Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Tonya Zylka Johnson Loses Debate... Blocks Victor -- 10

Tonya Zylka posted the original meme, without red wording. I modified the meme, without changing the content, in order to add my own comments debunking her meme. My comments are in red. Even some of the teen contestants doubted that this happened. 

The claims that President Trump, then owner of the beauty pageant franchise, walked into a teen locker is BS.

However, what is true is that Donald Trump did walk into the locker room with adult women contestants. They were naked. President Trump bragged about it in 2005. Former models stepped forward in October 2016, or shortly before that, to talk about the event.

So, what does Buzzfeed do? Set up a Facebook account only for the 1997 team pageant contestants. Result? False claims that President Trump did the same thing with the teenage contestants.

What was going on in October 2016? Presidential campaigns maybe? Don't you think that maybe, just maybe, the propagandist media were trying to set up an October surprise against the Trump campaign?

It is a common tactic, on the Democrat playbook, to roll out frivolous charges against Republicans... A favorite charge involves rape or unwanted sexual advances. These claims all of a sudden "disappear" or "go away" after the election.

The claim that Donald Trump walked through a teen locker has less validity than the flat earth conspiracy theory. Even one of the fact-checker sites did not want to assign it a "true" or "false" designation.

According to the BuzzFeed article story on this alleged incident, Donald Trump did not make any sexual remarks and he did not "make contact" with any of the contestants. This story came up in October 2016, after the 2005 tape surfaced. 

Additional information could be found on Politifact, The Daily Wire, and Buzzfeed.

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