[quote]Originally posted by berg
You may not be aware, but I have a doctorate. Heheh, it still makes me laugh when I say that. AneHow, I don't write for Demand anymore, and I don't need your advice on becoming an envelope licker. So, please, next time you decide to quote me, try and find something more substantial that a two-line quip to latch onto.[/quote]
You do realize that you shot yourself... or rather, shot your doctorate claims... in the foot with that comment, do you?
Doctoral writing is jam packed with academic jargon, as well as with jargon associated with the academic discipline. It's written for an audience that predominantly holds doctoral degrees. It's also lengthy. You had to read one text after another with the same reading level.
My blog entry wasn't written anywhere near the doctoral level. It was written for someone that has at least a grade school level understanding of the English language.
So, having read doctoral level writing, there's no way that you would've missed the mark when it came to understanding what I wrote. Where, in the blog entry that you replied to, does it say anything about licking envelopes?
Perhaps you misinterpreted me when you said this:
"You have to know something about advertising; as in direct mail/direct response advertising." -- WC
Direct mail: Advertising that calls for a prospect to "respond" to the mailing package... as in place an order. That's not calling for the prospect to "lick an envelope," as your "doctorate" trained chrome dome had misinterpreted it.
What? That's not what you were referencing?
Then perhaps your "doctorate" trained mind, with its "doctorate" level reading "comprehension abilities," could quote the section in the blog post mentioning "envelope licking." I couldn't find it, and neither could the "Control F" function on my keyboard.
Also, anything you say to counter me is ripe for the picking and dismantling. Even "if" you're not writing for Demand Media Studios, you're still posting on Demand Studios Sucks.
"I'm fulfilled, I am doing what I love and teaching in a university. I'm not a writer and I never was. I used Demand to get me through a one year period where I was looking for a new university teaching position. So, don't you worry about me." -- berg
I'm sorry, but I don't see you as a college professor. Most don't waste their time consistently posting on message boards and blogs. Every single one that I've interacted with has been far too busy juggling real world commitments. The Ph.D. holders were involved with research, generating papers on their studies, and fighting for grant money... leaving teaching assistants to do their teaching.
Many of them couldn't even be bothered to personally help their students.
There were professors that weren't into doing researches and making names for themselves. Many of these professors were still busy juggling real world responsibilities. None of them had time to post on message boards or to respond to blog entries, like what you're doing here.
"Now, if you have something more interesting to pick apart" -- berg
Any post that constitutes a debate against me is a perfect candidate to pick apart.
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