Sunday, July 19, 2020

Keddrick Corday Thompson Loses Debate - Goes Internet Thug Part 4

Keddrick Corday Thompson Response 07, June 21, 2020:

Keddrick Corday Thompson: You mad you can't dance. Probably can't shoot or bound or radio

False on all accounts. Not only could I dance... As in on the dance floor or in a club... But I've danced since before you were born (I graduated high school in the late '80s).

I've also pulled the trigger before you were born, and hit my targets using iron sights... This was before you fired your first toy gun and made "pew pew pew" noises with it.

Radio? My first deployment began in 1991. I was radioing back then. How old were you in 1991? Five? So, while you were playing with the toy phone, I was deployed engaging in RT procedures.

I could also bound. Both day and night.

Keddrick Corday Thompson: Good day sir.

Had you meant this; you would not have returned. You came back after this, proving to me that you were angry and not laughing.

Keddrick Corday Thompson Response 08, June 21, 2020:

Keddrick Corday Thompson: control and anger issues. You are trying analyze me. You way off. 

Nope, I was dead accurate about you. People who have narcissistic issues, anger issues, and control issues... Like you... Have a high tendency of getting physical during verbal altercations.

In your case, you were charged with assault and battery when your then-girlfriend informed the police that you hit her with your car... During an argument that you had with her. This is consistent with your conduct during this debate. This includes how you're reacting, responding, and on your statement that you wish that you would never see me... That I would run...

When it comes to analyzing you, I'm center mass. Right smack dab in the middle of the target. I wouldn't be surprised if some of your ex-girlfriends saw my posts, they'd substantiate what I just said about you.

This wouldn't be the first time this scenario played out. Every time someone, that knew the person I was arguing against, jumped in, that person agreed with me.

Keddrick Corday Thompson: Maybe you have a pride and weak person issue. [SELF TRAIT PROJECTION]

Unlike you, I don't have pride and weak person issues. However; I'm seeing this with you.

We both have infantry backgrounds. Which one of us keeps elevating his infantry background? You. Which one of us, despite both of us being POGs, look down on POGs? You. I could bring up more examples just based on what you said above.

Your pride refuses to acknowledge where you've been wrong... Like with that assault and battery charge levied against you. This indicates both pride and weak person issues.

Keddrick Corday Thompson: You can't stand regular talk. 

You're the one that's complaining about my constantly replying to you. You're the one that's hinting that this exchange should stop. I want this exchange to continue. The reality is that you're the one that can't handle regular talk when it means that you don't get your way.

Keddrick Corday Thompson: And try to read text...but your radar be off. 

You have a hard time reading what I'm saying because of your excessive anger. You can't read my replies without your blood "boiling mad". This gets into the way of you understanding what I'm saying. Combined with your control issues, this causes you to misinterpret what I'm arguing. You're seeing what you want to see instead of what I'm actually arguing.

Keddrick Corday Thompson: Nice try though

Not "try" but "success". Your responses are showing that I am very accurate with what I said about you.

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