Friday, May 15, 2015

Bruce Dignan's Anger Issues 04 -- Possibly Banned Temporarily From the VA due to Anger Problems

Bruce Dignan: Ha, what a loser pecker this feller is in my opinion,

I'm not the one that got temporarily banned from utilizing Veterans Administration medical services due to anger management problems. 

Also, I'm not the guy that's posing with weapons in a profile photo to make up for failures in life.

Bruce Dignan: a weak filthy poser posing as someone who goes after posers,

I run 4 to 6 miles on a regular basis. When I swim, I swim from 1 to 2 miles. What kind of physical fitness have you done? Other than doing your hunt and peck on your computer keyboard?

Your behavior on this thread makes people, who have served, suspicious of your military veteran claims. However, the fact that you got banned from using the VA services in December... and have recently been allowed back... indicates that there's a chance that you are a veteran.

That's just me giving you the benefit of the doubt.

The Veterans Administration hospital, and the outpatient clinics, have signs posted in strategic areas. They'll inform veterans to not to raise their voices and to not get belligerent. Based on what I have seen, you demonstrate poor anger management. Included in the sanctions, against a veteran that has anger issues, is temporary banning from using Veteran and Administration facilities.

"Actually, I rate a "0" star for them. I left the VA health care system in December." - Bruce Dignan

"I just listened to a message from the VA, wonderful and on the ball apparently, like they said they would do, I am back in the VA healthcare." -- Bruce Dignan

This seems to fit your case. You didn't leave the VA system. 

The VA system shut you out after you demonstrated poor anger management. Your conduct here makes it easy for people to doubt that you served. This could simply be a case of you being easily angered. 

Your actions indicate that of somebody that replies completely from anger... Without giving his brain a chance to think about what to say first.

There is an easier way for you to show that you're a veteran. You first have to properly manage your anger, stress, and control issues. 

Bruce Dignan: and the psych talk, straight out of something I'd have expected to hear from the ptsd band wagon at the VA,

Again, I have no working association with the doctors and nurses that you met at your VA hospital or outpatient clinic. They have not seen me face-to-face, nor have they interacted with me online.

If what I'm saying to you is very similar to what they're saying to you, then my assessment of you is accurate. Realize that they and I have come to the same conclusion, independent of each other, just by observing what you do on this thread. 

My observations of your reactions on this thread justify their observations of you in a face-to-face encounter.

You need to quit making this as if the whole world is against you. You need to accept reality. What you think of yourself, and how the rest the world sees you, are two different things. You're seeing yourself through rose colored lenses. Everybody else is seeing you as you are, with no filters.

Different people, not in contact with each other, who don't know each other, see you as having anger issues. Instead of trying to rationalize this, quit trying to make this as if we are "way out there." Quit acting like the world is out to get you.

I'm describing you as you are, not how you want to see yourself.

You have anger management, stress management, control, etc. issues. You need to get help for these issues. The Veterans Administration hospital, and outpatient clinics, have resources to help you with this. You should embrace the help that they're willing to give you.

Your long-term health depends on it.

Bruce Dignan: and its easy for someone to harass other folks when they like joseph don't have his real name, address, and nothing else, I mean, I could do it to if I wanted to.

Actually, I have my settings set to restrict what's seen on my profile. I'm restricting as much information as possible, about me, to the outside world. Consequently, this is why my profile looks like it has "nothing." It's meant to be that way for privacy purposes.

All I'm doing is pointing out to you things about yourself that you refuse to see. Things that you're blinding yourself to. My pointing out to you that you have anger, control, stress, etc. issues, is not harassment. It's me telling it like it is.

Bruce Dignan: I mean, how do you know I haven't tracked you down for a personal one on one conversation?

You see, this is the reason to why I have my information restricted to those who are not friends. 

This is an indication that you have anger, control, and stress issues. You're wanting to have a "one-on-one conversation" with me is an example of this. It's your trying to regain control in an exchange you feel that you have lost control.

Want to physically pay me a visit for a "one-on-one" conversation? You're not going to accomplish it by simply sitting in front your computer. You have to get moving. Get into your car, I live on the East Coast. If you're in Oregon, you have quite a trip in front of you.

Bruce Dignan: I mean, you use facebook and could be tracked down by anyone.

Okay, why don't you prove it? Mosey over to the Facebook open group, The Troops Are Welfare Whores. Try tracking down the "Mac" character that runs that and other sites. If you could isolate and identify who Mac is, and where he lives, then you prove your point.

If not, you're simply trying to regain control by implying a threat.

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