Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Retard Demand Studios Sucks Poster Urges a War Veteran to Commit Suicide...

Suicide among Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans is a serious issue. Suicide throughout the military ranks is also a serious issue. Both, the military leadership and the military's civilian support system, are drumming up efforts to reduce/eliminate it. Non veteran friends and family play an important "intervention" role to help eliminate this.

This person (if you could call him/her that), obviously has no respect for the troops.

I've got a "Hall of Shame," on an international website, that I'm looking to induct this person into.
"Get some help, 'Jerome' before you hurt somebody. However, if you wish to suck the end of a .45 while you massage the trigger, go right ahead. You know you've been thinking about it. Give in to temptation and let yourself go." -- Retard poster "Meh"

First, you don't know what my cognitive processes are. You're not qualified to make a guess as to what's going on in my mind or not. You don't have a leg to stand on when determining what I "know" or "don't know," what I intend to do, or what I don't intend to do.

Now to fact check the rest of your drivel.

Within a few weeks after my unit returned from Iraq, all Soldiers that deployed spoke with a psychiatrist. The verdict? I'm normal, don't have issues, and don't need any psychological/psychiatric evaluations.

So, who should we believe? Some retard that has never met me, that's not even a psychiatrist, or a certified psychiatrist that has met me and made a professional decision?

Again, you don't know what my cognitive processes are. You're just speaking out of your arse.

What I said earlier:

People who are used to others ceding the fight to them... will describe someone who'll keep fighting them... as someone with a psychiatric disorder. I've had PTSD, ADHD, ODD, etc., thrown at me by people who argued others to death.

They usually did this in a panicky, or frustrated, mode, when they couldn't get the last word with me.

"Literally." -- Retard poster "Meh"

Pull your head out of your arse. Literally. I hope your parents take your computer privileges away before you hurt yourself further. They certainly need to administer corporal punishment on you, as your attitude shows that you're an obvious "upbringing" failure.

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