Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Tonya Zylka Johnson Loses Debate... Blocks Victor -- 3

 Tonya Zylka: Oh he will have a rebuttle 

That's a given. 

Tonya Zylka: because his side cannot be wrong on anything.

False. Again, I will not engage in a debate against the opposition unless two conditions are simultaneously met:

1. I've done extensive research/study/first-hand experience in the topic and...

2. Those that I rebut have little to no knowledge of the topic that they're arguing.

None of you guys have presented the facts to me as they relate to the argument. Not a single one of you guys was "right" about what you guys were arguing. Every single one of you has been wrong. Every one of you demonstrated little to no knowledge of the topic area that you're arguing against me.

This wasn't just factual on this thread. It had been the case throughout the almost 17 years I've been debating online. Not a single debate opponent, during this time, presented relevant facts to support their argument. Not a single one of them knew what they were talking about. 

I would not be dismantling the opposition's posts with a point by point rebuttal if the opposition's argument was correct. 

Tonya Zylka: So [redacted] I ask you this... the Obama administration had a Pandemic plan, a whole playbook. 

Have you seen that playbook? I have. The meat and potatoes are a fraction of the total number of pages. There are a bunch of rubrics, general history, and common-sense steps. For example, this is from the "playbook":

The U.S. Government will use all powers at its disposal to prevent, slow, or mitigate the spread of emerging infectious disease threat by:

1) Limiting spread of disease:

2) Mitigating the impact of illness, suffering, and death; and

3) Sustaining critical infrastructure and key resources in the United States

President Trump took action in January, getting this set up at the federal level. When he halted travel from China, the Democrats criticized him. 

The book has plenty of rubrics and generalities. I could see why it was put aside. 

Tonya Zylka: What did 45 do...he got rid of the Pandemic team. 

That's a false statement. He made a budget proposal suggesting to gut the number of teams they had. He did this as a negotiating tool. It was a budget proposal. Congress didn't accept that proposal, those teams didn't get gutted. 

There also was a reorganization that transferred their duties to another organization. Meaning, they, or their jobs, were moved, not eliminated. Additionally, Doctor Fauci is the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. 

He has been in that office since 1984. Meaning, he has addressed infectious disease issues since AIDS was the big story among infectious diseases. 

Tonya Zylka: Now 3 million americans have been infected including [redacted] (awaiting [redacted] results). 

I'm sorry, but the existence of the pandemic team alone isn't going to impact whether someone comes down with the virus or not. The pandemic team didn't exist during the Spanish Flu, or during any of the previous pandemics that occurred before that time. 

Movement of people, their habits, etc., is going to impact that. 

Tonya Zylka: I am an essential worker and have followed Fauci's instructions and now because I am forced to go into work because I answer for a COVID hotline and put doctors together 

Following instructions improves your odds, it doesn't make you 100% secure. This is like the military. We could run battle drills until we're doing them in our dreams. That's not going to make us exempt from getting shot or blown up. It improves our survivability odds. 

Tonya Zylka: who are fighting his "HOAX" I may be infected.

President Trump didn't identify the pandemic as a hoax. What he identified as a hoax was what the Democrats were trying to make of this. Don't believe me? Even Snopes disagrees with the claims that President Trump identified the pandemic itself as a "hoax". 

Do you see why I'm rebutting you now? I'm rebutting you with the facts. 

Tonya Zylka: Yet I still only make my hourly wage..No bonus, No extra pay and I lose out on my pay 

We had been gone for nearly 24 hours on a mission. It so happened that on our way to COB Speicher, I had to take a piss. Bad. It was one of those clear pisses, judging by how my bladder was about to explode. 

Then the convoy stopped. Word got passed via radio to the MRAP crew. Then they passed it to us. 

Improvised Explosive Device ahead. We had to wait for EOD to come in to diffuse. Convoy stopped. I had to piss like a motherf*r. But couldn't do anything about it. Nothing to piss in, not even an empty Rip It can or Gatorade bottle. 

But, IED. Many IED's happened to be laced with WMD, which was not supposed to exist. Sarin, mustard, blister agents... Chemical agents... WMD... They could do a serious number on the body. Outside and inside. 

It could've been worse. The gunners could've failed to spot it. The IED could've been a lot more powerful and could have blown up. My seat was on the side that would've gotten blown up had my vehicle been the target. These MRAPS had good survivability. But they were not invincible. The terrorists were looking for ways to defeat every armor/steel that we had. 

I could either be frustrated with a full bladder... Or I could've gone home in a wooden flag-draped coffin. Without me bridging the communication gap between my late wife and her doctors, she could've passed sooner than she actually did. 

For some odd reason, I dealt with the bladder issue and managed not to piss all over myself. 

This came and went... But not my service-connected disability. This kind of disability gets worse. Unlike that mission, or someone's being diagnosed with the coronavirus, this is permanent. It gets gradually worse. I see a lot of pain in the future... For the rest of my life. 

This will not stop me from looking at the facts or overruling emotion and opinion with the facts. It will not stop me from, as God requires, from doing a diligent search of the facts before rendering judgment.

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