Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Dennis (Denny) Howard Chevalier Ate a 7 Pound Block Cheese in One Night -- An Interview

Hans Fallada: Did he live up to the stereotype of "fat and lazy"? 

Dora Lee: He was so damn lazy he opened up a can leave it on the counter and couldn't walk 2 feet to put it in the trash. Seriously guys. I was spending $500.00 to 600.00 in groceries a week, and it was the 2 of us!!! I was never home to eat the shit. I bought a 7lb bag of cheese and grapes for my breakfast, which should have lasted me 2 weeks! I said, "Do not eat!" I get up the next morning, gone!! 7 pounds of fucking cheese! Who the fuck eats 7 pounds of cheese over night and doesn't remember?

Johannes Hans Fallada: Were you surprised by the news that Dennis Howard Chevalier never was in the Air Force, never flew C130s, never flew combat missions into Iraq during the Gulf War, and was never a USAF LTC? 

Dora Lee: I was mad when I discovered Dennis posting shit about me on the internet, that's how I found this site when I googled him. I got pissed off again when I found out his DD 214 was a fake.

Hans Fallada: Could you tell us about the end of your marriage to Dennis Howard Chevalier? 

Dora Lee: I lived with this douche bag for 2 years, he almost killed me. I escaped with my life... I made it out with my life! I saw the signs, but I was single for 10 years... didn't want to be alone anymore. I learned a lot about myself.

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