Saturday, May 05, 2012

According to "WalkAway's" insinuation, my two Decades of Military Service Mean Nothing

Work? I'm sure that's a foreign concept for you." -- WalkAway

Tell you what, until you have to drive on IED "avenue," in order to do your job, don't insinuate that I "don't" know what work is, where you "do." You've had the convenience of getting in a vehicle and driving/riding past a dead animal without flinching.

You've never had to go through a situation where the dummy driving backwards could very well be a suicide bomber operating a vehicle borne IED. You've never had to "pull evasive maneuvers" to make sure that your car doesn't go over a newly covered pothole... less whatever was under the "rework" blew up under your vehicle.

* Until you do a ground assault, at wee hours in the morning, full battle rattle and locked and loaded, don't tell me that "work" might be a foreign concept to me. If you were having dinner at the same time, there's a good chance that you were fully unaware of what I was doing... or of the fact that I was working while you were stuffing your face.

* Until you've had to react to small arms fire, don't tell me that you "work," then fart out of your arse about work being a foreign concept to me.

* Until you have to walk mile after mile, in your combat boots, with your M4 at the low ready prepared to swing it up to engage, with your battle rattle, and a 45+ pound ruck on your back, don't try to sell me the garbage that I "don't" know what work is... or even hint that you know what work is and that I "don't."

* Until you had to dig a hole in the ground just to take a dump, and go days without taking a shower, because that comes with the job, don't even try to fool anybody into thinking that you "work," and that "work" is a "foreign" concept to me.

* Until you had to sleep under the stars, for days, with your rifle/carbine at your side, spending a good chunk of that night taking nature in, because the job required it, don't try to fool people into thinking that work is an "alien" concept to me.

* Until you have to clean your weapon, because your life could depend on it within the next 24 hours... or even the next few minutes... don't try to hint to me that you work, and that I don't know what it is.

*Until you had to spend one holiday after another, and every weekend, and the days between them, doing military missions/duties because you're outside of the United States, don't tell me that work would be a "foreign" concept to me.

* Until you have to put up with one night after another getting mortared, don't you even try insinuating that I don't know what work is, but you do.

* Until you jack your body up after two decades of military service, don't even try with your assumptions that work is a "foreign" concept to me... where areas you "work." I'm feeling the results of decades of real work... pain felt doing simple things that you people take for granted... pain I'm willing to continue to endure to defend your freedom to make foot-in-your-mouth comments.

* Did you watch Blackhawk Down? Did you see those cool helicopters flying around? Well, I've ridden one of those over hostile territory you ding-dong. Even if I were to survive an attack on the Blackhawk I was riding, the fall would've made it a "consummatum est" moment for me. One thing for sure, I'd be a hell of a lot safer, and comfortable, doing your "job."

* Hey, what do you think of the idea of getting up at the arse crack of dawn, just to do at least an hour of battle focused physical fitness before the sun comes up? What? Your job doesn't require you to do that? I thought so. But that'd be understandable. I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't need to be in top physical condition to do your "job."

* There's a very good chance that while you were sitting in the comforts of your home, protected from the elements with your atmosphere control, I was downrange, outside, not far from a bunch of people that wanted to end my comrades, and my life, via AK-47, IED or RPG. I wouldn't be surprised if you had the convenience and comfort of not having to worry about that at your "job."

The only thing "foreign" about that and most the events that I mentioned above, is the fact that most took place in a foreign country. What part of your job compares? You probably couldn't answer that because unlike you, I have a job, and there's nothing foreign about the concept of work to me.

Simple body motions, that you probably overlook, remind me of that fact.

You see, "WalkAway," until you've walked miles in MY boots, seen what I've seen, done what I've done, you don't have a leg to stand on when trying to insinuate that work is a "foreign" concept for me, or that you even work at all.

Disagree with my comparisons? Perhaps you could walk up to a family, mourning their fallen at a national cemetery, and tell them that working was a "foreign" concept to their loved one.

No, you don't have to thank me, as I'm not like you. If you can't walk away from a fight that you've lost before you started, "WalkAway," the least that you could do is to simply sit down, shut up, and quit damaging your cause even further.  

HINT: Screw your head back on before suggesting to a service member that work is a "foreign" concept to him/her. By even making that suggestion, you dishonor anybody that has ever served in uniform. You'll lose any contest that results from that.

After this part of my reply... if you can't figure out why I think you're a retard, you're hurting.

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