Saturday, May 16, 2020

Debunking Joe Jagunich's anti-Trump Argument of August 2019 Part 4

Joe Jagunich: [Name redacted] I am baffled at your statements. You articulate very well, but let's just say that I do not share your admiration for President Trump. 

I knew before I replied to you, that we would disagree with each other regarding President Trump. One reason for your being baffled is that your information sources have told you one thing about President Trump, and that has influenced your views about him.

You're not the only one that's baffled at my statements. This is a common reaction by others who don't think that the mainstream media has abdicated their journalistic responsibilities.

Joe Jagunich: He is NOT a good man. 

Your opinion isn't supported by what I've observed in him. If he weren't a good man, he wouldn't be donating his presidential salary. He has done other things that prove your statement wrong.

Joe Jagunich: He is a liar, a cheater, a racist, a narcissist, and has NO redeeming qualities.

I've lost count of how many times people claimed that President Trump "lied", just to find out that he was providing the facts. Likewise, women have come forward trying to claim that President Trump was a cheater, yet they haven't proven their claims.

A racist? President Trump hired people from all demographics. If he were a racist, he'd only hire white people. His actions around people from different demographics don't indicate someone that's a racist.

A narcissist? Are you talking about President Obama? The last president was a narcissist. It was about him big time. The current president is giving people a taste of their own medicine, that doesn't make him a narcissist. Likewise, the claims about his statements regarding "loyalty" and "getting out" are false claims. Hence, arguments about his being a narcissist fall flat on their faces.

He has plenty of redeeming qualities.

Joe Jagunich: That's why only despots and dictators support him. 

Actually, multiple world leaders support him. Other countries' leaderships are glad that someone is finally showing leadership. Yes, the U.S. economy was a topic point at the summit, and world leaders over there were supportive of his efforts with regards to the U.S. economy. They are going to have their differences on an international scale, but they have a lot of similarities and interests, which don't make it as much in the news.

Joe Jagunich: Most Democratic government world leaders have a very low opinion of Trump. 

That's one of the prices that you have to pay when you're in a leadership position. You're going to make decisions that many others aren't going to be happy with. I experienced that while in leadership positions during my military career.

However, the claim that most democratic government leaders "have a low opinion" on him could only be based on media hype and not on reality. The body language of the other leaders, in the same area as President Trump during their interactions with him, does not indicate that they have a low opinion of him.

Joe Jagunich: He can't even read, and can't speak in complete sentences. 

I've watched him speak in complete sentences, and he is capable of reading. His ability to speak and read is one of the reasons why he is a billionaire president. Keep that in mind when you insult him from your home office.

Joe Jagunich: He will never be re-elected.....thank God.

They said he would not win the election back in 2015 and 2016. They said it as if it were an empirical fact. They said that when he went up against career politicians during the primaries. They said that when he went against someone who was "supposed to have her turn."

I stand by what I stated earlier. I've been a news junkie since 1982. The last time I've seen this kind of excitement from the Republican base was in 1983 and 1984. It's like déjà vu again, down to the audience chanting, "USA, USA, USA."

I predict that with all other things being equal, President Trump will win re-election.

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