Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, BurnCEs Misses the Point Completely

[quote]Originally posted by BurnCEs
[quote]Originally posted by thebesig
This thread's length is nothing compared to the length of other threads I've debated on. There's one thread, on the Old Protest Warrior Forums, that stretched over 222 pages. Each page consisted of 50 posts. That was back in 2005/2006. Wouldn't mind a repeat performance. :D [/quote]
Oh, please. Sugar tits, you're an amateur. My thread's WAY bigger than yours. I once "participated" in a thread that got to 26^4 x 2^32 x 2^4. We only stopped because our fingers were bleeding.
I doubt you'll be here that long.[/quote][/quote]

You're deliberately missing the point, or you simply don't get it. So let me simplify this for you.

I know right off the bat if someone intends to engage in an endurance debate contest with me. My stating my track record is me reminding them that I will outlast them in debate.

You don't want to admit this, but I know this from debating with others on the internet. Let's face it. People like you argue until you have the last word. When you come across someone like me, who'll keep hammering you, and keep denying you the last word, you can't handle it.

I'm not bragging that I could grow a thread. I'm letting you people know that I'll keep arguing with you until you give up. Thread length, and duration, don't bother me.

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