Saturday, November 04, 2023

Mark Hutchins would rather believe an internet stranger than an actual veteran


Mark Hutchins: Thank you for your service, what I find I have reviewed by retired recently naval intelligence officer who has had privy to what is generally not out for all

A recently retired naval intelligence officer is no longer going to be privy to sensitive, classified information that the rest of us would not be privy to. Access to classified material is on a need-to-know basis only. Whatever information he obtained that he was privy to, based on his need to know, you and others were not privy to based on a lack of clearance and on a lack of need to know.

Meaning, if this "recently retired naval intelligence officer" is divulging information that nobody else is privy to, due to a lack of classification and to a lack of a need to know, then that "recently retired naval intelligence officer" is violating classified material information handling procedures.

However, given the inconsistency between the video you referenced, and what I have seen for a fact is reality when it comes to the war in Ukraine, I highly doubt that the individual is who you claim he is, or who he wants you to think he is.

Unless that Naval officer is a SEAL, or someone who served on the front lines, you're going to get a desk jockey's interpretation of what is going on. We are talking about boots on the ground infantry maneuvers. I'm more qualified to talk about this than he is as we're dealing with infantry tactics. More than enough information has been uploaded to social media that the information that comes out on the news is old, stale, and sometimes misses the mark.

Mark Hutchins: Remember all signed the Minsk agreement except Ukraine, that's why we are here today, 

We are here today not because of the actions of the Ukrainians, but because of what the Russians did. The Russians sent their own military, under the auspices of being civilians, into the Donetsk and Luhansk areas, and they fabricated a false breakaway movement. The Russians were butthurt over the fact that the Ukrainians wanted to couple with the west rather than be influenced by the Russians. 

The Russians have an imperialistic mindset, and many of their oligarchs have not only consolidated the wealth in Russia, but they are also attempting to rob Ukraine of its wealth... The Russian occupied areas are industrial rich areas.

Mark Hutchins: there's alot that goes deeper

Yes, there is a lot that goes deeper, and unfortunately for both you, and for the "recently retired naval intelligence officer" have no access to "the deeper" aspect of this. What that individual did was cherry pick information, and then created a narrative based on that cherry picked information. He shows images from Ukraine where there are no signs of battle damage, and then follows that up with images from Israel showing battle damage. He draws a conclusion from that.

That is not what one would call an intelligence briefing. That is propaganda. If you want to dig deep, you must go outside Western media sources and see what the actual Russians and Ukrainians are saying. The Russians themselves, who opposed this war, accurately detailed why the Russians invaded. It had nothing to do with NATO, and nothing to do with "NAZIs." It had everything to do with Russian oligarchs wanting to expand their cash inflows. 

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