not calling for the prospect to "lick an envelope," as your "doctorate" trained chrome dome had misinterpreted it.

What? That's not what you were referencing?

Then perhaps your "doctorate" trained mind, with its "doctorate" level reading "comprehension abilities," could quote the section in the blog post mentioning "envelope licking." I couldn't find it, and neither could the "Control F" function on my keyboard.

Also, anything you say to counter me is ripe for the picking and dismantling. Even "if" you're not writing for Demand Media Studios, you're still posting on Demand Studios Sucks.

"I'm fulfilled, I am doing what I love and teaching in a university. I'm not a writer and I never was. I used Demand to get me through a one year period where I was looking for a new university teaching position. So, don't you worry about me." -- berg

I'm sorry, but I don't see you as a college professor. Most don't waste their time consistently posting on message boards and blogs. Every single one that I've interacted with has been far too busy juggling real world commitments. The Ph.D. holders were involved with research, generating papers on their studies, and fighting for grant money... leaving teaching assistants to do their teaching.

Many of them couldn't even be bothered to personally help their students.

There were professors that weren't into doing researches and making names for themselves. Many of these professors were still busy juggling real world responsibilities. None of them had time to post on message boards or to respond to blog entries, like what you're doing here.

"Now, if you have something more interesting to pick apart" -- berg

Any post that constitutes a debate against me is a perfect candidate to pick apart.

Berg Mistakes Her Opinion as Actual Knowledge, Complains About my "Lack" of Humility

[quote]Originally posted by berg
and have some actual knowledge of the subject, I am more than happy to stroll on over and see what's going down in ThebesIG land.
I'm glad I could grace you with my presence, I hope next time, you can choose something more substantial and worth picking apart.[/quote]

You call this "humility"? ROTFLMFAO! Take it away berg:

"You see, I went to top ranked schools. I know you didn't because you still have no humility and are far too confident in your mental abilities." -- berg

By your own definition, not only do you lack humility, you never went to a top ranked school.

Know when to break contact as a result of your losing the engagement; then we could talk about you having humility.

You need to present me with the facts before you try to brow beat me with your opinion about whether I'm knowledgeable on a subject or not. Your opinion doesn't count as hard fact, no matter how hard you try to connect it to your allegedly attending a "top ranked school."

You also need to try to use facts to back your point. It's painfully obvious that you're lacking in the fact department. It's also painfully obvious that you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

There's no way in hell that they'd award someone, with your lack of logic, with a doctorate degree.

If the "challenging the mind" and "different levels" clap traps are what's actually being taught, we're in trouble. If that were the case the quality of our university education in this country honest to God did deteriorate.

Again, any comment against mine is a perfect candidate to take apart.

A DSS Poster's Comment as Seen by a Critical Thinker Part II

February 21, 2012 at 5:22 am * Reply
Hidden due to low comment rating. Click here to see.
Hey! What about me! Everybody read my blog, which is a response to your blog and every post made here. I have a good traffic of crickets to my site, and Keeny Crwfish stops by every now and then to offer his qwality ritin' ProTips.
Oh: how ya'll like my beanie cap with the propellor on top? They wouldn't let me fly no mo' in Afghandamnistan because I kept wetting my military breeches. So I got this cool beanie as a consolation prize to help with my thumb-sucking.
Come see me any time, you meanies. I am at
Time to fly: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzooooooooom![/quote]

How this drivel comes across to a critical thinker:

"Hey! What about me! I'm a loser that trolls under different names... because I'm a gutless coward that can't post under my actual username! I'll talk about crickets at another blog, while riding the Demand Studios Sucks barge down!

I did so great in school today!

My teacher rewarded me by allowing me to wear that special hat that looked like one of those orange traffic cones. I get my own throne when that happens, it's in the corner.

Well, anyway, she wouldn't let me have my beanie cap with the propeller on top. I was mad until the short yellow school bus came and picked me up. Unnnghuyuuushaaaawuuyuuh!" -- Retard DSS Poster Jeremy, aka the other usernames, stolen or original... while rocking his upper body back and forth while doing the T-Rex with his arms...

Fixed to reflect accuracy.

Demand Studios Sucks' CE_ClueBat is a Racist and Supremacist

A commenter described one of CE_ClueBat's "mommy issue" rants. I wonder if that mommy issue stemmed from her mother's disapproval of CE_ClueBat's wanting to join the KKK?

This dummy couldn't get the facts straight even if they'd smash into her face:

"He's a sperm donor. That's good. I mean, we can't have these mulattos ruining good ol' 'merican blood." -- CE_ClueBat

First, most the recipients for my sperm are American couples. Second, my forefathers came here during the colonial times, and have served in almost every major war as far back as the US Civil War. Mulatto? Not even by a long shot. Third, the fact that you're racist, and a supremacist, is well noted.

DSS' DespicableMe has a Despicable IQ Level--Bump it up 5 Points and He'll be a Retard

Here's another turd that makes an unqualified comment. His comments contradict a professional's assessment of me. This assclown makes it hard for me to continue to argue against abortion:

"Annnnnnd this is why I can never adopt a child. I'd spend the entire time worrying that I'm taking on the offspring of someone with a strange mental illness like this tard. Genetics are a bitch." -- DespicableMe

Are you normally this stupid, or were you trying extra hard when you farted that comment out? Compared to you, a mentally ill person would be an improvement. (Disclaimer, I'm not trying to insult the mentally ill or challenged.)

Heck, if the turd I'm addressing in this post improves its IQ by about 5 points, it'd qualify for the retard label.

Justbrowsing's one Brain Cell Departed to Seek Employment

[quote]Originally posted by Justbrowsing 
A sperm donor? LOL! Scary. Let's just all thank him because that is just how we roll here at DSS.
Thank you notfat nonbasement I-only-masterbate-for-a-good-cause trying-too-hard-to-prove-I'm-not-Jeremy fog, oh I mean blog, man. Thank you.[/quote]

What I find scary is that your parents are allowing you to use the computer to spew your garbage, instead of for doing homework. It's not hard to prove you assclowns wrong when you attempt to assume things about me. All I have to do is provide the facts.

If you think that I'm the imposter that posts under multiple names... on Demand Studios Sucks... then you're dumber than what you're portraying on DSS.

BurnCEs is Afraid to Post via an Account, yet Accuses me of Being a Pussy

[quote]Originally posted by BurnCEs
Thanks for reminding me, Willie. Reading Thebesig's blog is like staring into an abyss of lunacy.[/quote]

Hmm, where have I heard this before? That's right, young people that think that they know everything... and that their parents are "dumb." BurnCes' comments is like that of a teenager going on about how his/her parents don't understand anything... and how these parents come across as if they're from another planet.

Its comment, about people living on the field as a result of Demand Media Studios' decisions, sounds juvenile.

When his parents catch him messing around on the internet, I wonder if he'll lose his computer... or will his parent's shoot his laptop?

[quote] Originally posted by BurnCEs
I notice that Thebesig is such a cringing, lily-livered, yellow-streaked pussy that he's disabled comments on his blog unless you sign in with your Google Account (and fuck that for trolling).[/quote]
So let me get this straight. This turd wanted to make an anonymous post, but couldn't. It has to log in with a Google account in order to defecate in one of the comments boxes. Because it has to log in with an account, it's afraid to leave a comment.

This dingbat is too much of a coward to post with his account. I haven't received notification that BurnCEs has a comment that needs moderation.

There's a reason that I turned anonymous postings off. It has nothing to do with fear. It has more to do with my not being a big fan of anonymous posting.

People tend to shift to retard mode when they could post anonymously. Force them to sign in with a username, or without their anonymity, and they tend to restrain themselves more. Many all of a sudden lose their "bravery" and decide that they didn't want to post after all.

It takes more guts to say something under an identifiable username... than it does when cowering from behind the veil of being anonymous.

BurnCEs needs to quit acting like a coward before accusing others of being yellow livered pussies.

An Internet Tough Gal Rolls a new Strategy Out...

[quote]Originally posted by berg
I'm sending my friend after you, asshole. Heheh.[/quote]
WOW! Our Internet tough gal has rolled out one of her E-Thug tools!

Demand Studios Sucks' BurnCEs Tries to Demonstrate his "Intelligence" and "Humor"

...quotations used strongly.

[quote]Originally posted by BurnCEs
Looks like Thebesig and his "popular" blog would welcome the attention, even from a wode-daubed homicidal Scotsman:[/quote]

For the moment, this blog's main purpose is to keep hammering at my Demand Studios Sucks detractors. You retards need to know that despite my being banned from Demand Studios Sucks, I'm still going to destroy your drivel. I'm not actively advertising this blog everywhere I post, or everywhere I communicate. I'm using it to get under your skins, just as I'm using it to fact check your retarded comments.

There's a purpose behind what I say, and you guys are reacting just as I anticipate. I get a kick out of you people's reactions.

Keep it up, I never get tired of firing back. Groundskeeper Willie may be forgiving of you retards' "Demand Media Studios" caused attitude problems, but I'm not. I'm going to keep holding you retards accountable for being, well, retarded.

Berg has a Short Attention Span if she Thinks her Note was too Long

[quote]Originally posted by berg
Willie, you son of a bitch. I'm tired, and thrashed and you just gave me the link I needed to go post a tl;dr on his blog. Heheh.[/quote]

In that "to long didn't read" comment, you claimed to be someone with a doctorate degree. If that were true, neither that note, nor any of my posts, would've counted as "tl:dr." Certainly, someone with a doctorate degree, with three good schools under her belt, would've seen that as a very short note.

If you're going to make up a persona for yourself, you should at least do some research and try to act the part.

It's Blatantly Obvious That This DSS Turd Can't Read

[quote]Proof the Besig is a Retard
February 26, 2012 at 9:57 am * Reply
Look at "Writer Cubed." Apparently theBesig is so stupid he can't tell when trolls and DSS haters like himself are bashing the core DSS crew!
Whatta moron![/quote]

What I said:

"One loser after another had thrown one of the below assumptions about me around on other message boards. Whether this assclown was addressing me or not, I'm going to provide a rebuttal." -- WC

Perhaps this brain-dead retard gets a splitting migraine when reading more than two sentences, so I'll make it easier to read:

"Whether this assclown was addressing me or not, I'm going to provide a rebuttal." -- WC

You know what? I think the way that's written would still give our retard a headache, so let's break this down further...

A. "It doesn't matter of this assclown was addressing me or not..." -- WC
B. "I'm going to provide a rebuttal!" -- WC

Still don't get it? I'm not surprised.

You need to be able to read, and comprehend, conversational English...  before opening your mouth and proving to us that your school was derelict in its duties to you. I don't know how I could've been any plainer than that. Perhaps you could hire a retard interpreter so that he could break that down to you in retard terms so that you could hopefully understand what I said.

Feeling like a moron yet? I doubt it, as it's painfully obvious that that being a turd comes naturally to you.

If you understood that I'm going to provide a rebuttal... regardless of whether the other turd was addressing me or not... you'd know that contrary to what you farted above, I know that the people on DSS were slamming the DSS retards.

In case you were giving a butt hurt response... my posts in response to you guys are reactive in nature. They're dependant on what you morons do. Attack me directly and indirectly and I'll return fire. Ignore me and I'll cease fire and find another target.

When you Don't Have the Facts, Pound the Bull Crap...

[quote]You actually needed proof?
February 26, 2012 at 1:17 pm * Reply
Jeremy is bug-eyed, chewing-on-tinfoil crazy. Period.
Monkeys throwing their feces at each other are more coherent and logical than "the Besig" on his best day.
Cretinism, defined, is what he is.[/quote]

One would hope that a person would give up the playground mentality after graduating from elementary school. Unfortunately, you could take some people out of elementary school, but you can't take the inner recess kid attitude from professionally challenged "writers" and "editors."

Here I am countering people's garbage and trash, and what does this brain dead turd do? Resort to name calling and throwing verbal feces around. These are the same people that think that they're writers and editors.

The above person is obviously so stupid, he wouldn't be able to locate his hind end even if it were on fire... which it would be after his parent discovers him on the computer. I wouldn't be surprised if this turd isn't allowed on the computer unsupervised. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if this retard isn't allowed alone unsupervised.

Any moment now, his parents would come up, grab him, and drag him out... with him drooling uncontrollably at the mouth, jumping up and down, waving his arms all over the place, while saying, "unnnguuuhhaaahuuughhhhaaaa waahuuuughuaaaa!"

This retard is yet another one of society's education and upbringing fails.

Demand Studios Sucks' "Eh" Must've Been Dropped on its Head When it was Born

February 29, 2012 at 4:43 pm * Reply
Making threats now, Jeremy? The military police might have to come by your apartment and straighten you out, slappy. You are unraveling rapidly.
What a worthless troll you;ve turned out to be. Not even good for the lulz.[/quote]

Actually, the only threat that I see here is to your one brain celled activity when you say, "I'm going to have a beer!" ...has something to do with killing brain cells... in your case, your one brain cell.

You don't have a clue about how the MPs/Post Police operate, don't you? They won't go outside the post, into the community, to smack people around. They have no jurisdiction over either civilians or military out in town.

You call in the police from the police precinct that covers the affected area.

They don't have "apartments" on post. They have family/post/base housing and the barracks. You're a failure even as a troll.

Demand Studios Sucks' "Eves" Pulls Crap out of its Hind End

February 29, 2012 at 6:35 am * Reply 
No hiring power? Keep on deluding yourself. You'll be living on food stamps and ketchup packets when the military gives you the dishonorable boot.
The word is out: nobody in the publishing industry wants anyone associagted with that shit company. And that includes you, Adams. or Jeremy. or circus freak. The Besig. Whatever you decide to call yourself today. [/quote]

You people don't have hiring power unless you work in Human Resources, or something equivalent. Even if you knew the names of the people that wrote for Demand Media Studios... or write for free for Demand Studios Sucks... what are the chances that they'd all come to you, or one of your affiliates?

Dismount from your high horse.

Real marketers and publishers aren't going to waste a second of their lives listening to you people's drivel... unless you guys offer them services that they could use. They're simply too busy for that. Most publishers and marketers worth their salt would look at what you could do for them... rather than whether you wrote for Demand Media Studios.

Also, trolling message boards isn't a "must chapter out of the military" activity.

If you have a "black list" circulating, it's going to be as useless as your assumed importance.

Demand Studios Sucks Poster Doesn't Know What it's Talking About


"One loser after another had thrown one of the below assumptions about me around on other message boards. Whether this assclown was addressing me or not, I'm going to provide a rebuttal." -- WC

Note for the retard that misinterpreted that. Scroll up to the post where I break that down into easily digestible parts. Have an interpreter available that could break what I said into retard terms for you.

[quote]Ha, Ha!
February 29, 2012 at 10:10 am * Reply
Jeremy, take your medications. If you haven't any, get some pronto from the base shrink. Maybe they can help you. But you desperately need some help.[/quote]

You see the contradiction in that statement? First, you tell him to take his medications. Then you follow that up with a statement about how he could obtain medication, and help. Also, there's no "post psychiatrist" that people run to for medications.

There's a post chaplain, as well as a chaplain assigned to brigade and battalion level staffs. The chaplain and the aid station evaluate someone for possible psychiatric help. Then that person is "kicked up" to the servicing brigade clinic, which may or may not have a psychiatrist. If not, that person is kicked up to the post hospital, where there would be some psychiatrists. If the post hospital doesn't have psychiatrists, or the right one, the service member is referred to a psychiatrist outside the post.

The Psychiatrist doesn't issue medications. He/she writes a prescription, which the service member takes back to the brigade clinic.

I'm not surprised that you didn't know that... despite the fact that the above work under similar concepts as their counterparts in the commercial world. When your parents took you to the psychiatrist, all you remembered was your stuffed animal, and the candy they handed you.

You need as much help as the person playing the one person self debate team.

[quote]Ha, Ha!
February 29, 2012 at 10:10 am * Reply
Try starting with Thorazine and Lithium to manage your schizophrenic mania. Popping a valium or two might calm you down [/quote]

I find it very impressive that you remember your psychiatrist's advice to you. It's painfully obvious; however, that you've failed to take that advice. Shame, shame.

[quote]Ha, Ha!
February 29, 2012 at 10:10 am * Reply you can attempt to reintegrate in society as a dog-poop collector, garbage man or other similar vocation worthy of your obvious skills.[/quote]

You're talking to someone about reintegrating into society?

You spend way too much time with your face planted to your computer screen, with your pointing fingers tapping on random keys. You shouldn't be talking about "reintegrating" with society when your world doesn't extend beyond the three feet radius perimeter from your computer.

It's also obvious that you're one of those spoiled brat kids that has had everything handed to you. I wouldn't be surprised if you were one of the people that walked his/her dog without a doggie bag and poop scoop.

You do nothing but spew garbage and trash from your mouth. You do that for free on Demand Studios Sucks, doing the website owner a favor.  People doing dirty work get paid to do what they do. They do society a favor while they do those jobs.

Demand Studios Sucks' Posters Keep Talking That it's Almost Here, But it Never Comes

[quote]Paul Mann vs 3
February 28, 2012 at 5:33 pm * Reply
I wonder if they will wait until next week to drop the hammer? If it's not next week, it will be Friday. DMS loves to shit on everyone's holidays and weekends.[/quote]
It looks like they increased the fee in another section from $15.00 to $25.00. That doesn't sound like Demand Media Studios is going away soon. Don't count on them being gone as soon as you hope they'll be gone.

DSS Watcher's Butt Hurt Over Demand Media Studios' Jeremy

[quote] DSS Watcher
February 29, 2012 at 5:39 pm
Edited to add:
Because I, Jeremy, closeted homosexual and incompetent flyer of airplanes, am far too busy following every post on these boards that I hate so much while I fap, fap, fappity fap. Just like that.
Women scare me, so I hide behind my computer and talk like a tuff guy. I really am a sissy. And I have a little dick. It's pathetic.[/quote]

Many people on Demand Studios Sucks don't know how to move forward.

A search of Demand Studios turns a Jeremy Reed up. A look at his description shows a track record that most Demand Studios Sucks posters are jealous of. He may or may not have been involved with decisions that didn't turn favorably for the DSS retards that complain about him.

So, what do many of these retards do? They search the internet for information on "Jeremy Reed." Then they go back to Demand Sucks and talk crap about him.

One common tactic that losers use, on the internet, is to accuse someone of being "gay." It's also a liberal tactic, to describe an opposing argument, as "gay." Accusing someone of being "gay" is easier than researching the facts... or coming to terms with reality.

The above person is another retard that talks about "scare" and "hiding." I wonder if this assclown would've had the fortitude to say that with a recognizable account... or even to Jeremy's face?

His juvenile tantrums are truly based on his jealousy. This person is a loser in real life. Demand Studios Sucks gave him a platform to "be" someone.