Thursday, November 15, 2012

Logic Won't Work on a Zombie That's Skipping its Meds

[quote]Originally posted by Patrick
Before I post these blurbs that some kind enough DSS writers were helpful enough to send in, let me just address the lame ass commenter guy.
Look dude -you're a young man. You're smart enough to know how to change your IP address so you can keep commenting after we ban you. You have a promising career in the military.
You've got a lot of positive things going for you.
So, why in the hell do you spend your time, not only leaving comments on a blog that -- according to you, nobody cares about -- and, beyond that, but comments that you have to route through another IP?
You're REALLY going out of your way to leave a comment that might be up for an hour or two before Richard or I or Eve ban it.
Who's the REAL loser here?
Go outside. Run in the grass barefoot. Eat a peach. Kiss a girl/guy -- whatever floats your boat.
In short, have a life.[/quote]

This appeal would work with a person that's capable of intelligent thought and discourse. But, you see, you're not dealing with one of those kinds of people. In fact, you're not dealing with a rational human being at all. You're dealing with a zombie that keeps skipping on its psychotropic meds.

I don't know if he's/she's smart enough to change his/her IP, but I do know that this turd is "smart" enough to slide his meds between his/her tongue and cheek, in a way that'll fool the staff into thinking that this person took the medication.

Maybe someone in the group home staff knows about "changing IPs." Perhaps if he cooperates and takes his psychotropic medications, this staff member would teach him how to "change IPs." Until then, this staff member probably enjoys convincing this turd that the former has magic, and could shift the later's current IP to something else.

Promising career in the military? I doubt it. The fact that he has to take his psychotropic medications is a disqualifier. This troll wouldn't even make it through MEPS. If he/she needs to be led by the thumbs on how to complete paperwork, to include explanations to words exceeding four letters, there's no way this turd would make it in the military... let alone, to the military.

He can't abide by your requests, what makes people think he'll follow orders at MEPS?

As for positive things about this turd? Well, his/her games, on the blog comments section, are a source of laughter. If he/she could convince plenty of people that he/she is me, or other people, then there are bigger retards running around... people who should be in group homes, away from the computer, and not in their mother's basements.

As for his going out of his way to post something that'll end up being taken down. Remember, this clown is on medications. That must be the meds pushing him to put plenty of effort on a post that's going to be deleted anyway. Maybe that's a good sign. Perhaps the group home staff is letting this turd on the computer to see if he has been taking his meds or not.

If this clown makes idiotic posts on Demand Studios Sucks, or anywhere else, they could easily guess that he's cheeking his meds.

I wouldn't tell him to go outside and play though. These folks have to be supervised. This guy just might run, face smack, onto oncoming traffic if he's sent outside without adult supervision.

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