Sunday, July 19, 2020

Keddrick Corday Thompson Loses Debate - Goes Internet Thug Part 5

Keddrick Corday Thompson Response 09, June 21, 2020:

Keddrick Corday Thompson: You may need to take a vacation and try relaxing. 

Speak for yourself. Notice the timestamps of my reply? They only happen during a certain time in the day. Lately, in the evening. There's the rest of the day where I'm engaged with other activities.

As I mentioned above, I enjoy doing this. Destroying arguments like yours is one of my hobbies. It's fun and relaxing.

What you're really saying is that I'm the one that should stop replying. The fact that you continued arguing, instead of "vacationing and relaxing", negates similar advice that you'd want to give me.

Keddrick Corday Thompson: You get women 

Yes, I'm seeing a woman your age. She appreciates the fact that I don't believe in driving cars into her... Like what you're accused of doing to your ex-girlfriend.

Keddrick Corday Thompson: or you married 

What I said earlier:

"Unlike you, she has a valid excuse. I was in that situation before my late wife passed away." -- [Redacted] 

I believe that you were 12 years old when I got married to her. She was my second marriage.

Keddrick Corday Thompson: because you seem lonely...smh.

If you believe that nonsense, then you're lonely. Otherwise, why hang out over here responding to me? No, I'm not lonely. I just take pleasure in destroying your arguments. I also enjoy watching you react to my dismantling your argument.

Keddrick Corday Thompson:  do yo thing again.

This goes without saying. Remember, your reply gets a counter reply from me.

Keddrick Corday Thompson Response 10, June 21, 2020:

Keddrick Corday Thompson: I'm enjoying Father's Day. I hope you can too. You seem...nvm. let me not help you think I got anger issues. 

If you're trying to argue against me, and you're "enjoying Father's Day", then your statement is null and void. Shouldn't it immediately follow that my destroying your arguments does not take away from my enjoying Father's Day?

Your actions here show that you have anger issues. You proved that fact when you later told me that you hoped that you never see me in person. Yes, someone with anger issues will make that statement. 

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