Sunday, March 04, 2012

It's Blatantly Obvious That This DSS Turd Can't Read

[quote]Proof the Besig is a Retard
February 26, 2012 at 9:57 am * Reply
Look at "Writer Cubed." Apparently theBesig is so stupid he can't tell when trolls and DSS haters like himself are bashing the core DSS crew!
Whatta moron![/quote]

What I said:

"One loser after another had thrown one of the below assumptions about me around on other message boards. Whether this assclown was addressing me or not, I'm going to provide a rebuttal." -- WC

Perhaps this brain-dead retard gets a splitting migraine when reading more than two sentences, so I'll make it easier to read:

"Whether this assclown was addressing me or not, I'm going to provide a rebuttal." -- WC

You know what? I think the way that's written would still give our retard a headache, so let's break this down further...

A. "It doesn't matter of this assclown was addressing me or not..." -- WC
B. "I'm going to provide a rebuttal!" -- WC

Still don't get it? I'm not surprised.

You need to be able to read, and comprehend, conversational English...  before opening your mouth and proving to us that your school was derelict in its duties to you. I don't know how I could've been any plainer than that. Perhaps you could hire a retard interpreter so that he could break that down to you in retard terms so that you could hopefully understand what I said.

Feeling like a moron yet? I doubt it, as it's painfully obvious that that being a turd comes naturally to you.

If you understood that I'm going to provide a rebuttal... regardless of whether the other turd was addressing me or not... you'd know that contrary to what you farted above, I know that the people on DSS were slamming the DSS retards.

In case you were giving a butt hurt response... my posts in response to you guys are reactive in nature. They're dependant on what you morons do. Attack me directly and indirectly and I'll return fire. Ignore me and I'll cease fire and find another target.

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