Saturday, May 16, 2020

Debunking Joe Jagunich's anti-Trump Argument of August 2019 Part 2

Joe Jagunich: [Name redacted] I support the Office of the Presidency. 

If you supported the Office of the Presidency, you would not be basing your argument, against President Trump, on what others have said about his statements. Instead, you would read the actual transcripts of the statement in order to get it in context. A person supporting the Office of the Presidency would make every effort to understand the intent of the president's statement, comments, etc. Your argument indicates that you did not do that.

Joe Jagunich: It is tragic that you have the same message as Trump. His message: 'Like what I am doing, and how I am behaving, or leave the Country. Support me (Trump) or leave. That is just not an American attitude!

No, what is tragic is that your statement is not consistent with what the president actually said. If you read his actual tweet or the actual transcripts of the speech, you would see his statement's full context. 

What President Trump actually said:

"They're very unhappy, I'm watching them and all they do is complain. So all I'm saying is if they want to leave they can leave John, they can leave! I mean I look at the one, I look at the one I look at Omar, I don't know her, I never met her, I hear the way she talks about Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda has killed many Americans. She said you could hold your chest out, you can, what I think of America... huuuh... When I think of Al Qaeda I could hold my chest out... When she talked about the World Trade Center being knocked down, some people, do you remember..." -- President Trump

As you can see, there's an inconsistency between what you claimed he said, and what he actually said. If you read the actual transcript, or watch/listen to him make the speeches, you would notice that he is offering a conditional statement...

If you don't like it here, leave! By extension, if you like it, stay.

That's not him telling people to leave if they do not support him. That's nothing but pure propaganda that certain people fall for hook, line, and sinker.

People can't even use the tweets that he made. If you separate those tweets by sentences, you would get the context of what he was saying. He didn't tell them to "go back where you came from," He told them to go back to the "crime infested" places that they came from. "Crime infested" and "broken down" are descriptions that Conservatives use to describe Democrat districts that have voted Democrat for decades.

He was telling them to go back and fix their districts. He wasn't telling them to go back to "their" countries.

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