Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Tonya Zylka Johnson Loses Debate... Blocks Victor -- 15


The meme that supposedly made me a "racist".

Tonya Zylka: This meme really shows just how racist you are. 

There is nothing racist in that meme. In fact, as somebody that pushes for people to wear facemasks, you should actually be happy for that meme. If I had a facemask that said, "Still Voting Trump", I'd make bloody sure I had it before leaving the door. 

Tonya Zylka:  YOU SIR are a first class ASS! 

ROTFLMFAO! I'm actually chuckling and laughing when reading your replies. This is an impact indicator showing that you know, deep down inside, that I am destroying your argument. You are pulling straws and finding excuses to label something I say as "racist". It is a way for you to "regain control". You wouldn't be doing that if you subconsciously saw yourself as winning.

I'm still voting for President Trump and against every Democrat on the ballot this November. As far left that the Democratic Party has gone, I simply see "Democratic" as a code word for "socialist/communist".

Tonya Zylka: [redacted] blah blah balh blah.......

Yes, utilize the kindergarten recess playground tactic that the losing kid utilizes when he/she can't engage in argument. I could envision it now. You're doing the equivalent of putting your hands to your ears and saying, "AAAAAAAAH, I can't hear you, AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH". 

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