Sunday, March 04, 2012

Demand Studios Sucks' "Eh" Must've Been Dropped on its Head When it was Born

February 29, 2012 at 4:43 pm * Reply
Making threats now, Jeremy? The military police might have to come by your apartment and straighten you out, slappy. You are unraveling rapidly.
What a worthless troll you;ve turned out to be. Not even good for the lulz.[/quote]

Actually, the only threat that I see here is to your one brain celled activity when you say, "I'm going to have a beer!" ...has something to do with killing brain cells... in your case, your one brain cell.

You don't have a clue about how the MPs/Post Police operate, don't you? They won't go outside the post, into the community, to smack people around. They have no jurisdiction over either civilians or military out in town.

You call in the police from the police precinct that covers the affected area.

They don't have "apartments" on post. They have family/post/base housing and the barracks. You're a failure even as a troll.

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