Saturday, June 06, 2015

Glenn Beck is Wrong, We'd Still Have Those Problems without the Space Race

Glenn Beck: I remember back in the 1970s, we were going to the moon and liberals at that time would say, 'We have bigger problems here on earth that need to be taken care of.' How much more is that argument correctly applied to today's situation?

First, the liberals were wrong for saying that back then. A lot of the technological spinoffs that happened from the space race ended up benefiting our civilization. We take many of the spinoffs for granted. The liberals use some of those spinoffs to rant their ignorance and misguidance.

Perhaps the Europeans should've taken care of their problems in Europe before ever thinking about finding that western passage to the Asian Indies. The Europeans should've thought about eliminating hunger, poverty, and other problems before ever thinking about sending maritime explorations overseas.

These Europeans had "bigger" problems.

Heck, maybe all seafaring countries should have thought about that first. Where would we be today if they thought that way?

The reality is if we did not engage in maritime or space exploration, we'd still have the problems that liberals complain about.

Second, that has no application to the Iraq war or any other war that we fought in modern history. The liberals were wrong about the Iraq War when it occurred, they are wrong about it now. The liberals have been consistently wrong about geostrategic, geopolitical, and geo-economic issues throughout history.

The liberals were wrong when it came to space exploration. They're wrong when it comes to war. They have yet to prove otherwise.

Glenn Beck: Finally, there are some things we can agree on. Finally, there are some things we can come together on and clean up our own house.

Sorry, you do not speak for the rest of the Republicans or conservatives. You only speak for yourself. You, also ready to throw in the towel, have put yourself in a situation where you could finally agree with the liberals.

These liberals/progressives have all been about throwing in the towel when the going gets tough. They have been all about "giving up" or "surrendering" in order to "stop" the conflict. It's no surprise that when you got into that mindset, you came up with this screed that I'm addressing.

Glenn Beck: But if we do to the liberals what they did to us and George W. Bush and make it just about politics, we will be divided more. This cannot become about the President. It cannot become act the Democrats.

I'm sorry, but I refuse to do for them what they refused to do for us... Especially when they refuse to accept what the facts tell him.

We're dealing with a bunch of people who do not care about the facts. All these people want is for you to agree with them, regardless of how outlandish their story is. They will trash people who represent your vote. However, they will expect you to respect people that got their vote.

Even if we were to treat them the way we wanted them to treat us and those that we voted for, they will not reciprocate.

The liberals have made it just about politics. Their disagreement with the Iraq war, and their demands for us to pull back, was all about politics. 

Their disagreement with the Iraq war, and their predicting gloom, and they're getting it, is more about their hatred against George Bush than it was about knowledge or awareness.

The liberals/Democrats need to know what they're talking about. This is a prerequisite if they hope that those of us that embrace the facts could meet them halfway.

Glenn Beck: This has to become about the principles because in the principles we all agree.

I'm sorry, but the "principles" that you embrace are consistent with those that liberals embrace.

Those are the principles of surrender. Throughout your rant, you call us to do something. You think you're calling us to come together with the liberals. What you're actually doing is calling for us to surrender the fight to the enemy. 

Bringing our troops home, when the enemy still intends the fight, amounts to surrender. It's failure. These are not the principles that I agree with. "Giving up" when the going gets tough may be a "principal" that the liberals/progressives embrace.

It won't be one that I embrace.

Glenn Beck: Enough is enough. Bring them home, period.

When the enemy is willing to continue to fight, and has every intention to outlast our fight, it's never enough. No, we should not come home until our job is done. Or, rather, the military should not stop its operations until the enemy is truly defeated.

It doesn't matter if it takes another decade, another century, or another millennium. We have to sacrifice all if we have to, because the alternative is far worse than what we could imagine.

Having lived most your adult life in Western civilization, enjoying the best of what it offers relative to others, you don't see the gravity of what you are asking us to do.

Glenn Beck statements from; Enough is enough: Bring them home, period., June 17, 2014.

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