Monday, July 20, 2020

Keddrick Corday Thompson- NCO with Private or Specialist Mindset -- Intro

This series is the part of the interaction, with Keddrick Corday Thompson, that turns into a full debate. Our interaction, prior to this, began when Thompson approached me. He wanted me to do a memorandum for him requesting a transfer into the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). Thompson wanted to go into the IRR to avoid going on deployment.

During our interaction, Keddrick Thompson realized that the IRR wasn't an option for him. He originally thought that his rank loss was only applicable to transferring to another drilling unit. However, he revealed information that should have stopped him wanting to go into the IRR. For him, transferring out of his unit would've resulted in a rank loss. It didn't matter where he transferred to.

In the following posts, I address his hopes for his unit establishing a rear detachment. During our interaction, he took issue with the word "deployment". His unit received notification that it was going to Texas. Our argument included whether "deployment" described movement to another part of the US or not.

During the debate, I noticed that Keddrick Thompson's argument themes were consistent with what a Private (E1/E2) would argue. His mindset was consistent with that of a Private or Specialist. His argument for a rear detachment showed that he didn't have his unit's interest in mind. He prioritized his own interests, which was convenient for him, above that of his unit.

The time that Keddrick Corday Thompson argued and hoped for the IRR or rear detachment could've been better utilized. He could've used this time to prepare his family and himself for his pending long-term absence.

My consistently rebutting his statement's frustrated him. He "puffed his feathers" via an assumption that my entire Army experience did not include experience in the infantry. His statements are as he wrote them.

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