Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Keddrick Corday Thompson Requests IRR Memorandum Draft -- Part 2

Originally posted by Keddrick Corday Thompson:
Yes. I have went to the BC, the CSM, Company Commander, 1SG, my NCOIC, My OIC,
I wrote a detailed description and memo to the command team details of what I can do to provide great rear detachment. But they are not having a rear d. I have pushed this since February 2020. A lot of other NCOs have submitted transfers as well most approved. However, I promoted in and not trying to lose my rank. So,
On weekends I have drill his Mom has him but she is not able to frontload all responsibilities for a year and it will be extremely difficult juggling my son school, new grade, sports, day to day life. She only makes but so much but also need grave assistance with parenting as we continue parent very well and have a great balance
My contract lead can detail a letter of how urgent I am needed and my essential work and akillset to accommodate our customers and contrac. Along with my government lead and coworkers
My NCOIC can write a letter as well along with some unit counterparts
I have tried to push a rear d and how beneficial it would be and I volunteered to lead it. This would still allow me to maintain my salary and take care of important details of life with my Son, my family and the communities I serve 

Are these transfers to another TPU unit, or to the IRR? By IRR, I'm talking about non 6 x 2 Soldiers.

The part of your transferring in and not losing rank. This is one of the things that the Army is going to look at. When this gets to your brigade, they're going to look at all the options that you could take to remain in a TPU status vice going IRR. The brigade career counselors are going to look at it, and so is brigade legal.

Is it crucial that you keep your contracts, work-life balance, and ability to provide for your son and family? Then the Army is going to see that a transfer to another TPU is the applicable solution. You'll have an easier time to request a transfer to another TPU unit.

The Army is going to see this as an effort to avoid losing rank... If not losing your rank was an option, you would transfer to another TPU unit. This is based on what you told me.

The Army is going to see that you're looking for the convenient (to you) option rather than the practical option... Transferring to another TPU, losing rank, and still maintaining your family and nonmilitary obligation while completing your military contract.

Before I transferred to the Retired Reserve, TPU to TPU transfers had priority. Transfers to the IRR, unless they were requested as a result of a 6 x 2 obligation, took a long time to process. Many IRR packets faced disapproval. This may still be the case now.

You would receive mobilization orders if the Army has not decided on your transfer by the time your unit receives its orders. You would subsequently mobilize. Likewise, until you receive your orders to the IRR, you still have to drill with your unit until the IRR transfer date on your orders.

Your argument trying to stand up a rear detachment? This implies that you're willing to be on active orders but on a rear detachment capacity. This would work against your argument about being needed by your contract lead if you're going to be gone for a full workday.

I'm hoping that my commentary is not causing you inconvenience. As retention NCO, I was a part of a team. This team submitted portions of a packet in a way that increased the packet's chances of approval.

If most of the transfer requests being approved are TPU to TPU, and this is an option available to you, this would be your best bet.

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