Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks--The Writing Portfolio Building Strategy They Didn't Want to See Part I

One of my earlier blog entries here talked about getting even instead of getting mad.

This plan had two prongs of attack. The first prong entailed continuing to write for Demand Media Studios (DSS). The second prong involved those who could no longer write for Demand Studios.

My explanation, on Demand Studios Sucks' (DSS) forum, would've included a third prong. Here's how my proposal would've gone.

1. If you still work for Demand Studios, continue to write for them.

Since many DSS posters only had DMS as a client, this wouldn't have been a problem. Instead of venting on DSS, they should submit their complaints through Demand's grievance channels. It would've been a simple matter of converting their complaints to a constructive message... then sending it to Demand's editorial team.

Let's face it. If a writer continues to write for Demand Studios, the former ratifies their agreement with the later.

Here's a glimpse of the basics of this agreement.

The writers write for Demand Media. They agree to Demand Studio's working arrangement. In exchange for this service, Demand pays the writers a certain sum of money per article. This working relationship requires the writer to work with DMS' cadre, to include voicing questions, concerns, complaints and suggestions.

What if Demand Media Studios' owners end up filthy rich, because of the writer's efforts? This shouldn't stop the writer from completing his end of the deal. Why? The writer agreed to DMS' working and compensation conditions.

Many freelance writers chose to "take the abuse," just for $15.00 per article. Many of them run to Demand Studios Sucks and complain about Demand Media despite this fact. Ethically, this isn't right.

So, I would've advised them to "milk" Demand Media Studios for all it's worth. They would've written as much articles as they can before DMS removes their writing privileges.

If groups of DSS writers provided constructive feedback, they could get attention. This is important if specific Content Editors abuse their positions.

2. Fight back against Content Editor shady practices, while building individual writing portfolios.

Many DSS posters complained about Content Editors (CE) shady practices. This included editors stealing a rejected writer's work as their own... then getting those articles approved for publishing.

A writer for Demand Studios can apply for other DSS positions. They had other employment options. Many of their writers were also Content Editors. Some of these editors didn't have scruples. First, they'd copy and paste the writer's work, then reject an article. Then they'd log out of their editor account. They'd log back in as a writer, claim the article, tweak the writer's words, then submit that article as their own.

The posters on Demand Studios Sucks didn't have to take this sitting down.

Once they received a rewrite request, they'd evaluate their chances of resubmitting their re-writes. If they felt that no matter what they did, their article would get rejected, the writer could simply sit on the re-write request.

They have 4 days to submit the rewrite. Freelance writers could use this time to repost, what they've written for that article, to another website. All they have to do is rewrite the title. When 4 days are up, the title goes back to the writer cue.

If an unscrupulous CE stole the writer's works, he'd be guilty of plagiarizing. That's because the writer had already published that same, or very similar, article elsewhere. The writer could then wreck havoc... by complaining to the client that received his article, as well as to those that operate the search engines.

With multiple writers doing this, Demand Studios could become a plagiarizer many times over.

Continued in the post below this.

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks--The Writing Portfolio Building Strategy They Didn't Want to See Part II

3. Write update articles to those already posted on Demand Media Studios client websites.

The third prong would apply to those no longer working for Demand Studios. The fired writer would simply look at eHow and other Demand client websites. He'd look for topics that fit his interests.

Once he finds an article that doesn't match reality, or that isn't quite correct, he writes an updated article. He posts this article on his blog, or sells it to another one of his clients.

Ehow's articles don't have a publish date. This gives the reader the impression that he's looking at something that's new. Demand Media's writing requirements, for each article, sets them up for long term failure. Their writing style automatically puts a short shelf life on most of its articles.

This gives a former Demand Studios' writer a chance to build a writing portfolio.

All they'd have to do is pick an eHow category that fits their expertise. The freelance writer would write an updated version of the outdated eHow article. The writer would write it in a way that it'd have a longer shelf life.

The freelance writer would then publish this updated article on a competitor's website.

If enough former Demand Media writers do this, they could collectively erode Demand Studio's credibility. This'd happen over the long run. If the writer submits the updated article to DMS' competitors, their credibility would go up at DMS' expense.

Demand Studios expects to continue to earn money from articles their client sites already have. Discredit those websites, with articles representing updates over the eHow articles, and DMS can lose its bread and butter.

This tactic gives a former Demand Studios writer an arsenal of articles in an expertise area... a writing portfolio that'll get his foot into the door for a real client.

Let's say that a writer has experience with arts and crafts. She knows that eHow has many outdated arts and craft articles. She writes updated home and crafts articles. These articles are more accurate than the corresponding eHow article. She publishes them in Ezine Articles, Associated Content, or another Demand Media Studios competitor.

Armed with these articles, and her working knowledge on arts and crafts, she could approach businesses that sell arts and craft items. She could offer to write their introductory letters and collateral marketing or information materials. She could also approach a non profit organization, that specializes in making arts and craft items... and offer to write their fund raising letters.

This approach does two things for the writer. It provides closure. It also arms her to open new doors for her freelance writing services.

This is the key.

My plan didn't require them to give me money, as many of them assumed. Many Demand Media Studios posters preferred complaining under anonymity. The freelance writers didn't want to leverage their numbers to lobby for change within DMS.

Some DSS posters talked about making fun of Demand's fired writers. These posters don't realize that by drastically reducing article availability, DMS is constantly issuing pink slips.

If Demand Studios runs out of titles in their cue, and if no more titles arrive, every Demand writer would effectively be fired.

For many Demand Studios writers, this is the kiss of death for their writing career. Most only had Demand Media as a client. They never bothered to expand their client base. This will be the subject of the post below this.

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks--Demand Media Studios' Practices That Made DSS Possible

Demand Media Studios has a system set up. This system gives the Content Editors (CE) an advantage over the freelance writer. Everybody working for Demand Studios must have a profile. When an article, needing edits, lands in a CE's editing cue, they know who the freelance writer is.

They edit the article, and either approve it for publishing, or kick it back to the writer, with comments.

When the freelance writer gets the article, all they know is that a CE reviewed it. They don't know which CE reviewed their article. This anonymity allowed the CE to say things they normally wouldn't say to the freelance writer's face. This opened the door for CE's to psychologically abuse the freelance writer.

I've written for publishers and marketers. They've provided me with feedback on my writing. They were always professional, gave me actionable advice, and treated me like a human. They understood what Demand Media Studios' CEs didn't, that my writing was valuable to the overall effort.

Both, the editor and the writer are members of a team. They're not hostile enemies in a perpetual state of war.

Many content editors treat writers like "retards." They force the writer to rework their articles with the assumption that the reader is also a "retard."

With the CE being a faceless entity, the freelance writer is dealing with an "unseen" nemesis... one that abuses its veil of anonymity.

Demand Media should've set their system up fairly.

Freelance writers should know who they're working with. It helps to know who to complain about if a CE is abusive, or abrasive. If enough writers named this one CE in their complaints, Demand Studios could take action.

Content Editors were able to evaluate the freelance writer's work. The writers had no way of evaluating the content editors.

DMS had a one way system in place. Their Content Editors had control of a freelance writer's writing future with Demand Media. Their freelance writers had no way to influence a CE's editing future with DMS.

Result? You had Content Editors that had power trips and who overdid their jobs. They could make comments like, "Tell the reader which way to turn the screw!" or ask questions like, "Which end of the pencil goes into the pencil sharpener?"

Demand Media's CEs abused multiple writers, and refused to hear many of their complaints. They controlled what happened on their forums. These forums were partly intended as a place a writer could voice his suggestions and complaints.

One freelance writer had enough of this. Enter the, "Demand Studios Sucks," complete with its own forums. Many freelance writers migrated from Demand Studio's forums to the DSS forums to voice their real opinions.

Since money talked, many of these posters kept writing for Demand Studios.

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks -- Why DSS Will Follow DMS Downhill, Unless They Change Their Focus

I created a posting profile on Demand Studios Sucks. I jumped on the introduction forums, and created my first post. The first response was a confused look smiley, and the second response was a flame.

I responded, and got a flame war. I fired back, salvo after salvo. Had one person, also brand new, attack me. I responded and put her in her place. After a few exchanges, the administrators banned my username. The reason for the ban? "Irrelevant posts."

My replies had everything to do with the responses. The opposition's arrogance blinded them to a glaringly obvious fact. Other than my first post, the rest of my replies were reactive. They were dependent on what the opposition said. You'll see my final set of replies below this post.

Moderators, on real message boards, would lock a thread if it contains nothing but irrelevant posts. That didn't happen on Demand Studios Sucks.

They left the thread open, so that more posters could come in and make irrelevant posts.

Reading the responses, I came up with a profile for a typical poster. Demand Studios Sucks poster, Groundskeeper Willie, sums up some of their traits. He broke the trend, reprimanding the other posters. Through the course of the exchange, he made this comment:

[quote]Originally posted by Groundskeeper Willie
@ thebesig: Don't take the garbage in this thread seriously. Here's the thing. Many DSSers are damaged from being in an abusive relationship with DMS for years. To be honest, I've only met a few DSSers, like imnotaslave, who seem mentally stable.
Point being, they have years of stored up pain. They can't take it out on DMS, so they take it out on "n00bs" and "zombies," as they call them.
But here's the other thing. Most DSSers are up shit creek right now. They have no other clients, gigs or opportunities outside DMS. Few of them are educated or have work experience. Some of them, like Truthagainst, have even talked about robbing people for money. She PMed me the other day and told me she felt like she "could kill a bitch."
Point being, they're desperate. If you show them a way forward--a way to move on and take out their pain on their real enemy--they will drop their defenses and greet you like the messiah.
I'm a little disappointed you haven't returned yet. But you seem like a stand up guy, and it's Sunday, so maybe you're at church. I can't wait for you to get home!

His statements were consistent with what I observed when I originally lurked DSS. That's one reason I wanted to give them my game plan. Their replies to my thread solidified my suspicion, what "Groundskeeper Willie" summarized above.

Demand Media Studios is a "jackpot" deal for many freelance writers just getting started.

You write articles for their websites, eHow, Essortment, COD, SoYouWanna.com, etc. In return for your efforts, you received $15.00 or more per article. Anybody that could stay with the computer, who doesn't mind researching, could earn money all day.

If you play it right, you could pay your monthly living expenses pumping articles out for Demand Media. Once you get paid for your articles, you could tell people that you get paid for your writing. Demand Studios is easy money, but it could also trap the writer's career development.

A freelance writer should be looking for more clients. They should also be looking to do writing assignments in different writing arenas. Content farms are a good start, but they shouldn't be the sole source of income, or the sole writing that's done.

But, why waste time looking for new clients when you could use that time writing $15.00 articles?

The Demand Studios Sucks posters that debated with me came across as "give me my handout" types. They put the effort to their articles, and they get paid. Do enough articles a day, and you could defray your living expenses, plus put money aside... all from working from home.

The majority of them only had Demand Studios as their client.

The majority of these writers also didn't have that much to be proud of accomplishment wise. Demand Media gave them "a purpose" in life. It gave them a feeling of being "freelance writers." It gave them a source of income. It helped them ignore their low self esteem.

When DMS announced that it'd cut down the article workload, many freelance writers were up in arms. A couple of the posters that debated with me posted responses to that article.

Below is a comment that "BurnCEs" made under Business Insider.com's "Demand Media is Cutting Back on Its Massive Volume of Writing."

[quote]BurnCEs, October 7, 2011 said:
"We will also be putting additional focus on helping you grow within your fields."
Because that's where many of you will be living by the end of the month.[/quote]

Why should anybody be living in the fields? Because they can't get money from Demand Media Studios? This wouldn't be a problem if these writers had other clients to write for. It's like what John Wayne said:

"Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid." --John Wayne

Now that they're losing their main, or sole, bread and butter, most are content with just complaining. Some tried to bill themselves as busy writing for Demand Studios... yet they were posting on Demand Studios Sucks with impunity.

Find a Demand Media related post, and you'll see many writers venting their frustration.

As freelance writers, they should consider these kinds of activities as "waste." Time they're spending on Demand Studios Sucks or other blogging websites, is time they're not devoting to their writing career.

A once in a while "helping hand" post is OK. Living in a message board, constantly posting there day in and day out, over the year, is a different story.

Back on my thread, I told them that if they're not writing for a client, they should be writing for their writing portfolio. That fell on deaf ears.

My plan called on them to constructively harness their "anger." They could "get back" while building their writing portfolios. If they weren't hell bent on being suspicious, and being on the attack, they'd realize that I was giving them a chance to move forward.

My banning covered two problems for DSS.

1. Demand Studios Sucks' administrators failed to provide leadership for the disgruntled DSS community. Demand Sucks' blog is focused on writing articles that aren't flattering to Demand Media. This attitude spills over into their message boards. Writers there are simply content with slamming Demand Studios.

Anger and resentment toward DMS is the fuel that drives the DSS community. This leads to the second problem...

2. There's no real push towards a post-Demand Studios world.

I offered both, leadership and purpose. The community rejected both, partly because they couldn't get beyond their hatred and frustration over Demand Studios.

This isn't healthy.

If Demand Media Studios becomes a non issue in the future, what happens to Demand Studios Sucks Forums? There'd be nothing to complain about. The complaints will continue for a few weeks... or months. But complaining about an organization that becomes irrelevant would only take the site so far.

Without a post-Demand Media world plan, Demand Studios Sucks will itself become irrelevant. Sadly, the careers of many beginning freelance writers would've ended long before this happens.

Demand Studios Sucks also Sucks, Opposition Posts on Forum but Pretends to be Busy Writing for Clients

This person tried to portray the opposition as "real" writers who had better things to do than to get revenge... like writing full time for Demand Media Studios.

This person tried to portray me as not being cut out to be a writer, as I got released from Demand Studios. Never mind that I mentioned the fact that I virtually stopped writing for them two years prior to them releasing me.

Unlike the opposition, I've written for other clients. I also had access to clients who need articles written.

This person's claim begged the question. If they were busy with a full writing workload, what where they doing constantly posting on Demand Studios Sucks Forums?

Devil You Know spewed this:

[quote="Devil_youknow"](REPEAT POINT)
Yeah dude, I don't know about that but you still got fired from DMS.
Tee hee.  You couldn't even cut it there.  That's funny to me.
(REPEAT POINT) [/quote]

And this:

[quote="Devil_youknow"](REPEAT POINT)
Dude. All of what you wrote was way too long so I didn't read it.
BUT YOU GOT FIRED FROM DMS!!!  That's sooo funny to me!  :D
(REPEAT POINT) [/quote]

You hacked up a large rant when I wasn't here. Yet, while I posted my last batch of replies, all you could do is hack up a couple two liners? Really? Do you normally turn yellow when the opposition shows up?


"I wrote for Demand Studios regularly from late 2008 to early 2009. I only wrote two articles for them since then. They let me go on July 31, 2011. Not a loss, no regrets here. Matter of fact, I was glad that they let me go, I even let them know that. I've posted my letter to them on one of my blogs in case anybody is interested." -- thebesig

I wrote my last article for them, that they accepted, in February, 2009. I wrote two articles between July of 2009 and July of 2011. Through the course of 2 years, I only wrote two articles for them. The re-write request had nothing to do with my writing.

Those two articles aside, I stopped writing for them, on a regular basis, for two years. Their finally letting me go had no impact on me, income wise or emotion wise. I'm surprised that they didn't let me go sooner. It wouldn't have mattered to me one way or the other.

Your ranting the above is equivalent to trying to make fun of someone that had just got released from jail... for being released from jail.

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, EnigmaticJack Pulls Crap Out of His Mouth

Enigmatic Jack isn't one who'd think before he speaks. He made this post in response to my calling him out for claiming that terrorists loved blue. He attempted to get under my skin with regards to my blue text use.

I promptly reminded him that those of us who were Army infantry wore a blue chord on our class A shoulder.

[quote="EnigmaticJack"]My God, even Kjo had a better sense of humor.
You navy guys, you really know how to party.[/quote]

This isn't about the opposition "having fun," or seeing whether someone has a sense of humor or not. What's really happening is that you guys are pulling things out of thin air. You're talking about things that you don't understand.

That's all you have. Deep down inside you guys know that you don't have an argument. To add damage to injury, you guys don't have much outside of Demand Media Studios.

When better people call you guys out, you throw the "lack of sense of humor" charge.

I do have a sense of humor. I laugh at your reactions. I also laugh in anticipation of the reactions I'm going to get based on what I say. Or, does it only count as a sense of humor item when you guys are pulling things out of thin air?

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, Lemmings "The Batman" and "Writer of Spam" Fall for a Trick Before I Implement It

"The Batman" shows that he's desperate in this exchange. Most people, when they get the momentum knocked out of them, get desperate if their ego overrules common sense. Their acts of desperation can be categorized, depending on their level of desperation. The most desperate will attack the winning debater's spelling, word use, grammar, etc.

[quote="The Batman"]( FALLACY: RED HERRING) 
[quote="thebesig"] I doubt that many of you are having a laugh at my expense. One thing for sure, I'm getting a kick at watching your antiques on this thread.[/quote]
[quote="thebigsig"]I've met their antiques on other message boards, and dealt with it accordingly there.[/quote]
Thank you for sharing why Demand cut ties with you. I was curious about that.
There goes Lemming Writer-of-Spam... falling down the cliff right after The-Batman:  
[quote="WriterOfSpam"](FALLACY: RED HERRING)
[quote="thebesig"]I doubt that many of you are having a laugh at my expense. One thing for sure, I'm getting a kick at watching your antiques on this thread.[/quote]
I have some antique watches you can watch while you watch our antics here:
(Batman beat me to it!)

WOW! So quick to get desperate to! You people aren't bright, aren't you?

What's really damaging, to your side of the argument, is that I didn't start that tactic yet for this fight. The tactic where I insert words I know desperate people would jump for... like starving Iraqi kids fighting each other as they make their way to dropped candy.

My use of antique was deliberate, but more on that later.

One of the tricks that I use, in debate, is slipping "errors" in my responses. I put errors in quotes, because not all of them are errors... but easily perceived as errors.

I do that for two reasons.

One, many people claim that nobody is reading my posts. Really? Then how are they catching the "errors" that I deliberately pepper throughout my posts?

That's one way that I'll make the opposition do something that contradicts what others in the opposition says.

Two, aiming solely at the "errors," in response, proves people's desperation in a fight. They've lost the fight, and they know it. Their pride won't let them have the integrity to move on. So, to stay in the fight, they latch on to the other posters "errors," and argue solely on that angle.

So, thanks for confirming my suspicions that many in the opposition are desperate in this fight.

I normally wouldn't start that till later salvos, thanks for saving me the time.

However, there's a purpose behind my using "antiques" vice "antics." Demand Studios Sucks isn't the only place I've used "antiques" in that context either. I intend to use that word, in the same context, in future postings.

The reason behind that?

Antiques are OLD... just like the desperate actions you guys engage in. I've seen desperate posters play your games before. They do it from one message board to another.

The opposition's actions may seem "new" to them. You guys may think that you're the "only" people that pull the stunts that you're pulling on this thread. This may be "high speed," to you guys, but they're OLD to me. Hence, I will use "antiques" to describe your games.

I use "antiques" the same way someone would accuse a fellow employee of "sucking up" to the boss. In both instances, words literally meaning one thing are used to communicate something else.

What if I did tell you that you sucked up to the boss too often? If you had even half a brain, you wouldn't honestly think that I thought that you were literally sucking the boss' dick. Or, would you think that your boss was a transvestite had I said that to you in reference to a female boss?

So yes, I'm talking about your antiques. If a person keeps up with the same tricks over and over again, I label those antiques as antiquities.

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, The Batman's Bruised Ego Causes Him to Reply to the Same Thing.

[quote="The Batman"](FALLACY: RED HERRING)
[quote="thebesig"]Not understanding simple English DOES constitute someone being a brick. [/quote]
Antiques: A collectible object such as a piece of furniture or work of art that has a high value because of its considerable age.
Antics: Foolish, outrageous, or amusing behavior.
thebigsig: brick

You don't get it don't you?

Part of understanding simple English is the ability to read words in context. Mastery of the language includes the ability to use words to communicate in ways they haven't been used to communicate.

This isn't like confusing "they're," "there," and "their."

If we insisted in using the words strictly for what the dictionary intended them for, we'd sound like Germans and northern Europeans still.

People doing similar to what I've done, across the centuries, are the reason we're not speaking English like this today:


If a 5th grader could read my posts, within context, then you obviously aren't smarter than a 5th grader.

There's a purpose behind everything that I put in my posts. I'll deliberately say something to make a desperate poster jump at what I said... or did. I set other traps up. But since you're desperate, you stopped and acted the moment you found one word that you thought you had me on.

The funny thing is that you jumped on a word I deliberately used in the context that I used it... I hadn't gotten to the "trap words" stage yet.

Again, a lot of the tactics that you people used are tactics that I've seen before. It's like you people had studied the same script... an OLD script. That's why I used "antiques" to describe your actions.

I'll continue to use "antique" to describe people's old tactics and tricks.

Your ANTIQUES, as in tactics that I've countered over and over again, meaning old, are beyond foolishness, outrageous, or amusing. "Antic" isn't adequate as a description for your actions.

If the same person perpetrates the same antiques, I describe them as pulling antiquities.

Now, I'm going to force feed you a taste of your own medicine in the post below this one. Hope you've got an appetite, I've got plenty of your words to shove down your throat. Read the post below this one.

Demand Studios Sucks, The Batman Fucks English Grammar up. He Should go Back to School

For shits and giggles, let's take a look at your "stellar" writing, shall we?

From Demand Studios Sucks' "Demand Studios" Forum. Thread title: "Best Tip to your fellow workers":

[quote]Re: Best Tip to your fellow workers
Postby The Batman » Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:38 pm
Good idea Julianne. I've offered many tips in my few months here, but I'll repost some.
1) Fear not unfamiliar subjects. Research and regurgitate. Sure, we'd all love to always write on familiar subjects, but when the titles aren't there can write on other topics.
2) For tech writers, site:.edu in Google is your friend. Many university IT departments have gigantic knowledge bases on how to do just about everything on a computer.
3) Again for tech writers, the Department of Homeland Security has tons of articles online about computer security. That .gov reference will help you get any old crap past the CEs.
4) If you have researched an article for more than 10 minutes and you are still not sure what to write, unclaim.
5) Stay out of the Zombie forums. You will rarely find anything useful there and it will waste your time.
6) Do not post in the Title Clarification forum between approximately 2 and 6 est on weekdays. There is a high probability that JoeC will answer your question if you do. He seems to live to make simple crap more difficult and usually has no idea what he is talking about. Shoot for morning posts in the TC forum. The female staffers who answer are more reasonable.[/quote]

From your first sentence:

"Fear not unfamiliar subjects" should read, "Don't fear unfamiliar subjects."

"..but when the titles aren't there can write on other topics." Should read, "...but when familiar titles aren't available, you can write on other topics."

"2) For tech writers, site:.edu in Google is your friend. Many university IT departments have gigantic knowledge bases on how to do just about everything on a computer." -- The Batman

You're cramming two ideas in one sentence, and using redundancy in the second one.

Here's how you should've written it:

"2)Tech writers can use websites with url's ending in ".edu." University IT departments have a large database on how to do many things on a computer. Google is your friend.

"3) Again for tech writers, the Department of Homeland Security has tons of articles online about computer security. That .gov reference will help you get any old crap past the CEs." -- The Batman

This point followed the second point, which also addressed tech writers. The use of "again," in a follow up sentence saying the same thing as the previous sentence, is redundant. You could've also included the third point with your second point. Again, you're using redundancies. Since DHS is a major government department, wouldn't it be obvious that they'd also have a website?

Here's how you could've written it:

3) Here's another one for tech writers. The Department of Homeland Security has tons of articles on "computer security." Use their ".gov" reference to clear the CEs editing process.

You get on my case for using "antiques," when you feel that I should use "antics." Yet, here you are using a word the same way I used "antiques." Normally, I wouldn't suggest a change to that word. However; since you belly ached about my word usage, I'll give you the same treatment.

You used "unclaim" improperly.

"Unclaimed" defines something that already belongs to someone... or is intended for someone. They haven't picked it up, or accepted it yet, so it remains "unclaimed." For example, if you don't pick your luggage up, your luggage is considered, "unclaimed." If you win the lottery, and you fail to pick up your winnings, then your prize is considered "unclaimed."

Once it's in your possession, you can't "unclaim" it... it's considered as "claimed."

If you used it the same way I used "antiques" then I'd understand where you were coming from. But, giving people a taste of their own medicine is one of my fun activities.

"4) If you have researched an article for more than 10 minutes and you are still not sure what to write, unclaim." -- The Batman

Here's how you should've written that statement:

4) If you're not sure what to write, after 10 minutes of research, return the title to the writer pool.

Your fifth point is packed with redundancy.

"5) Stay out of the Zombie forums. You will rarely find anything useful there and it will waste your time." -- The Batman

First, capitalizing the "Z" in "Zombie" would be proper if they had a forum titled, "Zombie." Demand Studios Sucks uses "zombie" as a common noun. You don't capitalize it. It's also a given that if something doesn't give you anything useful, that it's a waste of time.

So, here's how you could've written your fifth point:

5) Stay out of the zombie forums. You'll rarely find useful information there. Going there is a waste of time.


05) Stay away from the zombie forums. They're a waste of time. You won't find that much useful information.

You butchered English language in your 6th point.

"6) Do not post in the Title Clarification forum between approximately 2 and 6 est on weekdays. There is a high probability that JoeC will answer your question if you do. He seems to live to make simple crap more difficult and usually has no idea what he is talking about. Shoot for morning posts in the TC forum. The female staffers who answer are more reasonable. -- The Batman

A forum, with a name, is an "entity," or "location." That makes it a proper noun. The first letter in "forum" should also be capitalized when used this way.

Times come with a "PM" or "AM" designation. They're also written out. Since an acronym represents "Eastern Standard Time," that acronym is capitalized. It's "EST," not "est."

You're also redundant.

Here's how you could've written that pointer:

6) Don't post in Title Clarification Forum between 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM EST on weekdays. There's a high probability that JoeC will answer your questions. He seems to live for making simple things more difficult. He usually doesn't know what he's talking about. Post in that forum in the mornings. The female staffers on shift, in the morning, are more reasonable.

The school that graduated you should be sued for dereliction of duty.

NOW is the proper time to make this statement:

"Thanks to you, too, for giving the stupid a bit of free education." -- Donna

The next post below this will force feed "WriterOfSpam" a taste of her own words.

Demand Studios Sucks, The WriterOfSpam also Fucks English up. She Should Follow The Batman Back to School.

Since Writer-of-Spam decided to hit below the belt, I'm giving her a taste of her own medicine.

1. "I just died a little inside. lol Seriously, they have clothing w/the logo? WTF?! Can you imagine someone asking you what the company does and explaining they make prosthetic balls that "feel real to the human touch"?!" -- WriterOfSpam

Sentences start with a capital letter. You never combine a question mark with an exclamation point. Also, you don't combine shorthand letters with actual words to form a compound word.

How you should've written this statement:

"I just died a little inside (LOL). Seriously, they have clothing with the logo? What the fuck! Can you imagine someone asking you what that company does? Could you imagine explaining to them that the company makes prosthetic balls that "feel real to the human touch"?

2. "I got this one too, didn't like the changes I made and replace my words with 'and,' 'to' & 'or' instead." -- WriterOfSpam

What the hell are you trying to say here? You've got multiple ideas jammed in one sentence. Based on the thread's context, you should've said:

"I got this CE too. He didn't like the changes I made. He replaced my words with 'and,' 'to,' and 'or' instead."

One more:

3. "Sent it back to me as a rewrite stating I had to make them less similar and then changed my returned rewrite anyway to include words search engines left out. Why the CE didn't do it themselves if they wanted to fuck it up, IDK. Douchery I'm guessing." -- WriterOfSpam

Who sent it back to you? You're also packing two different thoughts into one run-on sentence. There's also a numerical disagreement in your final run-on sentence.

Here's how you should've written that:

"The Content Editor sent it back to me as a rewrite. He said that I had to make them less similar. I completed the re-write and sent it back to him. He subsequently added keywords that the search engines left out. I don't know why the CE didn't do this himself if he wanted to fuck it up like that. I'm guessing douchery."

What's the moral of the story with pointing "The Batman" and "Writer of Spam's" writing errors out?

People aren't going to treat a blog post the same way they'll treat a written project for their client. They won't treat it the same way as a research paper. Even then, professional editors find and fix the best book author's writings.

Attacking someone's word writings, unprovoked by similar tactics, amounts to underhand tactics.

People aren't going to have perfect English on a message board. The stupidest thing a person could do, on these message boards, is to initiate a grammar police war.

Every single person that slammed my word usage, spelling, or grammar, was someone that also made similar errors. I always found their English and grammar errors, and shoved them in their faces and down their throats.

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, Enigmatic Jack Doesn't Know His Audience

EnigmaticJack: Debating' with people who aren't in a debate: Because it gets lonely out at sea.

I used to be in the Navy. Thanks to that branch of service, I've been to countries on four different continents outside of North America... on the tax payer's dime. So explain to me how your "Navy" comments are supposed to get under my skin?

One, of the Navy jokes that you brought up, is an antique. It's old enough to retire with pay.

There has to be disagreement for a debate to go on. My thread isn't exactly the opposition and me agreeing with each other. I do what I do for the reasons I explained earlier in my thread. I take sadistic pleasure reading the opposition's reactions to my posts. I get a kick out of noticing that "grown" people reply well into the night, long after I've gone to bed.

Some of these people still made sarcastic comments about me... weeks after my username got banned.

There's a word to describe people like that. It starts with an "L."

After I'd logged off, and gone to bed, many posters popped their veins replying to me. While I was busy with my day... posters jumped on the thread and showed me how much power I had over them. When I went on with my life, people still took swipes at me.

One of two things is possible on that message board.

1. I struck a few nerves pretty good.

2. Demand Studios Sucks posters have the same "maturity" level as a 3rd grader on a recess playground. That forum is the only forum that I posted on where the sensitivity levels were through the roof.

I wouldn't be surprised if both points were applicable.

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, You've Got Nothing to Lose, But Everything to Gain

Ladidah: I haven't got anything to lose by hearing the OP out, unless it ends with "to learn more, purchase my ebook" or "click here to buy Take Down Demand in Ten Easy Steps."

I never asked for money, not a dime, not a penny. I just offered another angle people could use other than venting. Writers could add on to their portfolios, at the expense of eHow's credibility. If one isn't writing for a client, they could be writing for their portfolio. This tactic helps keep the writing going.

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, Ladidah Sets Her Stress Shields Up Instead of Facing Reality

Ladidah pulled a stunt that the others on Demand Studios Sucks, and elsewhere, pulled. Ladidah comes across as someone that doesn't have much to be proud of in real life. It looked like Demand Media Studios' dry up was having an impact on her writing career.

Sweltering in misery, Ladidah, like the others, strived to "cut someone down." Deep down inside, this poster knew that I was doing better than she was. She knew that I've done more with my life, and have been around more places, than she has.

None of these posters wanted to believe the facts that I presented about myself. What I said forced them to see that not every freelance writer was "hurting."

Demand Media was never my sole source of income. I've got a wide client base for my freelance writing business. This is a fact that increased the Demand Studios Sucks' posters' resentment against me.

[quote]Originally posted by "Ladidah"
I'm not overtly asking for money. I have an ebook and I'm going to show you how to spam message boards because I make .25 a message by spamming. I mean, sure I'm only 22 years old, but I've been spamming message boards since 2003. I  just want to show you how to get through the filters so you can spam. PLEASE BUY MY EBOOK (available for a limited time at the low, low price of $4.95). 

This is a straw man statement. You're making assumptions that aren't consistent with my intentions. It also assumes that I'm a spammer.

There's no secret message in my original post. I gave you my real intentions. My earning money from you guys was nowhere near my mind when I made that post. I don't intend to make money from you guys out of this.

I wish I were 22... that'd mean that I'd retire from the military before turning 30.

If I had an ebook to sell, it wouldn't be on spamming, and I definitely wouldn't sell it on Demand Studios Sucks.

Let's face reality. Many of you guys insinuate that you're writing full time. Many of you are acting like you've got high paying writing jobs lined up, and that you're better than those that write solely for Demand Studios.

The reality?

You guys are sitting around in a virtual parking lot. You're waiting for the Demand Media Studios Van to take you guys to your shovel ready DMS jobs. Many of you claim that you're waiting for your next project. Yet, you're killing time posting on Demand Studios Sucks all hours of the day.

Freelance writers with time to post on Demand Studios Sucks, any time of the day, obviously have time to do something to build their writing careers. If they're posting regularly on DSS, it's highly unlikely that they have all these high paying written assignments lined up... unless they're like me when it comes to speed typing and speech to text.

My target audience contains DMS writers who only wrote for Demand Media. They've been zombified with their DMS easy money arrangement.

Who needs to go looking for new clients when you could spend that time churning out another $15.00 article?

Nope. If I had something to sell, it wouldn't be for you guys on Demand Studios Sucks.

Ladidah: This motherfucker right here has experience on message boards, bitchez, since goddamned 2003! Bow the fuck down right now, you weak pussy mofos, because he is the king of messages boards and he will message board your asses straight to hell. Fuck with him and he will prove his utter bad-assness by posting another goddamned message to a message board and bring his message board buddies to show you lame fucking whores how to properly post to message boards! (FALLACY: STRAW MAN)

If the posters on Demand Studios Sucks "bowed down," and ceded the fight to me, the fight would be over. Unfortunately, the opposition doesn't have any integrity or honor. Their pride keeps them in the fight. They utilized the gang mentality to try to drive me from the forum. They don't realize that this makes me want to fight more.

The easier, and smarter, way to get me to go away would've been to do what you suggest above.

I don't go to other message boards to bring people into the fight that I'm engaged in. However; I would continue a fight from one message board, to another message board or blog, if administrative actions are taken on the debate thread, or on me.

Many in the Demand Sucks opposition think of themselves as "writers." Yet, I don't see that in their thought process.

There's a difference between the demeanor on real "writer" boards and the Demand Studios Sucks forums. But again, the DSS forums happen to be a playground for content farm writers. The DSS opposition has plenty of room for improvement, both as debaters and as people calling themselves, "writers."

Ladidah: I mean, look at this awesome keyboard commando! He even, oh my god, edits quotes that he replies to. Holy shit! That's fucking revolutionary. Don't mess with him, guys and gals, because this motherfucker is a pro at using message boards and he will type really fucking hard to prove it. (FALLACY: STRAW MAN)

Yet, nothing said about you editing what I said. Talk about hypocrisy.

A keyboard commando, a troll, would do nothing but hurl insults. They'd also say things they don't really mean to say just to get a reaction. Said person wouldn't restrict himself, or herself, on one thread. Trolls wreck havoc across multiple threads. They'll also say things on the Internet they wouldn't say face to face.

Notice how I just stayed in that one thread.

Also, what I said here, I'd say to someone face to face. What I've told you on DSS, I'll tell you face to face. That's not something a troll would do.

As far as editing posts that one replies to, I'm not the only one that does this. The person that I replied to did the same thing. I guess that's "OK" in your eyes if the opposition does it.

Proving people wrong doesn't take much effort. All you have to do is provide the facts against their misconceptions.

Ladidah: You can see his super awesome message board prowess from the way he misuses font colors. You bitchez are super lame because if it wasn't for thebigkeyboardwarrior (He was on the goddamned Old Protest Warrior Forums, WATBs) you wouldn't even know how to change the font color. Everyone knows you can't win an online deBATE unless you can throw off your foes by changing the fucking font colors. BOW, BITCHEZ! (FALLACY: STRAW MAN)

You win an online debate by advancing a reasonable argument based on facts and logic. That's what I've done on my DSS thread, that's what I've done on previous message boards.

My use of blue font color, on DSS, had nothing to do with any of the debating strategies that I used there. Sarcasms, straw men, red herrings, etc, are what the opposition uses in their feeble attempt to throw strong debaters away from their trail.

That's precisely what I see the opposition, including you, doing.

Ladidah: Holy shitballs, you babies, this motherfucking MAN has been involved with threads that stretched many, many pages. RECOGNIZE THE SUPERIORITY!

The DSS opposition behaved the same way other's have behaved on other message boards.

Many of the posters on Demand Studios Sucks aren't the only ones that try to drive people away from a forum, or from a message board. Like the opposition before them, they're assuming that they could accomplish the same with me. I'm reminding them that I won't quit, regardless of their numbers and efforts.

I'm letting them know that I'll keep fighting them until they give up. That's a fact that seems to bother you to the core. It still bothers you, as you're still ranting about me long after my username got banned.

Ladidah: Oh, oh! How to be an online debate Winner 

You learn to win debates by watching my actual actions. You don't win via your sarcasms. You don't win by deliberately misunderstanding my statements and actions.

Ladidah: 1.) Change the font color. It really throws off your opposition. Pick blue-on-blue. Only a newfag thinks normal font is black anyway. (REPEAT POINT) 

The blue font color has no part in my debate strategy. It's a color that I've attached symbology to, and a color that I like to use.

As far as debating, I don't need to throw people off. That's a strategy that they try to use on me. For example, look at the posters that blindly attacked me for using a word that I intended to use.

Ladidah: 2.) Repeatedly mention how long you've been online. 

There's a difference between talking about how long you've been online, and how long you've debated on line.

If the opposition were honest, and had integrity, they'd admit that they're fighting to have the last word. My mentioning how long I've debated is me reminding those people that I have every intentions of outlasting them.

Any observant poster would know that there's a reason behind the things I say and do. For example, if people hint at driving me away, of me disappearing, or of anything intended to "discourage" me, I'm going to remind them how long I've been doing this.

Ladidah: 2003 is 9 years ago (NOTE: This was posted in October 2011). 

It's not 2012 yet. Of course, I could see how the "bullies" on this message board would consider it, "the end of their world," if someone stands his ground instead of running.

Ladidah: and is a really, really long time ago if you're only 22-- Go with that. 

Actually, it's a short time. My starting my online debating seems like it happened yesterday.

By the way, subtract 20 from the erroneous age that you gave me, and you'll get an idea of how old you come across to me with your reactions.

Ladidah: So what if other people were debating on UseNet 10 years prior? 2003, bitchez!

You missed the point. The opposition seemed to have spent those years doing things the wrong way. I did things the right way. Doing something longer than someone else doesn't always translate into the former doing something better than the latter.

When I use that length, it's to remind people that I have no intentions of giving up.

Ladidah: 3.) Repeatedly mistake mockery for support. 

I read all your replies before I submit the first post in my batch of replies. I know sarcasm when I see it. Sarcasm is a tactic that people shift to when they've lost the original debate. There's a purpose to the way I put my replies together in response to them.

The opposition here isn't the first opposition to resort to sarcasm. I typically tell them that they come closest to reality when they're sarcastic. They're closer to reality, when sarcastic, than they are when they're serious.

I'm used to taking on multiple people, without allies on my side, on a thread.

There's also a purpose behind every action I take. In your case, my actions worked beautifully.

Ladidah: Because they're not really rolling on the fucking floor, pissing their pants laughing at you.

They aren't. Far too many people in the opposition pull shit out of their asses. When I cause them to suffer the consequences of those actions, they try to talk about "having fun at my expense." That's pure bullocks. That's just one of their Baghdad Bob comments aimed at saving their stance.

The only side laughing, as a result of this exchange, is me. Debating with the opposition is like making a dog chase its own tail around.

Ladidah: 4.) Mention how you don't have time to fuck around with video games because you're too busy online WINNING debates. 

You either have piss poor reading comprehension abilities, or you're blinded with your own arrogance. When I say that I'm busy with real writing and other important stuff, that's precisely what I mean.

I don't have time to either play video games, or post on message boards all day. I debate on one message board at a time. Once the opposition quits addressing me, I spend time doing something else, or debating on another message board.

Also, don't assume that I type at the same rate as you. You'll also be amazed at what you can accomplish with speech to text software.

Ladidah: Everyone knows that being a strong keyboard warrior is hard, hard work. Convince those motherfuckers to buy your book!

Fact checking the opposition's comment doesn't make someone a keyboard warrior. Once you guys give me the material, it becomes a simple matter of dismantling you guy's drivel.

Ladidah: 5.) Mention you have keyboard warrior friends and you will bring in reinforcements. Tell members of a forum, er, I mean, message board used to mock others that you will mock them. Because that shit right there is scary and will give you an easy win. 

All I did was mention the fact that I'd continue this fight on another message board. It'd be a simple matter of reconstructing your response for others to see. The posters in the Demand Studios Sucks opposition are low quality when it comes to critical thought and integrity. That should make others feel superior.

Mocking the opposition doesn't take much work. All you have to do is counter their replies. This action doesn't constitute an "easy win." It's just me having more fun at the opposition's expense.

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, "Page1News" Pulls Crap Out of its Ass Rather Than Interpret From the Facts

Many posters, like "Page 1 News," don't have the integrity to admit defeat, or to recognize their opposition's having the upper hand. So, instead of restricting themselves to the facts, they'd take things out of context. They'll expand calories addressing the straw man instead of ceding the fight.

For many people, having the integrity to swallow one's pride, and recognize reality... to cede the fight, is simply too much.

Page1News: Your shade and hue of blue is not pleasing to the eye. My shade and hue of red disappoints me because I prefer a deep, deep red. Red is my favorite color. If I could, I'd paint the world red, not just my town. Did you know that your choice of color says a lot about you? You should read up on it; it's interesting. (INDUCTIVE FALLACY: STRAW MAN)

Let's see, it's the opinion of many of the posters on Demand Studios Sucks versus that of the posters on other message boards. I'll stick with the majority, who don't mind my use of blue fonts. I'm not the only one that uses different text color on the other message boards. Other posters use their own colors when making their posts. There's one message board that I know of where the administrators make their comments in blue text.

Red is also my favorite color. I use red text on black background on my home computer. I don't have symbolisms attached to that color, and it doesn't show up as well as blue text on the message boards. Red was the first color I tried to use as a standard text color on the forums. Blue was my second choice.

If blue doesn't work with the background, then I use the default text color.

Page1News: The poor girl started having horrible seizures; the same kind you get when you have to look at your awful shade and hue of blue. 

If people are having horrible seizures, they may need to back away from using drugs. There are other types of causes as well, but they're medically related. Examples include past brain injury, dementia, brain deteriorating illness and the like. It's not the blue color that's doing it.

Page1News: About DMS; I don't think there is anyone out on the Web that hates DMS more than I do. 

There are posters on DSS that hate Demand Media Studios, but still write for them. They'll vent up a storm while taking the steady DMS paycheck. I guess the false sense of being a writer outweighs the costs of having to deal with DMS' cadre.

Page1News: The best revenge is obtaining far better work for far better pay, doing what you love to do. Mr. Blue Man, it seems what you love to do is play on the Internet all the time, looking for forums to infiltrate. It's too bad that the owner of the Internet doesn't pay you for all that hard work. I gather you'd be rich, rich man. (INDUCTIVE FALLACY: STRAW MAN)

It's a good thing that your marksmanship is nowhere near like your assumptions about me. If it were the same, someone wanting to commit suicide would simply stand behind you as you try to shoot the target in front of you.

Your assumptions are dead wrong on two main counts.

First, getting better paying writing assignments is precisely what I've done. Demand Media Studios was never my only client, and it never was my only paying client. DMS represented a trap. Because of the easy money, because of the titles that were available, it was easy to just write articles.

Many people wrote articles instead of prospecting for other clients. Why bother? They were getting a constant paycheck.

I never intended to spend the rest of my life writing for clients paying me for cheap content articles. It's also not a good idea to have just one client providing you with all your income. Many in Demand Studios made that mistake.

Part of the reason I was able to stop writing regularly for DMS, two years before they let me go, was because I had other income streams. Demand Studios was just a stepping stone, a client to add to my client list. I didn't let myself fall into the Demand Media trap.

Second, unless you could watch me 24/7, and record my actions, you don't have a leg to stand on trying to dictate what I do with my time. You're fully capable of noting the times that I posted on Demand Studios Sucks' message board. You're also fully capable of noting my posting frequency.

You're also fully capable of seeing the cause and effect going on in that thread.

These two variables would tell you that your assumptions are dead wrong. But whom am I trying to kid? The opposition doesn't seem to be big in the critical thinking department.

I don't have time to post on message boards all day long. I don't always post on message boards. I'm too busy following my own priorities of work. Non writing activities fall around that.

Page1News: Anyhoo, back to fun, fun, fun. I so wish DSS's color palette included custom colors. Your blue is just hideous. Granted, my red is pretty lackluster, but at least it's bolder and makes more of a statement. 

Based on what I've seen on other message boards, blue, or other colors close to it, are popular text colors. I'm not the only one that posts with a text color other than black. It's very rare that I'd find someone using red text color or a color close to it.

Your description of my text color reflects your emotions. It shows that you're blinded with bias and that you have absolutely no sense of logic. The sooner you realize that your opinion on me doesn't constitute fact or logic... the sooner you could move forward to becoming a critical thinking person.

Page1News: If you have something to say, just say it. Get to the point and be done with it.  :D   

That's precisely what I'm doing.

You also have to remember that my post volume is related to what the opposition says. If someone says something... and I could ask questions that would've been answered if the person wrote a longer piece... then that someone wrote something the represents an epic fail.

Don't give me advice if you don't know my objectives. A doctor that pulls your stunt would get sued for malpractice.

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, Ladidah Still Hides Behind its Stress Shield Rather Than Face Reality

[quote]Originally posted by "Ladidah" (FALLACY: RED HERRING)
Shorter thebigKeyboardwarrior: I'm glad they let me go! Yeah! I mean, sure I could've just stopped writing for them, but the CHAINS that held me to the computer and logged into DMS were too fucking strong. THANK YOU, DMS, for freeing me so that I may go forth and populate more message boards with blue font! Huzzah!
 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:[/quote]

First, let's take a trip through Memory Lane:

"He even, oh my god, edits quotes that he replies to." -- Ladidah

That's precisely what you've been doing in your replies to me. That makes you a hypocrite, in addition to being someone that has no honor or integrity.

Second, what I actually said:

"I wrote for Demand Studios regularly from late 2008 to early 2009. I only wrote two articles for them since then. They let me go on July 31, 2011. Not a loss, no regrets here. Matter of fact, I was glad that they let me go, I even let them know that. I've posted my letter to them on one of my blogs in case anybody is interested." -- thebesig

That's very plain. Most 5th graders could understand that. Why can't you?

I stopped writing for DSS, on a regular basis, two years before they let me go. Message board posting isn't a priority for me. I've got other writing activities that take up my time.

Second, even you've acknowledged that I've debated online since 2003. I wrote for Demand Media Studios in 2008 and early 2009. Now, compare that timeline to your edited quote. Feel free to take a couple of Advil before you try to figure the math in that one.

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, Enigmatic Jack Doesn't Know What Debate is, Yet Comments on What Makes a Debate

[quote]Originally posted by "EnigmaticJack"
[quote]Originally posted by "thebesig"
[quote]Originally posted by "EnigmaticJack"
Seems that despite claiming a 'victory' in his 'debate' against the masses, the mass debater doesn't want to come back.  [/quote]
Let's make this clear. I don't back down from an online debate. I wouldn't have been debating online since 2003 if I was the type to never come back.  [/quote]
Oh honey. One of these days you'll learn the definition of 'debate' and realize that you're not debating online, you're just arguing.
And you know what they say about arguing on the internet. Special Olympics, retarded, yadda yadda. [/quote]

From Dictionary.com: Debate


5. To engage in argument or discussion, as in a legislative or public assembly: When we left, the men were still debating.

9. To argue or discuss (a question, issue, or the like), as in legislative or public assembly: They debated the matter of free will.

Origin: 1250-1300; (v.) Middle English debaten < Old Frence debatre, equivalent to de- de- + batre to beat < Latin battere, earlier battuere; (noun) Middle English debate < Old French, derivative of debatre

Under common law, people posting on a message board, engaging in a thread, are considered an "assembly." People "assemble" or "come together" into a group. In the Demand Studios Sucks Forums, this constitutes posters coming together to discuss or debate.

My definition of debate, both stated and implied, is correct. You need two people to keep a debate going. A debate, quarrel, and argument are interchangeable.

Even if you want to "restrict" this to "arguing," you still need two sides for an argument to continue arguing.

I don't buy the "arguing online" garbage that people throw around. Arguing is human nature. We're going to argue in any communication medium that we have access to.

In fact, there's a reason to why it's called a FORUM.

Back in the ancient times, the forum was a physical part of the town, its plaza. Here, people conducted business, and communicated with each other. This was the center of gravity for a city. You had the administrative offices on one side, buildings of worship on another side, commercial offices on a third side, and government buildings on the 4th side.

In other words, if you wanted to know what was going on, or you wanted general entertainment, you went to the forum to interact with other people. Given the four main presences on the forum, you had arguments. You had speeches. You had gossip.

Bottom line, you had the same thing going on, face to face, that you had on a message board... which contains more than one "forum."

The only "retard" that I see in this argument is someone, with no other fights in him/her, pulling the "retards argue on the Internet" card.

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, The Batman Shows That it Has Issues With my Persistence

[quote]Originally posted by "The Batman"
But, he's been doing it since 1867! [/quote]

Like everybody else, you missed the concept behind my pointing out that I've debated online since 2003.

You people are the same across every message board that I've debated on. Any protracted debate is about two things. One, posters attempt to change other people's minds. Two, posters keep debating until they have the last word.

I usually tell people that I don't intend to change their minds. I also tell them that I've never changed my position based on what the opposition has said. Anybody that replies to me after this point doesn't care if they're right, wrong, or if I change my position or not. They just care about getting the last word in.

I remind these people that I've debated online, ad infinitum, since 2003.

The smart posters would realize that they won't get the last word with me, regardless of their numeric advantage against me. The stupid, arrogant and foolish posters will continue to argue with me thinking that they'll get a different result... than those that I've debated with before.

In every instance, they did what the smart posters did before them... and what other posters did on other message boards. The main difference... it takes forever for the holdouts to make the right decision.

This is like someone that takes forever to "get it." If you've told someone, "That's what I've been trying to tell you," you'll get an idea of what I'm talking about.

All the reactions I'm getting, with regards to online debating longevity, are people reacting like frustrated children. These are the same people that want to out argue their opponents.

What do these people do when I refuse to give them the last word? Using sarcasms and ad-homonyms is one of their reactions. They'll do this in a futile attempt to "exhaust" me and make me go away. That tactic always fails.

Also, like clockwork, arrogant posters label my debate persistence, as well as my effective direct refutation, as "pompous," "self aggrandizing," etc.

So, all sarcasm aside, your response reflects a bruised ego. You're not someone that's "trolling" for a response.

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, Ladidah's Real Beef With Me--I Refuse to Give Up.

[quote]From Ladidah's signature
"I've been arguing online since 2003! I am a warrior!"-- some fucktard in a forum[/quote]

What I actually said:

"I refuse to believe that human nature changes from one message board to another. I've been debating online, on and off, since 2003. Everybody that told me that 'nobody cares,' followed a course of action that contradicted their statement." -- thebesig

"Two, that you shouldn't sweat trivial things... like a poster, a veteran of the Cold War, Somalia, Former Yugoslavia and the Iraq War, wanting to exercise his freedom of speech using the text color of his choice..." -- thebesig

So, what can an indifferent person gather from the glaring differences between Ladidah's misquote and what I actually said?

1. That Ladidah is acting like a playground child that had lost an argument, and doesn't have anything better to say.

2. That Ladidah doesn't support a veteran's right to free speech.

3. That Ladidah doesn't support, or respect, the people in the military.

4. That Ladidah refuses to believe that former Demand Studios writers can do better than her.

5. That Ladidah is a low esteemed person who isn't satisfied with what she has accomplished in life. She can't accept the fact that other people are actually doing better than her. She'd rather engage in character assassination to bring people down to her level. This is like a "misery loves company" thing.

6. That Ladidah doesn't like people that'll have the audacity, and balls, to stand up for themselves. She prefers people that she could easily bully online.

Ladidah's using that in her signature speaks volumes about her real beef with me. Reminding the opposition that I've got a track record... and that I won't quit... wasn't what Ladidah wanted to hear. How dare I take the E-thugs' comments and throw them back in their faces?

Here's another thing that I noticed about argumentative women... many have faint hints of mustaches and wished that their breasts were bigger.

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, Groundskeeper Willie Sees What Arrogance Blinds the Opposition from Seeing

[quote]Originally posted by Groundskeeper Willie
[quote]Originally posted by thebesig
I was hoping, after my first major salvo here, that every one of the board "bullies," would jump on this thread. Many of these people are used to pushing others around in these parts. Many are used to doing their antiques. In both cases, they hardly got resistance. People ignored them, and either moved on from this message board, or just ignored them. If they got an argument, the opposition usually "conceded" to them and move on.
But, with their stubborn, control freak push to "bully" me, they're failing to realize that they're playing into my long term debate plan. The longer they fight me, the more everybody else sees their vulnerabilities.
I've gotten myself involved with perpetual debates since 2003. In every instance, I've seen people make use of my tactics. People that were formally silent constantly ragged on the "bullies," and didn't give them breaks. Changes happened in people's behaviors. The longer the opposition fights me, the greater chances that people will change here too... this isn't a change that the opposition would like either if it were to happen here.[/quote]
I see many parallels between this and Operation Iraqi Freedom. I'm sure you know about this stuff way better than me, so I'd like to hear what you think, but here's how I see it.
Uncle Sam (thebesig) rolls in to liberate the country (DSS), shocking and awing. Then the Jihadists (the "bullies") flock to the Sunni triangle (this thread) to fight him. Their weapons ("arguments") are a joke compared to his, so they have to use underhanded tactics.
The more the general pop. (the silent majority) sees what the Jihadists are really about, the more they alienate it. Soon it starts waking up and coming to his side. Game over; he wins. He's defeated the Jihadists and won the people's hearts and minds.
Brilliant. You can tell this man has studied the art of war. You guys and your little IEDs don't stand a chance against him and his M1 Abrams, A-10s, F-15s, Humvees, Apaches and Tomahawks. You might as well surrender now.
I'm with you, thebesig. Others are with you. We greet you as a liberator--but we know we must free ourselves too.
We still want to hear about your eHow battle plan. If you don't want to post it here in front of the enemy, you can PM it to me. I can send it to our supporters, and we can go from there.[/quote]

Once again, this is the only poster that understands what's going on.

Every time I've stood up to massive amounts of people on a message board, I expose their vulnerabilities. The longer they debate with me, the more credibility they lose. By the time the last ones are on their final stretch, they're thoroughly exposed. I've explained enough of what goes on in their minds that third parties know these people's psychological makeup.

All of a sudden, they're no longer unstoppable push-you-overs whose words have to stand as "informal law."

Long after I've thoroughly destroyed them in debate, everybody else sees them as defeat-able. Once the fight is over, people come out, who normally wouldn't come out, and stand up to these local forum bullies.

In an attempt to outlast me in debate, they end up losing everything in their own turf. Things aren't the same again.

If ceding the fight to me was life... and going for the last word was a fatality in an attempt to grab the Holy Grail... none of these posters would live past seeing the Holy Grail.

The opposition also saw what Groundskeeper Willie voiced above. The problem?

Their excessive arrogance would rather see a strawman version of me. Their arrogance also wants to see a strawman version of my intents and explanation. It prevents them from coming to terms with the fact that they can't beat me... not even when they gang up on me.

It took them running to the moderator, crying like babies, to get me banned.

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, Berg Sulks and Feigns Indignation--Thinks that Mock Apology Would Spare Her From Retaliation.

[quote]Originally posted by berg
Willie, I can't be with you anymore. He took my comments way too seriously to be the great leader and arguer that he proclaims. Thebesig, everyone is laughing at you, with the possible exception of the punk kitty. Read between the lines, asshole.
Nobody reads anything you say because it is chock full self-aggrandizing pissing. 
[quote]Originally posted by Damnwhofarted
You forgot to kick dirt over the carcass with contempt.[/quote]
I don't care enough to have contempt. [/quote]

This is nothing but face saving in the face of what you weren't able to accomplish.

You jumped in my thread and thought that I was just another person that you could push around easily. You thought that you could out argue me, or even send me running from Demand Studios Sucks Forums. That didn't work. I smacked your face into the dirt, and stood my ground. Your allies jumped in, and I destroyed them as they came.

That wasn't what you were expecting.

This never was about you siding with Willie, "because I was onto something." Your true resentment against me was that I stood my ground. You also resent me for putting you in your place.

You claim that nobody read what I said. Two of your allies proved you wrong. They've read what I've stated. Just look at "The Batman" and "WriterOfSpam's" desperation. They zeroed in on a word that I deliberately used, one that I'd use again in the same context. If they weren't reading my posts, they wouldn't have zeroed in on it.

Those that accused me of "self aggrandizing" forget that this "aggrandizing" amounts to my countering false statements about me. Everybody that accuses me of "self aggrandizing" has demonstrated arrogance in the thread that I debated them in... mainly, trying to stay in a fight with me despite the fact that they were getting thoroughly destroyed.

You're a veteran of "pissing contests." You can't handle the fact that you came across someone that could piss further and longer than you.

If you didn't care to "have contempt" for me, you never would've replied to the thread responding to me.

You never were with Willie.

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, BurnCEs Misses the Point Completely

[quote]Originally posted by BurnCEs
[quote]Originally posted by thebesig
This thread's length is nothing compared to the length of other threads I've debated on. There's one thread, on the Old Protest Warrior Forums, that stretched over 222 pages. Each page consisted of 50 posts. That was back in 2005/2006. Wouldn't mind a repeat performance. :D [/quote]
Oh, please. Sugar tits, you're an amateur. My thread's WAY bigger than yours. I once "participated" in a thread that got to 26^4 x 2^32 x 2^4. We only stopped because our fingers were bleeding.
I doubt you'll be here that long.[/quote][/quote]

You're deliberately missing the point, or you simply don't get it. So let me simplify this for you.

I know right off the bat if someone intends to engage in an endurance debate contest with me. My stating my track record is me reminding them that I will outlast them in debate.

You don't want to admit this, but I know this from debating with others on the internet. Let's face it. People like you argue until you have the last word. When you come across someone like me, who'll keep hammering you, and keep denying you the last word, you can't handle it.

I'm not bragging that I could grow a thread. I'm letting you people know that I'll keep arguing with you until you give up. Thread length, and duration, don't bother me.

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, Queenoffckall Doesn't Hesitate to Shove its Face up BurnCE's Ass

[quote]Originally posted by BurnCEs
My thread's WAY bigger than yours. [/quote]
Yeah, yeah. We all know how big your thread is. You swing it around just to scare the trolls away. Plus, Crackity posted pics that one time.[/quote]

She doesn't scare anybody away. For someone that talks about trolling and fighting on message boards, she puts up one of the weakest arguments.

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, Burn CEs Would Rather Set Stress Shields Up Than to Face Reality

[quote]Originally posted by BurnCes
[quote]Originally posted by queenoffckall 
Yeah, yeah. We all know how big your thread is. You swing it around just to scare the trolls away. Plus, Crackity posted pics that one time.[/quote]
You know it, baby bitch.
And listen up, little boy blue. We had to 'shop the thread shot down in case we ran out of Internets.[/quote]
No such thread existed.

This is a feeble attempt to be sarcastic in the face of not having an argument. This is also a feeble attempt to cover up for your failure to bully the new guy around. The only thing that you had to shop around for was bandage for your bruised ego.

Common internet thug description from someone that gets their bullying shoved back into their faces... "little boy" or "little guy."

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, Berg Shows Contempt Despite its Claims of Having None

[quote]Originally posted by Berg
I remember that thread, Burn. Remember the joke on that page where everyone was trolling the OP and he didn't get it. Even though he had vast Interwebs experience? Good times. [/quote]

So much for not having contempt:

"I don't care enough to have contempt." -- Berg

You also got that wrong. This wasn't a case where everybody was trolling me just to get a response. This was about a bunch of Internet bullies attacking a new forum poster in an attempt to drive him away.

When the new guy threw their bullying back into their faces... then dragged their faces through their inability to hold an effective argument... they psychologically broke down into throwing sarcasm around like monkeys throwing feces.

You people still have issues with my stomping your faces into the ground. That's not the reaction you guys expected from the new guy.

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, MsRa2U Lies Through its Teeth

[quote]Originally posted by MsRa2U
The thing is, Willie, your post actually makes sense.
I think you will have to be his interpreter. [/quote]

No, you understood what I said. You disagreed with it, and have no effective counter argument. Instead of having the integrity to do the right thing, you imply that I'm not "understandable."

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, BurnCEs Expresses Frustration at My Refusal to let the Opposition Bully Me

[quote]Originally posted by BurnCEs
That's right, I think the OP thought being off the fucking Asperger's Scale somehow made him interesting.
IIRC, even CW thought the whole thing a bit too TL;DR and banned the fucker in the end for the offense of boring everyone's tits off. [/quote]

People who are used to others ceding the fight to them... will describe someone who'll keep fighting them... as someone with a psychiatric disorder. I've had PTSD, ADHD, ODD, etc., thrown at me by people who argued others to death.

They usually did this in a panicky, or frustrated, mode, when they couldn't get the last word with me.

However, let's show you how you shot yourself in the foot with the "Asperger's Scale" charge.

According to WebMD, Albert Einstein, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Thomas Jefferson and Marie Curie had Asperger's symptom.

I'm looking back at how many of you had problems understanding writing that a 5th grader could understand. I could see how you'd throw a description toward me that was also thrown toward historic geniuses.

I got banned from Demand Studios Sucks Forums for allegedly making "irrelevant posts." That's a phony charge on two accounts. Every one of my posts, except the first one, was reactive. It had something to do with what was said. Second, the administrators left the thread open so that other people could make irrelevant posts.

If they were serious about people not making "irrelevant posts," they would've locked the thread. They also would've sent a warning to everybody else that made irrelevant posts on that thread.

My efforts were partly about outlasting the opposition, and discrediting them. This had little to do with "impressing" anybody.

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, Devil_youknow's Statement Contradicts its Actions

[quote]Originally posted by Devil_youknow
Oh gosh, Partygirl's post made the most sense. I loved it. Partygirl, my pearl-clad little doggy, you have just wonz the entire internetz.
And to the one who started it all (hereby known to me only as Princess), your response to me was too long and I didn't read it.
But you got fired from DMS. Tee hee. :D (REPEAT POINT)[/quote]

You read my original post enough to conclude that I got "fired" from DMS. That post was 252 words long. One of my replies to you, after that, was 269 words long. One of my responses to you before that was only 17 words long. The longest reply to you was 726 words long... 226 words longer than a typical Demand Studios article.

If you could read a Demand Media  article that you wrote, you'd be able to read something that I wrote... something written so that even a 5th grader would understand what's written.

The reality is that this isn't the case of you not reading something that was "too long." This is about you not having a real argument. I smashed your attempts at cyber bullying on a message board, and you're responding like a child that just got belted.

Also, how could this be a case of my "hereby" being known to you as "princess" when you used that term towards me earlier?

The second reality is that you're repeating yourself like a broken record. You're too proud to do the right thing when you're outgunned and have lost.

Also, what I said with regards to Demand Media Studios:

"I wrote for Demand Studios regularly from late 2008 to early 2009. I only wrote two articles for them since then. They let me go on July 31, 2011. Not a loss, no regrets here. Matter of fact, I was glad that they let me go, I even let them know that. I've posted my letter to them on one of my blogs in case anybody is interested." -- thebesig

So what if I've lost my writing privileges at Demand Studios. Do you want to know how much of an idiot you come across as when you laugh at me for that? That's like laughing at someone who decided not to renew his "membership" with a non profit organization that has gone bad.

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, CE_ClueBat Pulls Air Out of its Hind End

[quote]Originally posted by CE_ClueBat
I think partygirl wins the thread, although I'm a big Willie fan with his fancy words and liberal views on red, white and blue. Or just blue. Or conservative views on the blue. I'm not sure if a blue font is liberal or conservative.
All I know after reading the zomb forums is that you should call that Jamie chick a teabagger. She did say don't "call" me a teabagger, so maybe she's still into letting hubby teabag her on a Saturday night.
And, of course, calling a teabagger a teabagger is similar to racist slurs. Those DMS writers. They are so smart.[/quote]

Partygirl doesn't win anything but the "can't debate" award.

Her reaction is typical of someone who doesn't have a counter argument. They have nothing in a fight, and have nothing to say in general. They end up doing the equivalent of "blah blah blah" to make up for their shortcomings.

One funny thing about this exchange, I write at a level that a grade schooler could understand. Someone that was 12 years old can read an article that I wrote. This article is similar, reading level wise, as my posts on Demand Studios Sucks' forums. He perfectly understood what I was getting at.

If a 12 year old kid could understand my writing, despite being "wordy," how in God's name could grown adults... people that bill themselves as "writers," have a problem understanding what I'm writing? Many of the adults on Demand Studios Sucks Forums can't accomplish what a 12 year old could easily accomplish.

I feel sorry for anybody that retains them for their writing services. That person won't know what they're in for.

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, Christopher_Walken Plays the Internet "Tuff" Guy

[quote]Originally posted by Christopher_Walken
[quote]Originally posted by thebesig
Since you guys are just starting to see what I'm about... if you replied to me tonight, I'll get back with you when I post my next batch of replies. After taking care of a few things on this thread, I'm going to go to bed knowing that many of you guys will be busting veins replying to me all night. [/quote]
Hello, little man, boy, I heard a lot about you. I knew a guy once who looked like you. One day...BAM!
He who needs light blue, should mix blue and white -- Oh man, I love Spanish! [/quote]

You've never seen me face to face. So you don't know facts like my height, skin tone and age. You don't even know what I'm like with other people in real life. A smart person would know that having worked for Demand Media Studios, I couldn't be under 18.

But let's look at reality. You've got no fights in that thread. You showed up after I got banned just to offer your one cent. So far, you owe me some serious change.

Also, your "BAM" implication. Guess what? The Anti Iraqi Force felt the same way about me. How does it feel to be aligned with America's enemies? Given your lack of integrity on Demand Studios Sucks, I wouldn't be surprised if that fact didn't bother you.

You're just another windbag that likes to hear itself talk "tuff."

What you're really saying is this:

"Hey, look at me, I want attention! I'm jumping onto the bandwagon! Since you failed to kiss my friends' asses, I wish you were dead! If my friends hear me say that, they'd like me better! I'm saying this to look good to them!"

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, EnigmaticJack Missed my Point

[quote]Originally posted by EnigmaticJack
I get the feeling it's going to take him longer to get back to us now. [/quote]

What I also said:

"Even if I don't get back with you tonight, tomorrow, the next week, month, year or decade, I will get back to you. My replying to you guys is almost as guaranteed as death and taxes." -- thebesig

And this...

"Being a troll for what? Giving other posters here a taste of their own medicine? If I do get banned, I'll just continue this debate on another website that I post on. There's an international audience could get good get entertainment at your, and other posters here, line of reasoning." -- thebesig

Or, I could just post it on my blog. It offers an increase in "longevity" beyond any message board. Many of the message boards that I posted on, when I started debating, are gone. One remains from that period. It's active because it has a continuous stream of activity from an ongoing interest. That interest transcends local drama.

Demand Studios Sucks Forums exists because of resentment against Demand Media Studios. Traffic will slow down on both sites when the titles run out... meaning... it won't be long before both forums go defunct.

Again, my replying to you guys is almost as guaranteed as death and taxes.

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, Donna Can't Read in Context, yet Parades Itself as a "Writer" or "Editor."

[quote]Originally posted by Donna
Haven't finished reading this thread. It's probably already dead, but THANK YOU WriterOfSpam for clearing that up for me. I was trying to figure out WTH he meant by antiques. Good God that was irritating. Now which one of you is going to borrow him some money for his great idea? Cluebat, you in?[/quote]

First, I'm not surprised that my use of "antiques" to describe you people's games went right over your head. Here, let's do some analytical thinking. What I've previously said:

"I've been debating online, on and off, since 2003. Everybody that told me that "nobody cares," followed a course of action that contradicted their statement." -- thebesig

"I know the real reason people respond to me, and it's no different from that of others that I've debated with since 2003. The "nobody cares" canard is just more self serving claptrap by people who don't have a good argument, or debate standing, but who still want to hear themselves talk." -- thebesig

"But, I know your games before you even play them here. I know it because you people aren't the first ones to try to play these games in the face of my not letting up. This isn't the first time that I've seen many of the replies that I've seen on this thread. The words may be different here and there, but the consistency remains." -- thebesig

What do these three have in common? Answer, they talk about how people pretty much do the same things over and over again. It doesn't matter who they are, where I've debated them, and when I debated with them.

Their games, and their tactics (inductive fallacy, straw man, red herring, hot air rhetoric, name calling, etc.) are old to me. I've seen them over and over again. Hence, my describing their actions as "antiques."

Antiques are OLD... just like the desperate actions you guys engage in. I've seen desperate posters play your games before... from one message board to another.

The opposition's actions may seem "unique" to them. You guys may think that you're the "only" people that pull the stunts that you're pulling on this thread. This may be "high speed," to you guys, but they're OLD to me. Hence, I will use "antiques" to describe your games.

I use "antiques" the same way someone would accuse a fellow employee of "sucking up" to the boss. In both instances, I use words intended for one meaning to communicate something else.

Second, your reply isn't about why I used antiques. It's about you pulling anything out of your rear end just to have something to say.

Third, what I said:

"I'm not asking for money. Not a single dime... not a single penny. Just for action if someone wants story ideas if they want to build their portfolios. After all... if you're not writing for a client, you should be writing for yourself (in addition to prospecting for business)." -- thebesig

If you've allegedly read my posts to find my use of "antiques" in statements, then certainly you would've caught where I spelled my intentions out. This isn't about me making money. You guys aren't even in my client universe.

You also proved the other posters wrong about people "not" reading my posts. Or... you didn't read what I said, but are just jumping the bandwagon.