Sunday, July 15, 2012

Retard Butt Munch Shows That my DMS Zombie Post Caused her some Butthurt

[quote]Originally posted by Jennifer
May 25, 2012 at 7:54 am * Reply[/quote]

Q: Do Demand Studios Sucks zombies KNOW they are zombies?

A Demand Studios Sucks zombie, upon seeing this post, will display his/her lack of knowledge... that he/she is a DSS zombie... by trying to associate some of these zombie criteria on those who debate them... or on those who continue to write for DMS. This is consistent with their "boo hoo hoo DMS owes me work" mentality.

Retard Butt Muncher: It's the same whack-job. 

The only whack-job in this conversation is you... and your multiple personalities arguing with each other on Demand Studios Sucks.

Retard Butt Muncher: The rhetoric is virtually identical everywhere this fucko goes. 

You need to tell that toy monkey "brain" of yours to quit smacking its cymbals together, so that you could focus on reality. All my Demand-Studios-Sucks-related comments go on this blog. I don't post DSS related comments on other blogs; I don't post on the comments section of Demand Studios Sucks; I don't go looking for opportunities to slam you guys elsewhere.

I post my comments against you here.

You need to look at this from a reality standpoint, and not from that of someone with their head shoved so far up their arse, they need a glass belly button to see.

If more than one person creates a blog criticizing DMS, if more than one person starts threads criticizing you guys, then maybe... just maybe... multiple people, independent of each other, are seeing the same thing in you.

More than one former Demand Studios Sucks poster has made similar observations of your playground games.

Wake up and quit acting like you're being martyred. Accept the fact that more than one person is seeing the same thing when watching your kindergarten, antisocial games.

Retard Butt Muncher: His obsession with licking balls is one obvious giveaway.

Are you suffering from both, Penis and Ball envy that when I shove my foot up your arse, you claim that I'm "licking" balls? Vice what I'm actually doing... kicking your arse?

Retard Butt Muncher: He was kicked out of DMS for incompetent writing -- which really takes some doing. 

First, I was drummed out for not towing their line... for refusing to shut up and to march to their cadence... I did things like slam incompetent CE face into the dirt when said CE didn't have a clue about the article topic.

Like this one retard, for example, who wanted me to slide a nation-specific step into an international car shipment article... a law that was bound to change... an information piece that didn't need to be added... on an article I wrote based on first hand experience moving and tracking logistics across international boundaries...

I did this numerous times when I knew that the CE didn't have working knowledge on an article I generated based on my working knowledge.

I also didn't take it well when they shoved professionalism aside and treated me like an indentured servant. I set them straight in the process.

They definitely didn't appreciate my suggestion to remove the CE's veil of anonymity so that a re-write request came from someone a writer could identify and interact with. Heaven forbid that a CE would have to restrain himself/herself from acting like a retard... and to act like a human being and professional instead.

The straw that broke the camel's back with me? ...I started to make comments on their Ehow articles, exposing their factual inaccuracies.

Shortly after I made those comments, on their Ehow articles, I got my, "Your style of writing no longer serves our purposes good luck with your endeavors," note. This was after I failed to provide them with articles for two years.

Content Editors do compare notes on "problem writers" and, if they don't feel that a writer is doing a good job kissing their butt, they "cook the books" with regards to that writer. In other words, most of the CE community would have it in for a non butt kissing writer.

Their judgment of a writer's abilities, or value, for Demand Media Studios, is a farce.

It speaks volumes when my other clients, before, during and after my DMS stint, praise my work and value in contrast to what you farted out about my performance.

Unlike you retards, I tried to work with the Demand Media Studios staff while I still had writing permissions. As writers, you should always work your issues with your client. Going behind their backs, or on another forum, to complain about them, while continuing to receive their paycheck, goes against professional ethics.

You retards continued to bite the hand that fed you... you people tried to have it both ways.

Here's reality. The fact that someone wrote for Demand Media Studios won't prevent them from getting future clients. It hasn't held me back from gaining new clients. If potential clients get wind that you tend to badmouth clients while you still have a writing relationship with them, the decision to retain your services will be a harder one for them.

Second, who should we believe about my writing... your assumptions about my writing... or reputable companies that are still accomplishing their mission goals? There's a sharp contrast between your opinions about my writing and about me, and what respectable marketers, publishers, editors, and other clients have said about my writing and about me.

Retard Butt Muncher: He's been on a bender ever since, foaming at the mouth about anything and everything related to dms, critics of dms, critics of dms critics -- actually, 

Correction, I've gone on and accomplished what I intended to accomplish. I'm also accomplishing what I intend to keep doing. It's like I said before. These blog post responses to your drivel are highly dependent on what you say. Other than the very first post I made on Demand Studios Sucks, my DSS related posts are reactive. They depend on what you guys say.

Anybody with common sense would look at my blog posts, and know that I'm not on here constantly. That's a sharp contrast to what your other personalities and you are doing... constantly foaming at the mouth as a result of my stomping your head into your own filth.

Retard Butt Muncher: who the hell knows what's on his mind?

If you people would just remember that before puling things out of your arses about me, you people won't get your heads stomped into the ground as much.

Retard Butt Muncher: He's military. If his C.O. found out about him, they would put him in the psych ward double-quick.

Actually, if my CO found out that I was smashing you people's heads into your own filth, he'd also find out that I take sadistic pleasure in doing so. This means that troop moral with me is high. A happy Soldier is a productive Soldier. Commanding Officers and their First Sergeants are all about troop moral being high.

If you had any military experience, you'd know that my CO and 1SG wouldn't care about my stumping you nut-sacks heads into the ground.

Retard Butt Muncher: Mostly though, he's just an amusing idiot-troll.

There's more going on than your opinion about me being an "amusing idiot-troll." The fact that you're shifting to taking swipes at me, as your main blog comment participation, shows that I've gotten you good.

My posts struck you in the jugular. I highly doubt that I'm amusing you. I'm pissing you off real good. You're a control freak that can't handle it when someone refuses to be subdued to your controlling and bullying efforts.

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