Friday, May 15, 2015

Bruce Dignan's Anger Issues 10 -- Possibly "Cheeking" His Psychotropic Medications

Bruce Dignan: You need to get some help, before you either hurt yourself or hurt others, its that simple.

No Bruce, you're the one that needs to get help. Which one of us is posing for a Facebook picture with weapons in the background? 

You're taking an aggressive posture with that photo. You demonstrate anger issues in a lot of your replies. You are displaying anger issues and are sporting weapons. That's a bad combination.

If anybody's going to hurt anybody, it's your wanting to hurt someone or something when you don't get your way. You need to get help for your anger, stress, and control issues before you hurt someone or something.

The sooner that you see yourself as you really are, and not as you want to see yourself as, the sooner you could get that help.

Bruce Dignan: I mean, if you have taken medicines previously and have elected to stop, start taking them again,

I'm not taking any psychotropic medications. Hate to burst your bubble, but as usual you are wrong. However, I will not be surprised if you've been issued psychotropic medications. I would not be surprised if you have neglected to take those psychotropic medications.

This means that whatever it is that you're accusing me of having, you have it. Whatever behaviors you accuse me of having, you're displaying. Your subconscious is throwing you under the bus with regards to who you are.

If you've been issued psychotropic medications, there's a good chance that you're not taking them. This goes back to what I said about you earlier. You see yourself in a way that does not reflect reality. You want to continue doing what others do, so you go without said medication.

If you have been issued psychotropic medications, do not hesitate to take them as prescribed. 

Understand that you are not like everybody else, you are different. You need help, both medically and psychologically. The sooner you get that help, the sooner the quality of life will get better.

Bruce Dignan: I mean, look at what that germanwings co pilot did to 150 passengers recently, due to mental illness, many people died in the plane crash,

Again, I'm not the one with an avatar posing with weapons. I'm not the one demonstrating a lot of anger like you are. If anybody should be seen as a danger, or potential danger to society, it's you. The folks at your VA center see that. I see that on this thread.

You claimed that you are qualified to travel, or to drive trucks. What's stopping you from trying to ram the truck in a way that causes a lot of deaths because you are misguided?

Seek that help Bruce Dignan. The sooner you do that, the better you will be.

Bruce Dignan: and who knows what responsibilities you have, you need treatment for your rage, I mean, this internet rage, it aint right.

One of my responsibilities involves firing an M4 on the firing range. No worries, I'm not like you. I'm psychologically, mentally, and medically cleared to do things like that.

You're guilty of doing what you accuse me of doing, deflecting your traits. Again, get treatment for your anger management problems, your stress management problems, your control issues, etc. The sooner you do that, the sooner you will enjoy life. 

The advice that you were giving to me is actually the advice that your subconscious voice is trying to give to you.

You are the very things that you accuse me of being. The more I reply to you, the more your sub conscience throws you under the bus. The more you start seeing that your views of yourself are just an illusion.

Here Bruce Digan, I'll help you along. Look in the mirror and sing the song, "I'm so special, there's nobody else like me." Keep singing that song until you feel better.

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