Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, The Batman's Bruised Ego Causes Him to Reply to the Same Thing.

[quote="The Batman"](FALLACY: RED HERRING)
[quote="thebesig"]Not understanding simple English DOES constitute someone being a brick. [/quote]
Antiques: A collectible object such as a piece of furniture or work of art that has a high value because of its considerable age.
Antics: Foolish, outrageous, or amusing behavior.
thebigsig: brick

You don't get it don't you?

Part of understanding simple English is the ability to read words in context. Mastery of the language includes the ability to use words to communicate in ways they haven't been used to communicate.

This isn't like confusing "they're," "there," and "their."

If we insisted in using the words strictly for what the dictionary intended them for, we'd sound like Germans and northern Europeans still.

People doing similar to what I've done, across the centuries, are the reason we're not speaking English like this today:


If a 5th grader could read my posts, within context, then you obviously aren't smarter than a 5th grader.

There's a purpose behind everything that I put in my posts. I'll deliberately say something to make a desperate poster jump at what I said... or did. I set other traps up. But since you're desperate, you stopped and acted the moment you found one word that you thought you had me on.

The funny thing is that you jumped on a word I deliberately used in the context that I used it... I hadn't gotten to the "trap words" stage yet.

Again, a lot of the tactics that you people used are tactics that I've seen before. It's like you people had studied the same script... an OLD script. That's why I used "antiques" to describe your actions.

I'll continue to use "antique" to describe people's old tactics and tricks.

Your ANTIQUES, as in tactics that I've countered over and over again, meaning old, are beyond foolishness, outrageous, or amusing. "Antic" isn't adequate as a description for your actions.

If the same person perpetrates the same antiques, I describe them as pulling antiquities.

Now, I'm going to force feed you a taste of your own medicine in the post below this one. Hope you've got an appetite, I've got plenty of your words to shove down your throat. Read the post below this one.

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