Friday, May 22, 2020

Debunking Randy Shipley's anti-Trump Argument of August 2019 Part 14

Randy Shipley: - like Trump was not mocking that reporter because Trump and his P.R. firm say he wasn't. 

I posted a video by someone who voted for Hillary Clinton, who believed that President Trump mocked a reporter. He also saw Donald Trump as a bigot/racist. Then someone showed him a video of President Trump doing his motions... when talking about someone else.

If you watched the video, you'd see a comparison. Trump did the same thing when talking about this reporter as he did when talking about others. The demeanor was the same. Seen in context, he was mocking someone for not doing something that he could've and should've done, but didn't.

For example

"They asked Jimmy why he didn't go outside... [shakes forearms around]... It's too cold outside..."

I'm a Disabled American Veteran, and I've seen the video where he allegedly did that. I didn't just see it in the link that I provided. I also saw a video of the disabled reporter, who didn't look like he was shaking. You wouldn't even suspect that he was disabled from watching that one segment.

Hence, neither fact, logic, nor common sense supports the assumption that the President mocked the reporter. He didn't. He didn't make fun of someone's disability, because the facts indicate that he didn't.

Randy Shipley: All done replying or reading Just blocked your garbage, your rhetoric and your blind faith in the orange buffoon.

That's not the real reason why you blocked me. You did so because you "lost control" in the debate. By "lost control", you saw, deep down, that I thoroughly destroyed your argument. You couldn't even mount an effective defense... You chose to "shoot and retreat". You even hid behind a website... Using its links as your rebuttal.

That didn't stop me from debunking your argument again, including the one advanced by that "fact" check site. It wasn't until I kept pressing you to answer simple yes/no questions that you decided to block me.

The reality is that my constantly remaining on your six, no matter what you did to try to shake me away from your argument, is also what drove you to block me. You had no real argument. You tried to substitute for that by attempting to "get the last shot". Not succeeding in that, you "regained control" by putting me on block.

Again, you dodged simple, straightforward questions. These are questions you knew destroyed your argument in entirety. Why the action?

#QuestionDodgRandy in order to #StinkSpewShipley

The fact that both Joe Jagunich and you blocked me speaks volumes to the fact that I destroyed both of you in debate... And you guys know it. Blocking me after replying to me demonstrates your control issues.

You could've had the character and integrity to bow out gracefully. That would've ended the debate. But, you wanted the debate to conclude more palatable to your excessive pride and feelings. You wanted the debate to end on your terms despite not being in a position to dictate any terms. For that, I've posted my rebuttal here... In a way that gives you internet search fame.

Again, you action tells me that you know that you can't take me on in debate. If you had the facts, reason, logic, common sense, etc., on your side, you wouldn't need to put me on block. You'd be able to stand your ground. You didn't because you didn't have a valid argument.

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