Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Demand Studios Sucks Also Sucks, Ladidah's Real Beef With Me--I Refuse to Give Up.

[quote]From Ladidah's signature
"I've been arguing online since 2003! I am a warrior!"-- some fucktard in a forum[/quote]

What I actually said:

"I refuse to believe that human nature changes from one message board to another. I've been debating online, on and off, since 2003. Everybody that told me that 'nobody cares,' followed a course of action that contradicted their statement." -- thebesig

"Two, that you shouldn't sweat trivial things... like a poster, a veteran of the Cold War, Somalia, Former Yugoslavia and the Iraq War, wanting to exercise his freedom of speech using the text color of his choice..." -- thebesig

So, what can an indifferent person gather from the glaring differences between Ladidah's misquote and what I actually said?

1. That Ladidah is acting like a playground child that had lost an argument, and doesn't have anything better to say.

2. That Ladidah doesn't support a veteran's right to free speech.

3. That Ladidah doesn't support, or respect, the people in the military.

4. That Ladidah refuses to believe that former Demand Studios writers can do better than her.

5. That Ladidah is a low esteemed person who isn't satisfied with what she has accomplished in life. She can't accept the fact that other people are actually doing better than her. She'd rather engage in character assassination to bring people down to her level. This is like a "misery loves company" thing.

6. That Ladidah doesn't like people that'll have the audacity, and balls, to stand up for themselves. She prefers people that she could easily bully online.

Ladidah's using that in her signature speaks volumes about her real beef with me. Reminding the opposition that I've got a track record... and that I won't quit... wasn't what Ladidah wanted to hear. How dare I take the E-thugs' comments and throw them back in their faces?

Here's another thing that I noticed about argumentative women... many have faint hints of mustaches and wished that their breasts were bigger.

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