Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Tonya Zylka Johnson Loses Debate... Blocks Victor -- 11


Tonya Zylka: The solution [redacted] is to just keep scrolling and not comment at all. 

Well then, what were you waiting for? You had every opportunity to scroll past my comments and not comment at all. Dale had the ability to do the same thing. I see your solution as an abomination. 

I will not scroll past a rebuttal to my post without providing a counter rebuttal. You want me to scroll by, but I want to respond. Which one of us am I going to listen to? 

To simplify this, let "X" by the response to me, and let "Y" be my counter-response. What has been happening is this: "If 'X', then 'Y'". This is something you even acknowledged when you told Dale that I would have a rebuttal, 

Your side of the argument advances "X". Guess what? I counter with "Y". You can't demand that "Y" not be forwarded while forwarding "X". 

You have to look at what you have control over and at what you don't have control over. You don't have control over what I do. However, you definitely have control over what you do. Using what you have control over, removing "X" would prevent "Y". 

Advancing "X", but demanding that "Y" not counter "X" indicates serious control, anger, and narcissism issues. You would be doing the same thing I'm doing had the facts been on your side. You wouldn't demand that I simply "scroll" on without replying. You'd gladly debate the argument.

Tonya Zylka: Who in this world made you the know it all of everything? 

Who in this world assigned you control over me? 

Where, in any of my posts, did I claim to be a know it all? Again, I don't engage in debates unless it's clear that I have extensive knowledge of what is being debated... Compared to those that I'm arguing against. 

Tonya Zylka: You are just arrogant and full of yourself. [SELF-PROJECTION]

"Arrogant" and "full of yourself" is demonstrated with this statement: "I will speak up from now on! My right... you don't like it keep scrolling. " -- Tonya Zylka

Arrogance is expecting to be able to post your argument without receiving rebuttals. It becomes narcissism when you demand that people scroll past your comment or a comment that you support, without providing a rebuttal. You demonstrate being full of yourself when you dismiss disagreement as "racism"... Or provide some other label instead of acknowledging where you have been proven wrong. 

Here's the reality. In every instance when the opposition accused me of being "arrogant", the one accusing me of such was arrogant. In fact, in every instance when the opposition assigned a negative label to me, they were projecting their own traits onto me. 

Do you want to see who you are? Just read what you are saying about me and about others on my side of the argument. That is what I am seeing in you.

During this exchange, both Dale and you exposed your apparent psychological profiles to me. This occurred in every instance I've debated against someone. During the nearly 17 years I've been debating against the left? I've discovered that the opposition fits nicely within a specific profile. 

Your actions indicate someone with narcissism, with anger issues, with stress issues, as well as with control issues. You tell me, and others, to "just scroll past comments". You don't have control over what we do. Yet, you're demanding that we do something that would result in our not replying to you. You expect to express your views yet refuse to accept what that action brings about... Debate. 

The fact that I see a similar apparent psychological profile in Dale does not bode well for either one of you in the long run.

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