Sunday, March 04, 2012

Demand Studios Sucks' "Eves" Pulls Crap out of its Hind End

February 29, 2012 at 6:35 am * Reply 
No hiring power? Keep on deluding yourself. You'll be living on food stamps and ketchup packets when the military gives you the dishonorable boot.
The word is out: nobody in the publishing industry wants anyone associagted with that shit company. And that includes you, Adams. or Jeremy. or circus freak. The Besig. Whatever you decide to call yourself today. [/quote]

You people don't have hiring power unless you work in Human Resources, or something equivalent. Even if you knew the names of the people that wrote for Demand Media Studios... or write for free for Demand Studios Sucks... what are the chances that they'd all come to you, or one of your affiliates?

Dismount from your high horse.

Real marketers and publishers aren't going to waste a second of their lives listening to you people's drivel... unless you guys offer them services that they could use. They're simply too busy for that. Most publishers and marketers worth their salt would look at what you could do for them... rather than whether you wrote for Demand Media Studios.

Also, trolling message boards isn't a "must chapter out of the military" activity.

If you have a "black list" circulating, it's going to be as useless as your assumed importance.

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