Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Tonya Zylka Johnson Loses Debate... Blocks Victor -- 14

 Tonya Zylka: [redacted] and we are not fooled by your rightist media's narrative,which you are so in awe of.

I go straight to the information source to get my information. You, going by leftist propaganda, make false claims about what President Trump said. My response? I went directly to the information source... The text of the speech where he allegedly said the things that you said he said.

Result? It turned out that he did not say what you, and the leftist media, implied he said. The propagandist media take President Trump out of context. They cherry-pick information related to the president and push a leftist narrative.

Conservative new sources, like One American Network, exercise journalistic integrity... They do what journalists used to be required to do. They present the facts and they let the audience decide for themselves what to make of the facts. Fox News was big on this before. Unfortunately, they are starting to drift away from that.

It's no accident that conservative new sources dominate their peers in the same category. The same with talk shows or talk radio. The leftist/propagandist media is shoving too many whoppers down people's throats. Result? The news audience is hungry for the facts. This works in conservative media's favor.

What I am at awe of is the actual fact. The left in this country may drool over the Paris Climate Accord... Thinking that maybe it would resolve or help resolve "runaway global warming". I, on the other hand, went straight to the text of the treaty. I went through it.

My perspective on that treaty is based on what I read from that very treaty. The left's perspective on it is based on what the propagandist media said about it. By saying that you are "not fooled" by my information sources... Which includes reading the actual documents and actual speech transcripts... You're declaring that you would much rather believe what you want to believe vice believing in reality.

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