Sunday, March 04, 2012

Demand Studios Sucks' CE_ClueBat is a Racist and Supremacist

A commenter described one of CE_ClueBat's "mommy issue" rants. I wonder if that mommy issue stemmed from her mother's disapproval of CE_ClueBat's wanting to join the KKK?

This dummy couldn't get the facts straight even if they'd smash into her face:

"He's a sperm donor. That's good. I mean, we can't have these mulattos ruining good ol' 'merican blood." -- CE_ClueBat

First, most the recipients for my sperm are American couples. Second, my forefathers came here during the colonial times, and have served in almost every major war as far back as the US Civil War. Mulatto? Not even by a long shot. Third, the fact that you're racist, and a supremacist, is well noted.

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