Saturday, May 05, 2012

DSS' Berg's Comments Casts More Doubt on her Degree Claims...

"LOL, I left that post on his blog on February 22nd. It literally took 5 minutes. I told Despicable that he would get butthurt, little did I know it would be such an epic explosion. He must have salivated over his response for weeks." - berg » Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:35 pm

Wrong on all counts.

First, you're pulling crap out of your arse about how long it took me to reply to your drivel. Hint, it didn't take weeks, not by a long shot. It took me less than 10 minutes to generate my entire reply to you. And guess what? I had that reply prepared within 24 hours of you generating your drivel.

Unlike you, I have real world commitments that I have to tend to. Consequently, I have to work on my replies one part at a time. Only an idiot would assume that I "salivated" over the response "for weeks."

Second, are you that retarded that you're going to dismiss a simple fact-check as a "butthurt"? Baghdad Bob? Is that you? If you meant that I was going to respond, that's a given. If people haven't figured that out yet, they're beyond stupid.

"Anyway, I win." - berg

Wrong again. You lost this exchange before it began. You win a debate by advancing facts, reason and logic. All you did was advance a phony, emotional "different levels" kumbaya clap trap. You failed to prove me wrong, or you right, about anything.

"Oh, and Besig, my dissertation was several performances and the memorization of hundreds of classical pieces." - berg

I call BS, you don't have any degree. This represents a shift from your last comment. You still don't get excused from the reading comprehension department. Or, do you think you're exempt from being able to read? Not by a long shot.

Reading comprehension is easier than memorizing. I refuse to believe that you could do the latter while failing miserably at the former.

"I don't need to read." - berg

So says the the tard that claims that she went to three good schools. That should have read, "I don't wanna read!"

"And, I have a DMA, not a Ph.D." - berg

What I also said:

"Demand Studios Sucks Berg's Reading Abilities Doesn't Match her Doctorate Claims" - WC

When I said, "Doctorate," I was talking about doctor level degrees. Do keep tap dancing Skippy. Your claims still don't match your performance.

"Thank you truly for getting so butthurt over this." - berg

Don't mistake my fact checking you, to include attacking your phony claims, as my being "butthurt." Your statement has as much validity as Baghdad Bob's claiming the there were "no" US troops in Baghdad. Trying to take credit for "predicting" that I'll reply is like trying to take credit for predicting that the sun will rise tomorrow.

"It literally made my day. I'm sure this post will spawn additional entertainment for me as well." - berg

No it didn't. The reality? It annoys the crap out of you when I keep stomping your dick into the ground. You made that comment more out of denial than you did out of joy.

The only person, between the two of us, that's getting any joy out of this is me. I take sadistic pleasure with destroying you assclowns' drivels.

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