Saturday, May 16, 2020

Debunking Joe Jagunich's anti-Trump Argument of August 2019 Part 1

Joe Jagunich: John, Rep. Stauber is afraid of Trump. 

No, he's doing the equivalent to "negotiating through office politics" while doing the job he was elected to do. Additionally, President Trump represents the conservative base. Any Republican that goes against President Trump's initiatives will anger the conservative base. This is a legitimate concern for any House or Senate Republican.

Joe Jagunich: Trump came to Duluth to support Rep Stauber's election campaign.....

This is the only thing that you said that's correct.

Joe Jagunich: so Rep Stauber is afraid that Trump will destroy him if he doesn't follow the Trump Party line. 

This falsehood is based on three erroneous assumptions.

The first assumption is that the Congressman is only doing what he's doing in order to stay in President Trump's good graces. The second assumption assumes that he doesn't do any thinking of his own. The third assumption ignores the excitement, among the conservative base, who voted for Congressman Stauber.

Understand that this was the election that was supposed to give us a "blue wipeout" at all levels, including Congress. Many were expecting the Democrats to take the Senate, not just the House. So, it speaks volumes when a Republican wins a congressional race. 

As I mentioned above, the conservative base is excited about President Trump and is supportive of his policies. President Trump represents the conservative base. Turning against President Trump means turning against the conservative base.

This is a point that your side of the argument continues to be blind to.

Joe Jagunich: Pretty sad that our Representative is supporting a most-terrible, narcissistic excuse of a man! 

Sorry, but the terrible narcissist left the White House back in January 2017; replaced by someone who isn't a narcissist. President Trump is essentially doing this job "nearly for free". He's working long hours, etc., to fix the mess that he inherited from Obama. Not exactly what one would expect a narcissist to do. President Trump is clearly doing work to improve our situation, then turns around to donate his federal paycheck to one cause after another intending to help others out.

President Trump isn't a terrible president, he's a great president. He will go down in history as one of the greatest presidents we've had.

Joe Jagunich: Keep the pressure on John. 

What pressure? President Trump is facing hurricane-force headwinds from the leftist elites, from the movers and shakers in D.C. as well as from the establishment. That doesn't stop him from doing the great work that he's doing.

Joe Jagunich: Trump has gone after your religion, and labeled you as a person that 'doesn't understand' and 'is not loyal'. I am with you, John!

What President Trump actually said:

"I think any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat, I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty," - President Trump

This is not an attack. He lists two reasons why Jewish people would vote Democrat. One of those reasons is "total lack of knowledge" and the other is "great disloyalty". Two possibilities.

This is a dead accurate statement. The Democratic Party is no friend to Israel. There are people that insist that "Israel" and "Jews" are separable and that opposition to Israel's policies is "not" opposition to Jews.

This clearly indicates a total lack of knowledge of what is happening in that area.

On a strategic level, Israel's enemies and adversaries want Israel gone. They want to replace Israel with an Islamic Palestine. They consider Israel and Jews as synonymous. They see Israel as an "unjustified Jewish occupation of Arab lands".

The radical elements among the Palestinians do not intend to live peacefully side by side with Israel. They consider the idea, of not having all of Israel as Palestine, as a total insult. The areas the Palestinians currently have is an insult to them and falls short of their main objective.

Their Israel related policies are intended to end Israel's existence. Israel is in a state of war. Large segments of the Israeli population are either on active duty with the military or are in a reserve status. They have to stay vigilant at a security level, and they had to fight back against the Pro Palestine anti-Israel United Nations resolutions.

The removal of Israel, as a country, would not be an "end state" for the radicals. For them, it would just be the "beginning". Why? Their radical elements fully intend to eliminate Jews. They also intend to eliminate Christians.

So, it doesn't matter that we have Democrats who want to separate "Jews" from "Israel". The radical elements waging a war against the West and against Israel do not see such distinction. To the radical Islamists, "Israel" = "Jew". That's the reality that we have to deal with.

So yes, it is a factual statement that Jewish support for Democrats is done through a lack of knowledge of what is really going on.

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