Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Could CE_ClueBat be the Same Person as Page1News?

My last series of posts zeroed in on the trolls posting on the Demand Studios Sucks blog comment section. I addressed them specifically. Result? CE_ClueBat creates a thread, on Demand Studios Sucks, and claims that I "have" an "obsession" with her. Someone said something similar, with similar themes.

[quote]Re: lol thebesig is writing again..
Postby CE_ClueBat » Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:35 pm
He has an obsession with me for some reason. lol I never understood it. The only thing I ever said was "ummm, berg has like brain tumors, heart attacks, she's a deaf mute and she claims that the miracle of another poster's voice brought her back to life. Doesn't that sound a little odd to you?"
That's the only thing I'm guilty of. Lol [/quote]

First, I zeroed in on the trolls, not on "CE_ClueBat."

Second, someone else said something of that nature:

"Makes me think this whackadoodle is my intense IRL stalker. SCARY SHIT! Someone call Interpol, ASAP!" -- Page1News

"Whackadoodle" is a word that someone else on Demand Studios Sucks likes to use. Here's a couple more:

"You misunderstood. I simply meant that I periodically had been checking on your blog, but I hadn't noticed you posting anything until the DSS front page comments were enabled again. I don't know if it was coincidence, and it really doesn't matter anyway." -- Page1News

"It wasn't until the front page comments were enabled again that he published several posts." -- Page1News

Three themes pop out with the side by side comparisons. One, the "stalker/obsession" theme shows up in both of their comments. Two, both make the assumption that I generated my series of posts as a result of something, not related to what I'm replying to, that DSS said or did. The third one is the assumption that I specifically was targeting them.

One reaction, common to both, was the creation of a post on Demand Studios Sucks Forums, addressing something that I did.

Am I obsessed with Page1News, or am I obsessed with CE_ClueBat? Or, as I've explained all along, am I simply returning fire at those that fired at me?

My last series of batches didn't zero in on CE_ClueBat. However; I did specifically zero in on the people that were trolling in the blog section of Demand Studios Sucks. I don't see how that would constitute an obsession with CE_ClueBat unless CE_ClueBat is behind the troll posts. 

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