Sunday, March 04, 2012

Justbrowsing's one Brain Cell Departed to Seek Employment

[quote]Originally posted by Justbrowsing 
A sperm donor? LOL! Scary. Let's just all thank him because that is just how we roll here at DSS.
Thank you notfat nonbasement I-only-masterbate-for-a-good-cause trying-too-hard-to-prove-I'm-not-Jeremy fog, oh I mean blog, man. Thank you.[/quote]

What I find scary is that your parents are allowing you to use the computer to spew your garbage, instead of for doing homework. It's not hard to prove you assclowns wrong when you attempt to assume things about me. All I have to do is provide the facts.

If you think that I'm the imposter that posts under multiple names... on Demand Studios Sucks... then you're dumber than what you're portraying on DSS.


JustbrowsingYou said...

Cum again?

Writer Cubed said...

That's what many of the women at the Mustang Ranch say to their clients after a session. Thanks for giving us hints on what you do for a living.