Sunday, March 04, 2012

Demand Studios Sucks' BurnCEs Tries to Demonstrate his "Intelligence" and "Humor"

...quotations used strongly.

[quote]Originally posted by BurnCEs
Looks like Thebesig and his "popular" blog would welcome the attention, even from a wode-daubed homicidal Scotsman:[/quote]

For the moment, this blog's main purpose is to keep hammering at my Demand Studios Sucks detractors. You retards need to know that despite my being banned from Demand Studios Sucks, I'm still going to destroy your drivel. I'm not actively advertising this blog everywhere I post, or everywhere I communicate. I'm using it to get under your skins, just as I'm using it to fact check your retarded comments.

There's a purpose behind what I say, and you guys are reacting just as I anticipate. I get a kick out of you people's reactions.

Keep it up, I never get tired of firing back. Groundskeeper Willie may be forgiving of you retards' "Demand Media Studios" caused attitude problems, but I'm not. I'm going to keep holding you retards accountable for being, well, retarded.

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