Sunday, December 28, 2014

Devan Robert Nelson, Clueless about the Vietnam War: U.S. Military won Every Major Battle in Vietnam

[quote]Devan Robert Nelson: You'll get what the US troops got in Vietnam...... A massacre.

Mac, "The Troops are Welfare Whores": Yeah, that didn't work in Vietnam, did it? ... wait...[/quote]

First, let's take a look at the statistics.

The US lost over 58,000 service-members as a result of the Vietnam War. The North Vietnamese? Together with the Vietcong, lost over 500,000 soldiers. This is just a low estimate of what the later lost.

How could that be them subjecting our forces to the slaughter?

Second, the US military won every major battle in Vietnam including the Tet Offensive. The United States military won the Vietnam War in Vietnam on Vietnamese soil. The United States military's involvement in Vietnam took place until 1973.

The peace treaty required the US military to pull out in 1973. This is well before the events associated with the Fall of Saigon.

This is the peace treaty that the North Vietnamese originally didn't want to negotiate. But, the U.S. military's firepower forced the North Vietnamese military and government to the bargaining table.

The United States military pulled out in 1973 not because of "defeat," but because they forced the North Vietnamese's hand in the battlefield.

It was up to the U.S. population and U.S. Congress to keep the South Vietnamese armed monetarily and materially. The will to do that wasn't there.

The antiwar people in the United States, and the Democrat-controlled Congress, shortchanged the South Vietnamese. The Democrat-controlled Congress defunded the Vietnam War. The result is that the Democratic Congress, and the antiwar crowd, won the Vietnam War for the North Vietnamese.

They did so on American soil.

The Vietnamese acknowledge that we militarily defeated them in the battlefield. The Vietnamese military held a strategy that involved "holding on" until the will of the American electorate wore down.

Keep in mind that we were fighting a standing army in addition to their militia. The United States military decimated the Vietnamese militia and guerrilla units' ability to fight us. By the end of our involvement, our main battles were taking place against a standing North Vietnamese Army with conventional military hardware.

This wasn't a case where we had a bunch civilians "defeating" a standing army. 

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