Saturday, May 05, 2012

Common Sense and Reading Comprehension are Foreign Concepts to BurnCEs

[quote]by BurnCEs » Tue Mar 06, 2012 3:10 am
You can tell from the social alienation in his posts that the idea of collegiate agreement and friendship is a foreign concept toThebesig. Hell, I expect even the band of brothers in his latrine-digging unit in Da Army used to nightly pray that the Eyeraqis would use his nipples as target practise to shut him the fuck up.[/quote]

I could tell that reading comprehension and common sense are foreign concepts to you.

First, it's plainly obvious that I'm countering the drivel of the retard DSS zombies that are whining about something that I said. This isn't "social alienation," as you rejects don't define what the social norm is. You guys don't even represent mainstream society.

Second, berg and I aren't exactly agreeing with each other's main point, or stance. Not exactly an environment for "collegiate agreement." Anybody that has at least a 6th grade education level would know that there are things that people won't agree on, and things that people will agree on. When it comes to the former, you're not going to get "collegiate agreement." That happens with the later, or something close to it.

You people aren't taking friendly actions toward me, so you don't have a leg to stand on when talking about friendship being a "foreign" concept. I don't befriend people that attack me. I consider them hostiles and I fire back accordingly.

My point still stands. When it comes to two opposing arguments, a Saxon style engagement is an effective vetting tool. The stronger argument stands. The weaker argument requires retooling and rethinking.

Third, there's no "latrine-digging" unit in the Army you numbnuts. Digging fighting positions, as well as digging latrines, is a basic soldiering skill... regardless of what MOS you hold.

Fourth, if you knew anything about the Improved Outer Tactical Vest, or IOTV, you'd know that your hoped for target would be covered.

Fifth, it's painfully obvious that you're clueless about military culture, to include how we interact with each other and others. If you did, you'd realize that my tone, demeanor, persistence, and what I say... in response to you people's BS... is consistent with what others with my military background would do.

You wouldn't have faired better with other veterans who've been around for a while. Soldiers that acted like you, and the other DSS zombies that I'm smacking around, usually got the dog crap smoked out of them every day. We've got no patience for stupidity and BS.

You have issues with my refusing to "shut up"? You're making this sound like I'm going out of my way to trouble you people. So let me break this down for you "brain." These posts are reactive in nature. Meaning, they're highly dependent on your actions. Want me to "shut up"? Don't give me an excuse NOT TO by giving me something to respond to.

It's THAT simple.

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