Monday, February 13, 2012

The One-Man Demand Studios Sucks Self-Debate Team

This person is putting up a show. Using different usernames, this person is engaging in a series of arguments... with himself. This person adds new meaning to the statement, "Talking to oneself."

Why the trouble? One reason for the "one poster" show is to keep traffic flowing to Demand Studios Sucks.

Whoever this person is, they have a vested interest in keeping a steady flow of internet traffic to that website. Demand Studios Sucks gives this person some kind of legitimacy, something that he/she doesn't get in the real world. If DSS ends, so does his/her world... once that happens, it's back to the real world and irrelevance.

But, who could this person be? It could be one of the administrators, or one of the regular posters.

Through that entire charade, this person doesn't realize something. A writing pattern has started to creep up. I won't point it out here. That's up to the one man/woman debate team to figure out. The more this person maintains these one person self debate games, the more this person will reveal.

I have an idea of who's the most probable suspect.

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