Friday, May 22, 2020

Debunking Randy Shipley's anti-Trump Argument of August 2019 Part 1

Randy Shipley: Joe Jagunich So if a priest is a sexual predator, it is ok to support him and his office at church every Sunday? 

First, you provided a couple of fallacies: the strawman and the red herring. In your scenario, the priest is a sexual predator. However, what people accuse President Trump of doing, or of being, is false. I've yet to see the left prove their arguments with fact, reason, and logic. They've advanced nothing but emotion-based opinion. They also have done nothing but linked to extremely biased information sources.

So, there's a clear difference between a sexual predator priest (guilty per your scenario) from what President Trump is erroneously accused of.

Second, "the office of the priest" is not exactly the same concept as "the Office of the President". Where we have the "office" that matches the priest's duties, there's also the "liturgical office" consisting of a set of prayers, readings, and specific practices.

The "liturgical office" is always respected, regardless of what the priest does. That's separate from the priest. Of course, I wouldn't attend mass at a specific church if I knew that the priest conducting it was a sexual predator. I'd attend another church/cathedral.

Randy Shipley: And if Trump asked you to jump off a cliff you would because he is President?

Again, this is an inductive fallacy. You're making the assumption that your argument is "correct" and that whatever President Trump is, in your mind, is "reality". This further implies that those supporting him are doing it for "blind" purposes, or out of "lack of knowledge", rather than from Trump supporters coming to their own conclusions. Your assumption is false.

Joe Jagunich: Randy Shipley Hi, Randy. Good to hear from you after so many years! No to both questions. If a Priest is accused of being a predator, he is removed. I'd like to see the same thing happen to Trump.

Based on what? Your side of the argument has colossally failed to prove its anti-Trump arguments to be "true". The cold hard reality is that President Trump is not guilty of what you guys claim him to be guilty of. So, President Trump is perfectly fine where he is. Hopefully, he gets a second term and serves until January 2025.

Randy Shipley: Joe Jagunich good to hear from you as well! I have zero respect for Trump as a person or a leader 

Considering that your side of the argument has failed to prove your anti-Trump comments with a fact-based, reasoned, logical argument, this speaks volumes about you. President Trump has done a lot to earn respect as both a person and as a leader. He is exactly what we need.

Anybody that claims that he doesn't deserve respect is doing it for two main reasons. They're doing it for emotional reasons or based on a lack of knowledge of what is going on. Their actions are not based on facts.

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