Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Chris Kimball Gets Biblical Concepts Wrong - Part I

Chris Kimball: Jeffrey Line They love their ANTI Christ. You ain't gonna change their TUNNEL vision.

The "Anti-Christ", as defined in the letters of the Apostles that follow the Book of Acts, is someone who doesn't believe in Jesus Christ. "Belief", based on the context of a reading of the entire Bible, means "doing" in addition to "knowing". Ergo, you believe in Jesus Christ by walking the walk with regards to his gospels. By logical extension, not walking the walk with regards to the gospels is equivalent to not believing in Jesus.

Jeffrey Line bore false witness by claiming that the President declared himself "God". Your posts, regarding President Trump, also bears false witness against the President. It also bears false witness against those of us who support President Trump as it suggests "cult of personality".

It erroneously shows us as "blindly following". It ignores reality...  We support him because we agree with most of his policies. Your assumptions also imply that we're driven by emotion with regards to information. That assumption blinds the left to the fact that we'll support what's grounded by fact and reject what we could prove wrong.

These opinions against us violate the commandment against bearing false witness. Additionally, the false image that you guys push, of the president and of us by extension, represents "theft".

Those who don't know us, hearing your description of us, will have a false image of who we really are. This effectively steals who we actually are in your audience's minds. This violates the commandment against theft.

Now, our parents raised us to not say things about others, bad things, that are not true. Both you guys did that, which is a violation of the commandment regarding honoring parents.

A violation of any of the commandments is a violation of the first commandment.

You guys were driven by a combination of emotions to say what you guys said against the President. During ancient times, a deity represented each of our emotions. By acting according to these emotions, people "did the bidding" of these emotions.

A reading of the Bible shows that "worship" means "doing the bidding of". By following these emotions, by saying false things about the President, and by broadcasting false assumptions about us, you guys "did the bidding" of these emotions..." In effect "having strange gods before God". 

By going against these commandments, you guys went against Jesus's instruction to "Love God with your heart, mind, and soul", as well as loving your neighbor. You love God by abiding with the first through fourth commandments. You love your neighbor by abiding with the fifth through tenth commandments.

Hence, you went against Jesus's teachings... effectively turning yourself into the antichrist. By doing the bidding of your emotions, you guys did what you guys wanted to do, effectively declaring yourselves "gods" in God's presence.

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